Does anyone else think that the funeral arrangement has been messed up..?

personally i just feel its another dumbing down of mikes legacy

I have to agree. The part I don't understand is the police telling people not to come?? WTF?? don't downplay the impact this man had on the world.
Don't tell his fans not to come then compare the size of the crowd to other famous people's passing. which they will do...........
I think whoever wants to go should just go. If they have to block some more streets so be it.
I have no problem with what the family is doing. I never thought that Katherine was gonna allow Michael's body to be trecked all over the place, from LA to Gary to the UK, just to please fans when she knew how private her son was. I really don't think that Michael would have wanted that. And I keep telling yall, he had two autopsies, for God's sake. I doubt if his body was in tip top shape the way Michael would want to be seen. I think this is the best thing....private funeral for the family, public memorial for fans. There was nothing else they could do. It is time for Michael to be buried. Especially since he probably will be exsumed in the future anyway to take him back to Neverland.
I don't think that is the point. I think Michael fans totally understand the privacy aspect of this, especially when it comes to his children, but if you are going to do a public memorial for the fans, then do it right. I think Michael would be upset to know there are fans who want to come and are being told to stay home. It's not right.

How are they doing their best for the public???

Perhaps someone can suggest to the family and public officials the one place that will accommodate everyone that wants to be there without totally shutting down the city and costs beyond belief.

I think that Michael loved his fans but I also think that sometimes people take that to mean that he would give them the world. Michael knew that there were limitations and boundaries on things. Remember that he agreed to play in an arena that had very limited seating in comparison to the demand for those wanting tickets to the concerts. And as caring and concerned for others, I think that he would also be aware of the strains that this will cause officials to ochestrate. I don't think that he was ever a person who didn't think about all sides.
I think some people are confusing things here:

Noone ever questioned either the pain of the family or their right to grief privately. It was THEM who first talked about letting the public in to pay their respects in the farewell ceremony. My understanding is that they were talking about the funeral, not any event that would follow in Michael's memory -a concert or whatever. So, it was their words that the final farewell would be somehow accessible to the public. Precisely, however, because I understand that the final moments are theirs and only theirs, I realize that the burial would have to be separate, and private. Noone ever questioned that.

All we said is why don't they try to combine these two as it happens when such great people are leaving -and I mentioned Diana. Where you had the religious service at the centre of London with thousands crowding across the streets, and the burial at her paternal estate and away from any journalist or public. That's what I had in mind.

As for the body, it was never a matter of 'excitement' for anyone if it was present at the service. It's just the norm that in farewell-services people say goodbye to the remains as well. It is a way of paying respects -at least in the Christian tradition, to which I belong.

I repeat, an arrangement like that which has ocurred in other cases of great people deceased I think would combine both the privacy needed by the family and the ability that outsiders ask to participate.

And I'm not faulting the family solely. They seemed undecided for days, but now it's also the fault of the police that is refusing to make it easier for us. this is unprecedented -the first time an authority comes out and tells people to mourn somebody "from their homes", essentially forbidding them to pay farewell publicly. If it is a matter of money, then the family should have contributed and made it easier.
Either way, I hope they all reconsider and it changes..

Actually the family did not make an official statement about plans until Friday. And if it took them days to decide and plan based on many factors that I'm sure we aren't even aware of all of them, then so what. They are doing their best to represent Michael, his legacy, and his image.

Nothing can be perfect about it because there is absolutely nothing perfect in the situation. This isn't a show for congratulations or criticism. It is simply a sharing and a time to reflect on the life of a man that touched us greatly. But, please remember that for all the extraordinary, over the top visuals and moments he gave to the public, he was a man who very humbly led his private life. That too needs to be respected and I think that is probably the most important to his family for that is where he touched them the greatest. Every time people have these thoughts, I think that they should remember Janet's powerful words that underscored that no matter how much we loved Michael there is still a difference in what they are feeling and what the rest of the world are.

So, while the public may be thinking of burying and memorializing an American icon who happens to be a brother, son, father, uncle--- they are thinking about burying and memorializing family, who happens to be an American icon.
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If they allowed fans to stand outside it would be difficult on the LAPD and all.

Can you just imagine how many people there would be?

There's no place that could hold all the fans. The Jackson family are griveing. They gave us thier son/brother/uncle/cousin/father. They don't have to give us this.
So, while the public may be thinking of burying and memorializing an American icon who happens to be a brother, son, father, uncle--- they are thinking about burying and memorializing family, who happens to be an American icon.

On point. Thank you. :clapping:

Actually the family did not make an official statement about plans until Friday. And if it took them days to decide and plan based on many factors that I'm sure we aren't even aware of all of them, then so what. They are doing their best to represent Michael, his legacy, and his image.

Nothing can be perfect about it because there is absolutely nothing perfect in the situation. This isn't a show for congratulations or criticism. It is simply a sharing and a time to reflect on the life of a man that touched us greatly. But, please remember that for all the extraordinary, over the top visuals and moments he gave to the public, he was a man who very humbly led his private life. That too needs to be respected and I think that is probably the most important to his family for that is where he touched them the greatest. Every time people have these thoughts, I think that they should remember Janet's powerful words that underscored that no matter how much we loved Michael there is still a difference in what they are feeling and what the rest of the world are.

So, while the public may be thinking of burying and memorializing an American icon who happens to be a brother, son, father, uncle--- they are thinking about burying and memorializing family, who happens to be an American icon.

Right, but I still think you are missing my point. I am totally fine with that, I understand that, but then don't do this thing in LA. Wait until they can plan something, maybe many memorials. Wait until after Michael has been layed to rest, after they have some time to heal, and think. If they decide to do it fine, if not that is also fine.

What I don't like is having a "public" memorial for the fans and then telling the fans to stay home.
The funeral is private and frankly, for once, it's the privacy that Michael has wanted all his life. We just have to respect that now.

....I surely respect that,to me its a' private thing also:yes:,perfectly understand the family and support them in that!:yes:
Poor people must be struggeling so bad right now...............
What I don't like is having a "public" memorial for the fans and then telling the fans to stay home.

Seriously! You're posts are annoying! It's public! Roughly 11.000 fans plus 8.000 friends and relatives of Michael and the Jacksons are allowed to come! They just can't accomodate everyone who wants to come!
Seriously! You're posts are annoying! It's public! Roughly 11.000 fans plus 8.000 friends and relatives of Michael and the Jacksons are allowed to come! They just can't accomodate everyone who wants to come!

Seriously, I could care less what you think...
I agree that the whole process has been frustrating, but I think it is just a result of trying to put something together so quickly. I mean think about it, Michael's passing was so sudden and shocking that it threw everyone the family, the fans, and the media into a frenzy. People may disagree with me, but Michael Jackson was possibly the most famous person on the planet. PERIOD. And to try and plan this and make it fair for everyone....I don't know how else they could have done it. I just pray that the memorial service is done tastefully and doesn't turn into a zoo via the likes of Al Sharpton and people who generally whip everyone into a frenzy. This is about Michael and should be positive.
They are blocking the area off anyhow, so why not allow fans in that area since its blocked off!!! I hope a million fans show up, he deserves that much love at his farewell memorial. Stuff the LAPD - its all about making their job easier and nothing else! They just don't wanna pay for it... well too friken bad!