Do you think Michael was marriage material?

Yes, definetly. If he was married in his mature age with the right woman....that would be a perfect match. I believe that he was missing that a lot...someone who can he uncondicionaly trust and talk to. And all the things what ppl do together.
If he only found a right woman. If only...if only. He would be here now, I know it.
Yes, definetly. If he was married in his mature age with the right woman....that would be a perfect match. I believe that he was missing that a lot...someone who can he uncondicionaly trust and talk to. And all the things what ppl do together.
If he only found a right woman. If only...if only. He would be here now, I know it.

I was just thinking about that when I woke up this morning... Michael had a LADY in his life... Someone that loved him, that knew what made him tick, that knew the 'trick' to let him fall asleep but she left him... STUPID STUPID girl :beee:
Michael? He "chose" us... What else can you do when someone who you think "loved" you just 'leaves' you???? :boohoo
I was just thinking about that when I woke up this morning... Michael had a LADY in his life... Someone that loved him, that knew what made him tick, that knew the 'trick' to let him fall asleep but she left him... STUPID STUPID girl :beee:
Michael? He "chose" us... What else can you do when someone who you think "loved" you just 'leaves' you???? :boohoo

OK...I just have to ask you....who was that lady ? How could anyone in their right mind leave him ?!
I would hope so, and I think he was. But maybe in this as an everything else in his life, he had a hard time trusting people knowing how people kept hurting him over and over again, people he thought he could trust.
I dont know. I dont believe in marriage myself. I think it depends on what his partner would have expected from him I guess. I dont think he could have given 100% of himself, because there was too much in his head; his creative side, his dreams, his goals took a lot of space, and I'm not only talking about his artistic career. I think it would have been difficult for him to be in any relationship, unless he could have found someone who shared or respected that.
I also believe if Michael had met someone, none of the allegations would have happened. And I believe he would still be here.
Well, Randy from AEG Live (forgot his last name) said in his testimony that Michael wanted to settle down with his kids and was tired of living like a vagabond so that's a sign of marriage material, I think. So maybe he was maturing a little in his older years. Darn, we'll never know...
I his mature age when he wanted to settle down. But , you know....imagine that it is you. You meet Michael Jackson and you fall in love. He asks you to marry him. You exept....of course. :) I mean , what would give you the right to ask him to change after that ? You know who he is...what he does. The right woman should be proud of that and be there for him. I am not saying she should put her life on hold, but ppl make compromises all the time. To make a home for make him feel wanted and loved....he deserved it. In my heart I feel he was a very lonely man.
Yes..he had kids, and they were his life. I have a daughter and I love her the most. But I am lonely because my marriage is not the way it should be. A human being needs love and understanding.
I will never get over it....he needed it so much.
I mean , what would give you the right to ask him to change after that ?

I think the problem with LMP was exactly that instead of accepting him she wanted to change him. But that's not love. You either love the person the way he is, or if you don't then go and look for someone else who fits what you are looking for. Unfortunately LMP didn't understand him and wanted to change him.
I think the problem with LMP was exactly that instead of accepting him she wanted to change him. But that's not love. You either love the person the way he is, or if you don't then go and look for someone else who fits what you are looking for. Unfortunately LMP didn't understand him and wanted to change him.

Even though lmp tried to change him, refused to give him children (not even adoption), forced him to join the cult, Michael still tried to work on that marriage, never think about divorce, still bent over to try to please her, right until LMP asked for divorce while her husband just survived from collapse, that was so so cold hearted. I never doubted Michael's deep love to her, but I really questioned if lmp knew what the love is. I think most songs from invincible are about this relationship, especially heartbreaker.
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I his mature age when he wanted to settle down. But , you know....imagine that it is you. You meet Michael Jackson and you fall in love. He asks you to marry him. You exept....of course. :) I mean , what would give you the right to ask him to change after that ? You know who he is...what he does. The right woman should be proud of that and be there for him. I am not saying she should put her life on hold, but ppl make compromises all the time. To make a home for make him feel wanted and loved....he deserved it. In my heart I feel he was a very lonely man.
Yes..he had kids, and they were his life. I have a daughter and I love her the most. But I am lonely because my marriage is not the way it should be. A human being needs love and understanding.
I will never get over it....he needed it so much.

