Do you think PPB will be angry at some point?

See, this is what I've been trying to remind people about. Their closeness was back when they were younger not in future years. If you brother invites the family to see his baby and a sisters response is 'I could'nt get away'....and she only then sees that child when the second child is born, that sure does say alot. Even Oprah had that look on her face when she said that. So if you think about it certain words said by Janet just reinforces the non existent connection.

I disagree. I have love ones who live in different cities and some that I only see on a holiday here and there, and that closeness and love is still very much alive. That's the beauty of family. The bond and connection can withstand the test of time and distance.
I agree with you gerryevans. I have a big family as well (my dad has 8 siblings). My family is very big and I don't see all of them on a regular basis. Thinking for example of my aunts I haven't seen some in ages and when we see each other again it's like the long time has never been in between. I mean I can't compare the lifestyle of our family to the Jacksons of course, but we all do that, not keeping in touch with our family because we are busy with our lifes. But still we have a connection to each other.
Was that interview in 2006 or 2008?
I know she said it in 2006 on Oprah where she discussed the Superbowl, her new album and Dupri came on the show as well.
It was during the promotion of Discipline it was in 2008
At some point all three will be angry at the fact that this happened to them, and why. Death is a very hard concept to grasp period, let alone for a child.
My father passed away quite suddenly after his open heart surgery was unsuccessful. I was exactly Paris' age. My mother put my sister and I in therapy and a support group to deal with grief, and it helped immensely, but we have definitely both experienced anger and confusion. And they will deal with it differently as well (I don't know if the story I read was true, I think it was quoting from Latoya, stating such was the current case). My sister is still angry to this day, while I was in denial of the circumstances for the remainder of my childhood, only coming to grips with reality as an adult. They may rebel as teenagers. It's all normal.
I pray for those beautiful children, as it will be that much harder that they do not have a mother as well, as I am fortunate to have. I think the most important thing that helps me deal with my father's death is by having loved ones tell me stories about him, and by looking at pictures and videos, to preserve the memory. I do hope the Jackson's will provide this, as much as possible for the children, to never stop reminding them of his greatness that will triumph any negativity that will approach them as they get older.
I thinka its more likely they will have more anger towards the media and the world for what they did to Michael. They might at first be angry at Michael but then I think they will see just precisely what he dealt with and understand how hard life was for him and then I think they will have some serious questions for the media and the world.

I feel for blanket really badly because I doubt he even knows about the trial...yet.

I totally agree. I can't even begin to imagine the depth of anger they will feel toward the media and this f***ed-up society, as they grow and learn. It'll be a torture for them....:(

If I should ever look at positive aspect..., feeling the anger will teach them to see the struggle in many people's lives and sympathize with them, which is the biggest motivation to help them out, just like their Dad did. I don't believe they will grow up to be some rich people who think life is always a bed of roses or don't really care about the world beyond their own world. When they know what their father went through, they can't be immature brats. It just can't be. Through his life, they will have secondhand experience of the hard-knock life. Even to the point where they will relive it mentally, which can be both extremely painful and instructive at the same time.

But, even after saying all that above,...I wish they could gain all the wisdom without too much pain....I just feel for them.
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his kids do not know as much as we do... we know more about MJ ,about how the media and fake friends hurt him , and we understand Michael's decissions at certain points because we MJ fans went through alot of judgement for only being his fans even if those kids wanted to say something which is not correct about him when they grow up , thier opinion will not count for me becuase they might be under some bad influence ...we saw him we were around him , and we know the truth and this will give no one any right to say something like this about him based on some kind of misunderstanding.