Do You Think The New Album Will Bring Some Peace Among The Fans and Togetherness In MJJC????

What do you think!!!

  • Yes i think it will bring some peace among fans and togetherness!

    Votes: 41 40.6%
  • No i dont think... i think it will create more hate...

    Votes: 49 48.5%
  • i think it will create some peace and togetherness, but not new fans...

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • I think it will only create/bring new Fans!!!

    Votes: 16 15.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i was wondering if the new album will bring togetherness and happyness among the fans here in MJJC, there was alot of hate and fights for rare material before, now it seems it calmed down a bit!!!!
and also bring/make new Fans of Michael????

PS- 1st option also for new Fans!
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i'd like to think so but I can imagine everything will just kick off again with more people screaming about fake songs
I hope so. I know I'm positive about the album and very much looking forward to it indeed.
God I hope so...
but I really don't know. There will definitely be more debate about "fake songs" and whatnot. But we'll see. I hope we can all come together again and support Michael.
I think it'll be positive- those of us who don't approve of the cascio tracks have, I think, just sort of accepted that they're going to be there and we've made our peace by deciding not to buy it.

I don't approve of them, but when DYKWYCA and Much Too Soon came out, suddenly no one cared about BN and we were all just happy and excited. I think it'll be like that. And I've seen MJ dragged through ish before, and somehow he always gets new fans even in negative circumstances (Bashir, the trial, etc), so I think good will come of it :) .

PS- PLLLLLEASE no one attack me for my opinion. If your opinion is different, that's totally fine, but please just state your opinion and not make it about me (sadly, I'm thinking I need to put this at the end of everything I write on MJJC now :/ ) .
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No...putting fake tracks on an album is always going to cause controversy.
In my humble opinion I think that the whole "New Fans" thing needs to "Go Out The Window" really.

A fan is a fan. No one is better than the other. a fan is someone who enjoys Michael Jackson in a common way.
I think this album will bring in more fans that will learn to love and appreciate Michael like a lot of us do. If some of his most ardent fans don't want to support the album, then the general public will more than make up for them. I still think it is a shame that when we have a chance to help Michael be massive some take this stance.

Michael always wanted to be No. 1, he was very competitive as we all know. I just want to thank him for everything he's done for me throughout my life and I feel supporting him in anyway possible is a sign of my gratitude. But if fans feel differently to each their own.

Either way, I am incredibly excited for this new album. I loooove all the songs I've heard so far and plan on buying loads of copies for Xmas gifts and promoting the album like crazy. My students already know about it! he he:D
The fighting has only calmed down due to Hold My Hand being released. For this little while, everyone can agree that it is MJ singing in that song as well as the leaked songs. This is why we are experiencing "peace" right now but I believe things won't be the same when the album comes out. The three questionable songs will always cause some disputes.
In my humble opinion I think that the whole "New Fans" thing needs to "Go Out The Window" really.

A fan is a fan. No one is better than the other. a fan is someone who enjoys Michael Jackson in a common way.

Soul, I don't think she was meaning it that way :) . It seems like she was asking if you think people become fans (who weren't already fans) after they hear the album- like, will it inspire more people to get to know Michael and his music who hadn't before.

i think it doesn't matter. kinda wish that was added as a poll option. people seem to forget, ironically, that Michael brought all kinds of people together as his fans. so that means that there will be fans who will always disagree with other fans, but the aspect of Michael that brought each fan is the aspect of Michael that that fan will support. so no matter what, all in all, Micchael will be supported. it's like the Invincible album, which i love to bring up cus i love that album so much. Speechless and Heaven CanWait are two songs that are as far from each other as the east is from the west. so there is a community that loves Speechless and hates heaven Can Wait..and there's a community that loves Heaven Can Wait, but hates Speechless. but both communities buy the album for what they love. if Michael listened to the media or what he-said-she-said, then he'd be leaving an entire community out, that could help the sales of his album. fortunately, he didn't. unfortunately, some of us do.
I think it'll be positive- those of us who don't approve of the cascio tracks have, I think, just sort of accepted that they're going to be there and we've made our peace by deciding not to buy it.

I don't approve of them, but when DYKWYCA and Much Too Soon came out, suddenly no one cared about BN and we were all just happy and excited. I think it'll be like that. And I've seen MJ dragged through ish before, and somehow he always gets new fans even in negative circumstances (Bashir, the trial, etc), so I think good will come of it :) .

PS- PLLLLLEASE no one attack me for my opinion. If your opinion is different, that's totally fine, but please just state your opinion and not make it about me *coughCPounderscough* (sadly, I'm thinking I need to put this at the end of everything I write on MJJC now :/ ) .

I have not once attacked anyone on this forum; I have never said anything personally against you or about you. I have stated my opinion and offered such just as you have on this forum. Do I agree with some of your opinions? No I don't -- just as you do not agree with mine. However, I have do just an equal right to state it as you do.

I feel if my conduct were to be out of line, a moderator or member of the staff would inform me of such. Equally, if you feel as though anything I have done or said should prompt action, then you should report it.

For you to call me out personally when I have said nothing to you is immature and childish, and more than anything, intended to provoke a response. Grow up.

This response should probably be in the form of a PM, but I felt that if you were to put me out there publicly, I have the right to defend myself.
I think this album will bring in more fans that will learn to love and appreciate Michael like a lot of us do. If some of his most ardent fans don't want to support the album, then the general public will more than make up for them. I still think it is a shame that when we have a chance to help Michael be massive some take this stance.

Michael always wanted to be No. 1, he was very competitive as we all know. I just want to thank him for everything he's done for me throughout my life and I feel supporting him in anyway possible is a sign of my gratitude. But if fans feel differently to each their own.