Well you're right, once you fall in love with someone it's pretty hard to turn your back on that person. It's complicated. I personally don't think I could put up with someone traveling all over the world and leaving me behind. That would get old really fast. And yes, you should not enter a relationship thinking you can change the person. However, the two people MUST compromise and make sacrifices or I don't care how in love they are, one or the other or both will become resentful.
Even though lmp tried to change him, refused to give him children (not even adoption), forced him to join the cult, Michael still tried to work on that marriage, never think about divorce, still bent over to try to please her, right until LMP asked for divorce while her husband just survived from collapse, that was so so cold hearted. I never doubted Michael's deep love to her, but I really questioned if lmp knew what the love is. I think most songs from invincible are about this relationship, especially heartbreaker.

Yeah, Michael really tried hard in that marriage, more than people were giving him credit for - thanks to LMP's dishonesty for years. At least she now got to admit on Oprah that Michael was trying hard to make that marriage work. It was easy for LMP to make Michael look the one at fault for their divorce, because a) Michael never talked about their marriage and his POV in public, 2) the public automatically assumed everything bad about MJ. "Of course" he must have been the reason why it didn't work. :smilerolleyes: In fact, like you said, he bent over and compromised in a lot of things for LMP and LMP didn't appreciate that at the time (now it's too late).

After LMP's Oprah interview I really don't think it was mainly Michael's fault why that marriage didn't work. People often forget the fact LMP had four husbands, so it's not like she seems to manage married life so well. Michael had his issues, but so does LMP. Michael didn't demand much, he only wanted kids, a real family. This is a totally natural desire in a marriage, not something outrageous. This is all Michael wanted and he would have been a happy and satisfied husband IMO.
Michael as a person is absolutely marriage material. but like others already said, not his life as a popstar and being the most famous person in the world.

sometimes i wonder if it would be possible that a fan could be his wife. she would love him and appreciate him, but still i dont believe this relationship would work out.
Yes.....he wanted a family so bad. I hope this thread will not turn into a LMP thread, could she say " no " ?
I will never understand that. She regreted everything after so many years....oh, well....
I am so sad that ( as it seems ) he never found what he was looking for. And yet...there are so many women that would love him for what he is. And be there for him....and sleep in his bed. In that case...there would not be Murray in his room.
omg...will someone finally invent a time-machine ??!!
sometimes i wonder if it would be possible that a fan could be his wife.



she would love him and appreciate him, but still i dont believe this relationship would work out.

If love is true, why would not it? Remember:


OK...I just have to ask you....who was that lady ? How could anyone in their right mind leave him ?!

That 'lady' was Tatiana Thumbtzen :beee:
She was def a BIMBO in my eyes... No offense but if you have found out what makes Michael 'tick' then WHY leave him and NOT fight for him????
I will NEVER understand that...
Oh hell yeah, LMP just wanted to change him... You don't fall in love with someone to change and mold them okay... You accept his flaws too :tease:
i believe so but i believe you have to be a strong and caring understanding partner .
I his mature age when he wanted to settle down. But , you know....imagine that it is you. You meet Michael Jackson and you fall in love. He asks you to marry him. You exept....of course. :) I mean , what would give you the right to ask him to change after that ? You know who he is...what he does. The right woman should be proud of that and be there for him. I am not saying she should put her life on hold, but ppl make compromises all the time. To make a home for make him feel wanted and loved....he deserved it. In my heart I feel he was a very lonely man.
Yes..he had kids, and they were his life. I have a daughter and I love her the most. But I am lonely because my marriage is not the way it should be. A human being needs love and understanding.
I will never get over it....he needed it so much.
This is all fine, but what about the compromises he has to make? If she's going to make him feel loved.. Doesn't she deserve the same treatment? The way MJ was living there was no way he would have been able to provide that.
I don"t agree with what you said. He was capable of loving....oh, so much.
He also had to grow up, like we all do. I was different when I was 25. :) I bet Michael would treat his woman like a queen.
I mean....he is not an ordinary man. I would exept that with no problem.I would be honoured to have his love and I would give it back 1000000 times more.
You know....I have to my crazy heart I was always jelaous of women who had the privilege to be with him.
But I also wanted him to find someone right for him. It did not have to be marriage, maybe just a strong relationship with trust and passion. And I also believe he would have love to have more children.
Btw of marrying Michael...y'all won't believe how i used to sign stuff back in my teen years. Here goes a sample lol


