Does he have to ??


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
As all of you already know, Michael likes to wear some disguises. Sometimes I think its too extreme. I dunno,I mean he has gorgeus eyes,sweet smile,he is so handsome. Why he has to cover it up?

If its for the security reason,I think it will draw more ppl attention. What do you think?
Should he wear so many disguises?

Why he has to wear all that,when other celebrities aren't. He will be mock by ppl whether he is in disguise or not. right?
The surgical mask is OK but sometimes Michael is being covered too much. Like in the UFC,how can he enjoy the show if he covered like that. is it comfortable for him?i don't think so

Why he can't be like other celebrities...just go out wherever,whenever. sometimes,i feel so bad for Michael. I feel so sad that he can enjoy it
Re: Do he has to?

leave the man alone to do whatever the heck he wants to and dont fuc*ing judge

if he feels safer and more protected with the disguises then so be it
Re: Do he has to?

its cool that he goes out in disguises. Maybe he likes to be left in peace sometimes so he can enjoy hisself!!!
Re: Do he has to?

As all of you already know, Michael likes to wear some disguises. Sometimes I think its too extreme. I dunno,I mean he has gorgeus eyes,sweet smile,he is so handsome. Why he has to cover it up?

If its for the security reason,I think it will draw more ppl attention. What do you think?
Should he wear so many disguises?

Why he has to wear all that,when other celebrities aren't. He will be mock by ppl whether he is in disguise or not. right?
The surgical mask is OK but sometimes Michael is being covered too much. Like in the UFC,how can he enjoy the show if he covered like that. is it comfortable for him?i don't think so

Why he can't be like other celebrities...just go out wherever,whenever. sometimes,i feel so bad for Michael. I feel so sad that he can enjoy it
MJ is fine. he enjoys wearing silly clothes. That is why he is fun to be with cause he doesn't take things too seriously. I love his eccentric behaviour. He makes life more fun. MJ also doesn't want to be photographed cause they use his image to scrutinise him on tv. It is not fair. They made a whole documentary on his face. Now he will not allow them to take pictures of him unless he wants them to. I like him that way. :wub:
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Re: Do he has to?

imo he wears such outrageous disguises to get attention but because they cant see his face he gets his privacy at the same time and they cant make as much money from pics. mjs mjs hes always done it and always will. yeah sometimes its frustrating cause its just gives the media another stick to beat him with but its the way he is.
Re: Do he has to?

Michael needs his privacy, and since people aren't giving it to him otherwise, he has to take matters into his own hands. The diguises are for his benefit, not the fans. Give him a freakin' break.
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Re: Do he has to?

:agree:I think some people are overreacting! This fan has asked a question and shouldn't be attacked the way they have!
Re: Do he has to?

I do not believe he wears it for attention., He gets far more attention going out as himself. He gets less in disguise cause people don't go crazy when they see him. Either way he gets attention, so I don't think it is about getting attention. When in the last 40 years did MJ go out without getting attention?
Re: Do he has to?

michael is not like other celebs. so dont compare him with the others. he obviously wears the disguises so that he wont get recognized like in the UFC where nobody recognized him and some ppl that were told it was him didnt believe it in no way.
the disguises work for him and thats why he wears them. for privacy and protection and imo he has fun wearing them at the same time. its simply who he is. u either accept it or not.
Re: Do he has to?

MJ does that because he has too. I personally love it when he wear disguises. It is funny to me. MJ has his reasons and I think fans have to respect that. He should do what he feels is right.

Why he can't be like other celebrities

Because he either can't be or he doesn't want to be. Heck, Mike can't even go to the club without people wanting an autograph and his music being played in the clubs all of the time.
Re: Do he has to?

I think I saw someone hit the nail on the head ... if he is all covered up, his lovely **cough** friend the media, cannot bank on his image :yes:

Plus I bet he just likes to do it :lol:

and everyone, please don't jump all over eachother. It is not becoming on any of ya :chichi:
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Re: Do he has to?

Yeah, I think he has fun dressing up in these disguises.
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He wears disguises becuase he's Michael Jackson.

And he protects his sensitive skin from the sun. His skin has no pigment/melanin, people. Sun protection is vital.

And protection of his privacy is vital.

...Even though everyone knows it's him, usually lol.
Re: Do he has to?

