Doctors speak out against the H1N1 Vaccine


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
In a cup, in a ride.
A MUST see:

Not only this vaccine, but all vaccines in general are BAD news, despite what most Doctors say. Just as the public is lied to constantly by the media, were sadly also lied to by Doctors. It's SO good to see some of them act in good step up and speak out about the dangers here.
I still don't know should I take the vaccine or not :no:
^I wouldn't...based on everything I know about vaccines. It's ultimately a personal decision, but should be made after proper research. Doctors and the government are good at making people do things by instilling fear on whatever the subject is. They want you to think that without vaccines you could get sick and die, when the truth is you have a better chance at getting sick by taking the vaccines!
I'm so confused.. everybody is telling me to take the vaccine but there's also many side effects if I take it... I don't know!
And I think that, at least here in Finland, the vaccines came way too late because the virus is already going and 2 people are dead (not very much, I know) and now they're only giving the vaccine to those at the biggest risk, my time would come in 2 weeks and it could take 3 weeks the vaccine to start working and that's just too late imo. I almost wish I would get the virus NOW so I wouldn't need to think whether to take it or not...

I just want to stay alive, lol.
Well yeah, everyone will tell you to take vaccines because everyone believes the Doctors that tell us it's necessary. :p You know thousands more people die each year from the regular seasonal flu than the swine flu though. Like this video said, just eat healthy...take your vitamin C...and don't worry about it! That's what I'm doing anyway. But again it's your own choice...:) Either way, don't worry about it. You bring about what you think about.
I have a doctor's appointment in a few days and I'm still unsure whether I want to get this or not...

I know people who have and others who say not to get it. I heard that when you get the shot, it actually gives you the flu. Is this true?
I know people who have and others who say not to get it. I heard that when you get the shot, it actually gives you the flu. Is this true?
Yeah I 've heard that you can get fever and feel sick after getting it but I think it's pretty personal how you will react to it.. I still don't know what to do this is so confusiiiinnggg :doh:
I don't know how you guys can watch that vid I posted and still wonder about ;)
Well, wishing everyone well whether they get the shot or not! Just keep takin' good care of yourselves.
i haven't had any vaccine shots since i was a kid. I dont like medicine. I dont take tylenol even. I let my body do its thing to help me fight off illnesses. And Im still here *knocks on wood*. lol

I have a friend (a real one) who works as a registered nurse. He once told me that most medicine treatments, are bs. The medicine industry is like a multi billion dollar industry. So yeah... I'm sure you can figure out what we're up against.

Though some medicine will take headaches away, or give you relief from colds, etc. They do have negative side effects which sometimes out weighs the good.
I have a doctor's appointment in a few days and I'm still unsure whether I want to get this or not...

I know people who have and others who say not to get it. I heard that when you get the shot, it actually gives you the flu. Is this true?

The day after I was vaccinated I felt ill, it felt like I had a fever although I didn't. The worst side effect was that my arm hurt a lot for a few days, but the effects vary depending on the person.
Yes it's true that most people get a little sick after the Flu vaccine. Because the vaccine consists of a minor strain of Influenza itself. An Optometrist I work with just had the shot the other day. He developed a sore, dry throat and a slight fever.

Everyone is different though, but I did hear that 1 in every 200 people who get the shot/s, has a severe reaction and becomes very ill.
I heard that when you get the shot, it actually gives you the flu. Is this true?
Yes, with all vaccines there is a risk of getting the disease you are trying to immunize yourself against. In the case of polio, every case of it in the western hemisphere in the last 20 years or so has been caused by the vaccine!

Amy, I never see other anti-vax people; this is exciting!
I have a friend (a real one) who works as a registered nurse. He once told me that most medicine treatments, are bs. The medicine industry is like a multi billion dollar industry. So yeah... I'm sure you can figure out what we're up against.
EXACTLY. Hospitals are BUSINESSES. And like so many other sleazy greed-driven's all about MONEY. Not making people well. In fact, their business only thrives off of "making people well", think about it, if people don't get sick...they don't make money! So how do you think they make money? Keep people sick. Tell people the only way to "treat" themselves is through medicine...lots of it. (cha-ching)..medicine that causes even more problems. (cha-ching) Tell them the only way to prevent disease is to get vacciness (cha-ching)...vaccines that cause more bad than good so then they have MORE people needing medicine (cha-ching)... give people unnecessary surgeries (cha-ching)...the list is endless.

