Doctor Said He Did Not Know MJs Address


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
If he did not know MJs address THEN HOW DID HE GET TO HIS HOUSE?

This doctor NEEDS a doctor.
One of the reasons why I am mad with the doctor. If you are gonna be watching over a legend like Michael Jackson, you better know what his frickin address is, dufus!

This man didn't know his address, didn't have cell phone, didn't know how to do CPR. Man, when Michael got burned in the Pepsi commercial, Miko Brando single handedly put our the fire by wrapping himself around Michael and pretty much saved his life. Miko Brando would have been a better doctor!
It seems weird. You would think he would have an emergency plan.
True @ ^ and ATLF

From the way I understand it, that was his reason for why he couldn't use his cell phone and he ran around frantically looking for a land line and a staff member such as security.

What does not make sense to me (unless the cell phone dropped the call) is WHY did he not stay on the cell phone as he ran around frantically looking and yelling for a staff member.

There are a lot of missing data from this. We are getting more and more bits and pieces. I know its a premature thing to say but I do wish a trial would reveal every detail.

I'm not wanting to go with anything that 'sounds good'.
The carelessness of this pathetic man caused Michael's death. Accidental or not.
hes a damn lie,u were paid to LIVE there,how the hell dont u know where u live
That has got to be the most pathetic excuse I could possibly imagine, that and that he did CPR on the bed because it was 'firm'
:bs: This whole thing is just sickening.
By first question is did he found michael or was he at first with michael. That's the first lie he's told. Everything just goes south afterwards. cuz if he was with michael when he first fell down ...that leads me to wonder about something else!

theis is one of LAs most famous streeets.. he could have just DESCRIBED where is was over the phone... the ambulance would have found it
The carelessness of this pathetic man caused Michael's death. Accidental or not.

Didn't this doctor leave the home? Weren't they looking for him and found only his car? He did write to lawyer up.

And John Branca has already informed the court that a will is in existance and on the way. Joe Jackson is in for a shocker. I am sure Michael left everything to his children. And if he left anything else to anyone else, it would be his mother.
yeah I think joe will be in for a surprise. however how come londell mcmillin (sp?) did have mikes will or have set it up?
Im very upset.. something does not feel right to me now.
who was this man? I just need details. I really hope MJ was not hurt :(
Michael was complaining of chest pain before it and nobody did anything about it. I'm 15 and I would have done 10x better than the doctor in that situation, like call the ambulance immediately and actually take him to the hospital if he was complaining of pain!
i don't believe the doctor. he's either the best doctor in the world and all his actions were impeccable then why Michael died? or he's not telling the truth then tell us why Michael died. two options only.
this doctor (i think) knew he'd given MJ too many drugs and that hospital was a last last resort for him so he never got in trouble
not saying "IT'S MICHAEL JACKSON - IT'S HIS HOUSE" + not constantly taking a patient's vital signs and checking on him constantly "WHEN YOU'VE BEEN HIRED TO AND ARE LIVING IN THE PATIENT'S HOME!!!" = fishy

it simply does not add up. wtf???? :banghead:
this kind of stuff makes my heart race like crazy...
he didn't take him to hospital when he complained of chest pains, gave him drugs instead, let him go to sleep, came back I don't know how many hours later, performed the worst CPR you can imagine, waited for 20 min. until calling for 911, he didn't give the address and details right away and left before the paramedics arrived when michael still needed the CPR, and when they found him he was still alive
are you going to tell me they practically killed him?
WHAT? THAT'S RIDICULOUS......if his arse could drive his BMW or whatever the hell he was driving to Holmby Hills all dapper then he can damn well explain where he is to someone over at 911.

Someone please tell me this is a JOKE?
One of the reasons why I am mad with the doctor. If you are gonna be watching over a legend like Michael Jackson, you better know what his frickin address is, dufus!

This man didn't know his address, didn't have cell phone, didn't know how to do CPR. Man, when Michael got burned in the Pepsi commercial, Miko Brando single handedly put our the fire by wrapping himself around Michael and pretty much saved his life. Miko Brando would have been a better doctor!

True. Dodododoof
Well holy s**t!!! Thats the biggest load of bs I have ever heard. " erm...I live here but I don't know where I am" *headdesk*

or IF HE REALLY IS THAT THICK..................he could have said "IT'S MICHAEL JACKSONS RESIDENCE!!!!!!!"

Something does not add up, and that god damn cowboy better pay for it!!!!!!!!!!!!
well this doctor deserves an award for the worlds most dumbass doctor

you have got to be kidding me.................moronic fool
It seems weird. You would think he would have an emergency plan.

yeah, how many doctor's don't own cell phones? You'd think it would be standard procedure for a live in doctor to have a cell phone, with 911 on speed dial and the address memorized.
this doctor (i think) knew he'd given MJ too many drugs and that hospital was a last last resort for him so he never got in trouble

yup, I think he panicked because he knew he was going to get in a lot of trouble if he took MJ to the hospital.
there's so many things about that doctor and the circumstances leading up to Michael no longer breathing :boohoo: that there's definitely something up. and it will come out eventually. the "a" word will show what was in his system and how it got there.

does anger come after sadness? because that's where i'm headed after the "f" word (funeral) :smack:
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