Doctors speak out against the H1N1 Vaccine

I think I need to leave this thread, haha. If you want to beleive that some higher powers are controlling us with vaccines then please do, but I'd rather stay alive and see others being saved. Everytime that I come across a child who has gotten sick or died of a disease that could have been prevented by a vaccine, I'll try to remember how bad vaccines are for us.

That's where the illusion is. For some reason you think the idea of big corporate businesses thriving off greed that will lie to us...even if it means about our health...isn't possible. But if you open your eyes you will see this kind of thing is everywhere. If you'd rather stay alive, you'd do the proper research instead of going off what you've been told your whole life...which was from other people that only believed what they've been told their whole life...and so the vicious cycle continues. Nobody breaks out of the ignorance because they are controlled by the fear of dying...which was the business's plan in the first place. You're playing right into their hands that way.

And when you see a child that has gotten sick or died of a disease...what you don't know is that that disease was probably CAUSED by medical intervention...whether through medicine or yes, VACCINES. But I can't really tell you this of course, because you don't want to see it. It's too much of an awful truth for you to believe I guess. But nothing changes with that kind of thinking. There has to be people that are brave enough to look further and see the truth...then make the change. That is what these anti vaccine Doctors have done...and that is what I'm doing. I am not driven by fear, and I won't accept grazing with the sheep...because the sheep are dying. Why don't people question why that is? It's not because they haven't been's because they's because the medical industry is a greedy, lying machine that runs off money. If you don't want to believe this stuff, you don't have can leave the thread and go on living the way you always have and never changing anything. It's your choice, it's your life. I am only putting the information out there for people to grab should they want to...because it's unfair for people to only hear "one side of the story", never knowing what they are really up against. To be a little cheesy but serious at the same time... "the truth is out there..."
I'm a nurse, and the H1N1 vaccine does not contain a live virus, and neither does the seasonal flu...A lot of people state that the get the flu from the vaccine, which is not true...You can get FLU-LIKE symptoms which is a result of the antibodies being formed in your body after receiving the vaccine...The side effects that are most commonly found are headache, tiredness, sore arm....All other side effects are less common, but can happen, such as fever, diarrhea, vomitting etc....

Some fears from the vaccine are from thimerosal, which is a derivative from mercury that is used as a preservative in the multidose vials used for the flu vaccine. This derivative contains very little mercury that cannot harm human bodies..There is more mercury found in tuna!

I respect people's opinions on the use of vaccines...To me, it is a way to protect those that are at high-risk to develop complications from the flu...Young children, pregnant women, and those with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart diseases, or lung diseases. With H1N1, those that are over the age of 65 don't seem to be affected by h1n1 as much because that age group was exposed to a similar strain of the virus back in the '70's, I believe. For those younger than 65, we have not been exposed to the strain, so therefore, it is recommended to protect yourself from the virus. Although a lot of people can get h1n1 and not experience complications, there is danger that those at high-risk for developing severe complications from the flu can, indeed, die from the virus. So, as I said before, I completely respect those who want to let their immune system ride out the disease on its own..I am all for natural interventions, but to me, it's about protecting those around us who can get very sick...
Now that i am old enough to understand what a vaccination is and what is inside of it I will never take one again, what kind of "cure" puts the sickness in you? albeit its dormant, its still in you. if doctors and the media were more straight forward about these types of things then I believe many people would feel safer towards vaccines. Yes this is an ignorant way of thinking but sometimes ignorant is safe also just like to say that ive never been badly affected by any vaccinations that i may have recieved, well as for as i kno lol
Now that i am old enough to understand what a vaccination is and what is inside of it I will never take one again, what kind of "cure" puts the sickness in you? albeit its dormant, its still in you. if doctors and the media were more straight forward about these types of things then I believe many people would feel safer towards vaccines. Yes this is an ignorant way of thinking but sometimes ignorant is safe also just like to say that ive never been badly affected by any vaccinations that i may have recieved, well as for as i kno lol

I'm not trying to be rude, but do you REALLY understand what a vaccine does? You say that the sickness is put inside of you...Yes, you know that it's not a live virus, but having a killed portion of the virus is how a vaccine works, so that your immune system can be kicked into high-gear and produce antibodies so that you DON'T get the virus...
I'm not trying to be rude, but do you REALLY understand what a vaccine does? You say that the sickness is put inside of you...Yes, you know that it's not a live virus, but having a killed portion of the virus is how a vaccine works, so that your immune system can be kicked into high-gear and produce antibodies so that you DON'T get the virus...

yes i actually do know this, which is why i wrote IGNORANT, my post must have been confusing as i was writing from the point of view of someone who would have a problem with vaccines..i personally have no problem with them, so far ive been fine lol
yes i actually do know this, which is why i wrote IGNORANT, my post must have been confusing as i was writing from the point of view of someone who would have a problem with vaccines..i personally have no problem with them, so far ive been fine lol

I didn't want to sound like I was being rude..I just wanted to clarify exactly if you knew what a vaccine indeed does...It's all good...:) I say it with love...L.O.V.E hehehe
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I didn't want to sound like I was being rude..I just wanted to clarify exactly if you knew what a vaccine indeed does...It's all good...:) I say it with love...L.O.V.E hehehe

ahhh dont worry about it (in a brooklyn accent) lol
Not only this vaccine, but all vaccines in general are BAD news,
I don't believe that all vaccines are bad. Vaccines have helped human kind to beat many diseases that used to be leathal.

But this H1N1 has not been researched enough. Time will tell how it will work.
My mom had it this week because she's in a risk group (she's had several lung illnesses this year and cancer). She didn't get sick at all. I'm not sure if I'll take it .. I don't have a job so I'm not exposed to many viruses / bacteria now.

And putting live viruses in a vaccine? There's something really wrong with that. The swine flu is not going to kill you.
Well that's the general idea of vaccines, you put the live (weakend) virus in the vaccine and the body will know how to fight it, if it hits for real.
And it's a small chance that any of these big flus are gonna kill anyone but it is possible.
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I got the vaccine from the nasal spray on Monday. So good. I actually didn't want to get it in the first place, but the doctor kept "strongly suggesting" it and my mom made me. >:[
But I didn't get sick or anything. I felt alright afterward.
I've already been vaccinated against the swine flu. A quick jab and it's over, no side effects at all. I know the swine flu won't kill me, but if I can avoid a few days of being sick and miserable then whatever, I'll do it :lol: Plus it was freeeee..