Melania said:
Amy, I never see other anti-vax people
Isn't it sad that there aren't many people that know about this stuff?
Everyone should!
I've always been suspicious of the flu vaccines. My dad seems to get one every year, and usually it just makes him get sick. So what good is the vaccine then, if you're just going to get sick from it? And putting live viruses in a vaccine? There's something really wrong with that. The swine flu is not going to kill you. That's media fear-mongering. I think it's better if you do get the swine flu, just ride it out. Take care of it like you normally would with a flu, lots of rest and fluids. There's really no need to go see a doctor. I've come to learn that if I get a cold or something, there's really no need to see a doctor. They might give you anti-biotics, which is a big mistake because that's not meant for treating viruses. It might do even more harm than good in the long run. I mean think about it: you take all these drugs to make yourself better and then maybe your immune system starts getting used to having all these drugs, so it might leave it weaker in the end. No, I think it's much better to ride these things out. Let your immune system do what it's supposed to do without medical intervention, if it's not really necessary.
I've been vaccinated for H1N1 and the flu and felt fine w/ each shot. I've never experienced any adverse side effects to any vaccine.

Thanks to vaccines there's no longer epidemics, just small outbreaks, but epidemics are expected to return as more people have shunned vaccines. I'll take my chances w/ the small percentage of a side-effect over a deadly disease.

As for building up your immune system against something like measles or meningitis, diseases don't work like the common cold. Once meningitis hits you, you'll be dead in hours. You can build immunity to a disease but you have to catch it, which is why vaccines contain a small live strand of the virus. I personally find catching the disease more harmful than the vaccine, but suite yourselves.
You are actually more susceptible to getting sick when taking a vaccine, than you are without taking it. Doctors want you to believe that vaccines are saving you from problems, when they are really creating more. You can't even trust most "statistics" these days because they are done incorrectly to come up with the result that the hospitals want you to see...or they are just flat out LIED about. As I said earlier, hospitals are just businesses like any other, and they don't thrive off of healthy people, they thrive off of sick people. They need people to get sick - and they need people fearing for their lives - to make money. They are fear mongers, they are liars, and they do it all for MONEY.

To those who don't believe that vaccines are harmful, you can really apply this situation to MJ's situation. So just think about this for a minute: The media lied to the public on an ongoing basis about Michael - and sadly that caused a huge population of people believing he was something he wasn't. Those of us that still saw Michael for who he really was, tried to get the others to see it - but the others simply wouldn't accept the truth. They wanted to believe what they were always presented with...but sadly, those were lies. Many of us that know Michael's true spirit are angry at the "haters" for not being willing to even open their minds and their eyes to the TRUTH. It's there...if they would just look for it.

So is the same with vaccines. Naturally, people accept and believe what they are presented with from birth. The definition of having an open mind - is breaking through that barrier and realizing that maybe what you were always presented with wasn't the truth. It makes you wonder how those that told you wrong, could do that...but that's just the world we live in. Not everyone acts out of integrity and most are driven by greed. Open your mind and FIND THE TRUTH. Don't be an "MJ hater". There are resources all around you if you dig for them. And ultimately, if there was a chance that something you were doing could be hurting you, your family or your friends...wouldn't you want to know about it?

Here is one great website that is FULL of great resources. Books, testimonies, true stories, real statistics, truths from real DOCTORS who were brave enough to step up, and more.

Heal the world~
Ahh part of me agrees 100% with you, Amy and the orther part is telling me to take the vaccine and save myself. I'm actually leaning towards not taking it but now my mum has really started to pressure me to take it, as well as my grand parents! I know they just hope the best for me but gooossh I hate this situation .... :no:
And some people have got the H1N1 though they had the vaccine..
Ahh part of me agrees 100% with you, Amy and the orther part is telling me to take the vaccine and save myself. I'm actually leaning towards not taking it but now my mum has really started to pressure me to take it, as well as my grand parents! I know they just hope the best for me but gooossh I hate this situation .... :no:
And some people have got the H1N1 though they had the vaccine..

I can find you a lot of articles that are positive. This is just one video, you shouldn't base your decision on it. For one doctor who says that vaccines are bad there are probably like a thousand who'll say that they're good. Just think about how many lives have been saved by vaccines. Doctors themselves are taking it, so I'm sure they are lying and it must be really bad for your health.
But not all the doctors are taking this vaccine. I think that's strange.
The One. said:
Ahh part of me agrees 100% with you, Amy and the orther part is telling me to take the vaccine and save myself. I'm actually leaning towards not taking it but now my mum has really started to pressure me to take it, as well as my grand parents! I know they just hope the best for me but gooossh I hate this situation .... :no:

I can find you a lot of articles that are positive. This is just one video, you shouldn't base your decision on it. For one doctor who says that vaccines are bad there are probably like a thousand who'll say that they're good. Just think about how many lives have been saved by vaccines. Doctors themselves are taking it, so I'm sure they are lying and it must be really bad for your health.
Did you guys even read my last post? Please do...thoroughly, and then if you really care about yourself and others and about finding out the TRUTH, please do proper research. It is worth it...and I provided a link that will have great resources for you to look into. No, you can't base your opinion on one video...but you also can't base your opinion on one side of the story. Everyone has generally been told one side of the story by most Doctors (which I explained why above in my last post) - but you simply must be open to hearing the other side - to help yourself. Ignorance and closed mindedness is a result of accepting only what you've always been told and never looking outside of that.