True. I am so glad that the trial hasn't changed him. Be yourself Mike.:D:wub:

yup me too.. the trial made him an even stonger person, he will never change who he is. Michael is Michael and we :wub: him for that!:)
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lets not forget how many times he goes out shopping, to shows etc etc and he doesnt wear any disguises. that means that he doesnt mind to have his picture taken and to have ppl approaching him and trying to talk to him etc
when he goes out wearing disguises it CLEARLY means "LEAVE ME ALONE IM NOT HERE I DONT WANNA SEE OR TALK TO ANYBODY"

and btw the surgical mask he used to wear sometimes back in the day wasnt a disguise. it was for style like the fedora and the glove
MJ is fine. he enjoys wearing silly clothes. That is why he is fun to be with cause he doesn't take things too seriously. I love his eccentric behaviour. He makes life more fun. MJ also doesn't want to be photographed cause they use his image to scrutinise him on tv. It is not fair. They made a whole documentary on his face. Now he will not allow them to take pictures of him unless he wants them to. I like him that way. :wub:

I agree with everything you said! :yes:

And I was going to say something else, but someone already said it. :lol:
I'll say anyway...:tease:
Sometimes the disguise is to protect him from the sun. For example, the last sightind on the bookstore... He is dressed normally, apart from the veil conceiving his face. In my opinion that wasn't much of a disguise. It was to pretect his skin from the sun. So he's not always disguising for the sake of it.

Anyway, I like him the way he is... :wub:
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if u go out wearing some of the outfits that mj does and you dont want attention then well u must be crazy lol. getting attention as Mj and getting attention cause you are walking round in a bee keepers hat in aspen for example lol are two different things. one because its thee mj and another because ppl dont realise who u are and u get a kick out of that instead. as mj said in regards to wearing the face mask. "gotta razzle dazzle them" its a contridiction that you want to go unoticed as thats what disguises are supposed to be about yet wear such crazy things that you end up getting attention.not because you are mj but because ppl wonder WTH is that lol. so frm that i can only conclude that mj wants the attention and likes to see ppls reactions not reacting because its MJ but because hes wearing something so daft it makes ppl look at him
“I've seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living ordinary lives” -Tracy Champman

Ordinary people don't walk around with a man-burka, two pairs of glasses, and a hat on.

But, I get what you're trying to say.

If Michael feels like he has to cover up, then he has to cover up. No one here knows or understands what it is to be that famous, so there's no one here qualified to tell him he doesn't have to wear disguises.
Actually, I don't know why is this subject still a "hot topic" anyway...
Why does it bother people so much?
and btw the surgical mask he used to wear sometimes back in the day wasnt a disguise. it was for style like the fedora and the glove

Are you sure? To me it seems that it was to protect his skin as was mentioned earlier... he pretty much only wore it outdoors and during daytime... :mello:

And the glove was originally to cover up the marks of vitiligo on his left hand.
I have no idea why he does it, but I've always liked it about him. I like that he still does it after all this time. And he obviously gets something out of it. Maybe he laughs his ass off at the reactions he gets: "It's Michael Jackson!" 'Yeah like hell it is'
Are you sure? To me it seems that it was to protect his skin as was mentioned earlier... he pretty much only wore it outdoors and during daytime... :mello:

And the glove was originally to cover up the marks of vitiligo on his left hand.

yes im sure. but i guess it would work for sun protection as well during daytime
First and formost...No question is a stupid question...the only question that is stupid is the one you don't ask..!

If we think about it...there are truly logical answers to the questions we seek...

1.) It is a known fact other celebs do not have the Pandemonium that Mr.Jackson receives.

2.) Sun glasses are to elimate all the flash bulbs going off, it tends to blind/hurt the eyes, Mr. Jackson is only trying to protect his sight/eyes.

3.) Mr.Jackson comes in contact with so many people in public that it is very easy to catch a cold, get a sore throat, the flu, Therefore, when he is trying to execute/finish important projects that he is busy working on, it is pertinant/very important to protect his voice at all costs..! Even though people think its weird/strange...

3.) As far as the silly costumes...Are you absolutely sure that Mr.Jackson was the person in the silly costume (s) or was it to deter the media, paparazzi, public?

Therefore, for so long now society has had such a misconception about Mr.Jackson that they do not realize he is more normal than most have ever given him credit for...

Heal The World~~~Education Is The Key!
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