Either way, I am incredibly excited for this new album. I loooove all the songs I've heard so far and plan on buying loads of copies for Xmas gifts and promoting the album like crazy. My students already know about it! he he:D

That's awesome! And judging by the US charts so far (Hold My Hand at #136 and the album at 91 as I write this), it seems like it's going to sell very well. Being released at the Christmas season will be a big boost to sales as a lot of people will pick it up as a "safe" gift. That will expose LOTS of new people to Michael's music.

I can't wait for the next few weeks! :)
i believe it will bring togertheness again. we can see this right now with all these new songs. we are all enjoying them :) and apart from BN (and maybe 1,2 other tracks) the album will be awesome for everyone!
Even i do hope that it brings peace & harmony among the fans but gathering what has been going on within the last few weeks, it will probably make things worse.
The fool in me has hope it will bring more fans together but the realist in me thinks it will only create more division :(
Of course not, this album has split the fanbase in two! It's calmed down a lot now, but last week there was chaos in here.

The new album will come out and there will be one side of people saying how much they love it and how happy hey are. But then there will be those of us saying how disgraceful it is.

Those two sides will clash, as the ones that are happy will carry on being annoyed at the ones who arent happy ruining it all for them.
Of course not, this album has split the fanbase in two! It's calmed down a lot now, but last week there was chaos in here.

The new album will come out and there will be one side of people saying how much they love it and how happy hey are. But then there will be those of us saying how disgraceful it is.

Those two sides will clash, as the ones that are happy will carry on being annoyed at the ones who arent happy ruining it all for them.

You haven't even heard the album yet and you are calling it disgraceful?
No i don`t think..

But for me, personally, i`m just happy to get some good songs.
I would spend the money for the album just to get Much Too Soon.
And.. i rly like the cover.
Soul, I don't think she was meaning it that way :) . It seems like she was asking if you think people become fans (who weren't already fans) after they hear the album- like, will it inspire more people to get to know Michael and his music who hadn't before.


yes lol thats what i wanted to mean!! lol and by the way, im a HE not SHE lool, im Bruno;D
You haven't even heard the album yet and you are calling it disgraceful?

I have heard 5 full songs from the album and snippets from another 2. I think thats more than enough to judge the album.

Many of us feel that there are 3 songs on the album which arent Michael. To me it doesnt matter how good the rest of the songs are, the album is tainted for me by the 3 songs that I feel are fake.

The only way I will change my mind is if the versions on the album are actually real and they put out fake versions for PR.
L.T.D the few tracks that are suspicious will cause too much trouble.
That is why Sony should have left them off the album IMO. Too contraversial.

I'm strongly considering only purchasing the individual tracks I'm happy with from itunes and then burning them to CD.
If they don't allow the individual tunes to be bought then I will have to consider my options but probably won't buy the album.

however I will buy and support any singles that I think are legitimate. for example, I know HMH is MJ vocals and although the track was completed after MJ died, I feel ok with that so I will buy it. the same for another day, but there are some tracks I may not decide to buy if they're released as singles.
I'm not sure if it will bring peace...but I do know that this place is a great way for MJ fans to be together. Whether we agree or not, hopefully we can find a way to better understand and appreciate others' opinions.

It makes no sense to fight to over anything MJ related. There is nothing we can do about whats happened or what is going to happen in the future.

If there is ever a time to stick together, its now. MJ has left a legacy on his own, but its up to us to carry it on for future generations. We cant be in chaos if we want to be taken seriously.

If someone aggravates you, just try to ignore it. Makes life easier for yourself and everyone else. At least that's what I do.
i think it doesn't matter. kinda wish that was added as a poll option. people seem to forget, ironically, that Michael brought all kinds of people together as his fans. so that means that there will be fans who will always disagree with other fans, but the aspect of Michael that brought each fan is the aspect of Michael that that fan will support. so no matter what, all in all, Micchael will be supported. it's like the Invincible album, which i love to bring up cus i love that album so much. Speechless and Heaven CanWait are two songs that are as far from each other as the east is from the west. so there is a community that loves Speechless and hates heaven Can Wait..and there's a community that loves Heaven Can Wait, but hates Speechless. but both communities buy the album for what they love. if Michael listened to the media or what he-said-she-said, then he'd be leaving an entire community out, that could help the sales of his album. fortunately, he didn't. unfortunately, some of us do.

i agree with you 144,000. A real fan cannot keep a hate or a bad feeling or a not good word-opinion in his/her heart for another fan.
i hope that this album will unite all of us and bring peace... Because Michael wants us in a big peace to heal the world and we cannot achieve this by hurting each others.

of course we will discuss our opinions here about new album or anything, but not by hurting... of course we will or won't join each other's words but a Michael fan won't hurt a Michael fan.:no:

just L.O.V.E. my dear friends and you can be sure the answer will exactly be "MORE L.O.V.E",

i love all of you :flowers:
Its been a year and a half since Michael passed, the divide between old and new is becoming obselete now. A fan is a fan, that is how Michael's legacy will continue. Through new fans. When I have kids they will be conditioned to be fans even though they will not have experienced Michael in their lifetimes.
I think it will bring in new fans for sure. I mean fans that weren't fans before. But I think it's a bit naive to think the album coming out is going to bring peace and togetherness. The divisions still exist. (And I'm not just talking about supporters vs. non-supporters of the album) There is still going to be disagreements. There will still be fights. That's just the situation we are in right now. The best we can hope for is respect no matter what people personally believe, or the personal decisions they make.
Soul, I don't think she was meaning it that way :) . It seems like she was asking if you think people become fans (who weren't already fans) after they hear the album- like, will it inspire more people to get to know Michael and his music who hadn't before.


Yeah.. That's how I meant.