Furthermore, if there are many Doctors (no, not enough to measure up to the thousands out there...but still MANY) who have actually stepped up to say NO to this let you know how DANGEROUS it is...don't you think that means something? Don't you find something "fishy" about that? What would the point be in these Doctors saying things that would cause a great rebuttal from most of the rest of the medical community? That's because some people act out of integrity and truly want to help people. It's not about money for them. That is why there are more Doctors being pro vaccine than there are anti vaccine...because this type of integrity is rare.
^ I did read your post Amy and I KNOW there's something fishy about this vaccine, it was made so soon and all this..... BUT there's still that one part of me that doesn't want to believe that vaccine is bad and I should not take it. I just can't help it. But again, I'm all the time leaning more towards not taking it.
I'm not ignorant or close minded. I work at a hospital. I work with doctors and nurses every day. Even my mum is a nurse. I deal with these thing quite a lot. Can vaccines have side effects? Of course they can, all medicines have side effects. I just think that it's weird how someone can deny the number of people that have been saved because of vaccines. And saying that hospitals try to make people sick because they are "businesses" is ignorant. We often have more patients that we can deal with, and we are working really hard to make them better.
part of me that doesn't want to believe that vaccine is bad and I should not take it.
Well that's your problem right there.
Maybe it's because you are driven by fear, because most Doctors will have you believe you are not safe without it. And all of your peers, and your family will tell you the same...but that's because they are driven by the same's a cycle, that no one can break free of unless they open their minds and look further. You have to do the research. Don't just go by what I'm telling you...look further.
A MUST see:

Not only this vaccine, but all vaccines in general are BAD news, despite what most Doctors say. Just as the public is lied to constantly by the media, were sadly also lied to by Doctors. It's SO good to see some of them act in good step up and speak out about the dangers here.

Thank You AmyGrace!!! I agree with everything you just said. I'm glad people are spreading awareness. I always have stuff like this as my facebook status, just to wake people up. It's nasty stuff we're up against, and its sad that in general people don't know that those we think are 'protecting' us are actually the enmey. Sad.

Here's a song that explains it pretty much

The swine flus comin back
like a viral attack
Its like 76, you gotta cover ya back
But not with a vaccine dont give in to that
Because those medical quacks
are makin money off that

They wanna inject you, infect you with the vaccine
They say they protect but they reject your immunity
And if you protest they arrest you and they lock you down
Cant have people like that walkin around

The truth is outrageous
Dont you know the drug companies made this flu
And if youre thinkin you wanna evade this
Then you gotta say this

Dont inject me
Dont infect me
Dont stick that needle in my arm and chemically wreck me

Dont inject me
Dont infect me
Dont stick that needle in my veins and medically wreck me

Dont use me
Dont abuse me
Dont push your medical lies and try to confuse me

Dont trick me
Dont you dick me
With that needle in ya hand dont you dare try to prick me

Dont you know the swine flu is made by man
Pharmaceutical scam
Its all part of the Big Brother population plan
But the thing I dont understand
is why they in Mexico City
in an unmarked military van

They dont want you to see the remedies
you can stop influenza with vitamin D for free
Herbal medicine is all that you need
But they cant charge a fifty dollar fee

They inject you
They infect you
They stick that needle in your arm
and chemically wreck you

They use you
They abuse you
They say theyre saving your life while they really confuse you

All you parents grab your kids
And shoot em up just like guinea pigs
Inject your teens and your babies in the crib
And when they get paralyzed
Thats when you realize
Theres no way to undo what you did

The big drug companies are makin a killing
Collectin the billions and gettin away like a James Bond villain
cause theyre willin to do almost anything
Just to make money with the flu vaccine

Song and Lyrics © 2009 by Michael Adams, All Rights Reserved
And saying that hospitals try to make people sick because they are "businesses" is ignorant. We often have more patients that we can deal with, and we are working really hard to make them better.
Well I'm sorry but it's true...if you really do your research you can find this out for yourself. No, not everyone that works in a hospital is aware of this fact. They do what they were taught and what they were told. The "higher powers" that own and control the hospitals, that make the big bucks...these are the people that started and continue to preach lies, so that their business can benefit. They don't really care about the well being of people.
Like I said, it's about money...and partly, about population control.
Here's a song that explains it pretty much

That song was KICK ASS... and every word was HEAD ON.
Thanks for sharing this. TRUTH BE TOLD!
I think I need to leave this thread, haha. If you want to beleive that some higher powers are controlling us with vaccines then please do, but I'd rather stay alive and see others being saved. Everytime that I come across a child who has gotten sick or died of a disease that could have been prevented by a vaccine, I'll try to remember how bad vaccines are for us.