Needless to explain what the J stands for :cheeky: Believe it or not, that thang that looks like an M was not intended. I simply tried to give some sort of 'artistic' end to da J and in that particular instance came out thatta way.

Same as my posters, which came off my walls, i gave up this signature when i came back to my senses lol. My current signature, which is decades ole by now, relates to the verb 'to soothe/comfort'.

Michael used to sign goals and stuff on mirrors and make them come true. 2 bad i can't say i had the same 'abilities'.......

Upon further consideration i've realized the answer to the question "who would expect a 'perfect love'?" was Michael himself. Considering his almost maniacal perfectionism about his craft, it shouldn't come as a surprise.

In Your rock my world he sings

I've searched for the perfect love all my life (all my life)
Oooh, it feels like I have finally found her perfect love is mine (See, I finally found, come on girl)

in Baby be mine he goes

Show you all the magic that a perfect love can make

and in Invincible he says

If I could tear down these walls that keep you and I apart
I know I could claim your heart and our perfect love would start

The idea itself of marriage has also been present in Michael's music starting even with his childhood.

And it continued of course into his adult years - on Bad he's got two songs where mentions it - I just can't stop loving you

You know how I feel
I won't stop until
I hear your voice saying
"I Do"

and in Liberian girl

I wait for the day,
when you have to say
"I Do,"
and I'll smile and say it too,
and forever we'll be true

and in (I like) The way you love me where he says that won't be long till we make vows I bet ya

Coming back to that 'perfect love' idea - I actually disagree with Michael and all those like him who fell victims to the the rather superficial depictions of love by Romantic poets and Hollywood. As I writing quite recently to someone whose opinion I respect very much I have come to realize that the single most important quality a love must have is to be TRUE. Hopefully Michael himself might have understood that since he did say in the already mentioned IJCSLU

At night when the
Stars shine
I pray in you I'll find
A love so true . . .

and in This is it

Got this love, I can feel
And I know yes for sure
It is real

Unfortunately for Michael the dreams of a real love and a proper marriage eluded him and that is one of the biggest losses in the senseless tragedy that took place two and half years ago.

I believe it is far more important to genuinely love someone with your entire being (mind, soul and body) and receive the same in return. And by that i mean being there for people in the ways and times needed and expecting the same. Anything else short of that is not real love, but mere imitation.

People mistakenly believe love in order to be genuine must be 'unconditional' - something where you don't dare question the other's actions, intentions or omissions. To me that is mental slavery and not a relationship based on balance of two equal partners, but the complete submission of one to the other, so much so there is only one direction of giving and receiving. I don't view this as some sort of commercial trade, 'you give me this and i'll give ya that'-type a thang. My needs could be completely different from my partner's priorities and the his needs may not be at the top of my list, but if we love each other enough then we will make the time and find the way in which to accommodate all of those and in the end we will understand each other better; so much so that one day our very needs will be the same, not only our shared beliefs, values, struggles and sufferings or whatever else brought us together in the first place.

Truly loving and knowing someone doesn't mean being blind to and silent about their mistakes. I believe it is knowing the deepest, lowest possible point to which they can subcome and remain by their side in spite of it. As Christians we are instructed to gently, but firmly point out the mistakes in another's actions or inaction because if we fail to do so we will be questioned for it. Our duty to do that is even more stringent when we are dealing with potential (eternal) life partners.

No one should make no mistake about it, the world is smack down in the middle of a spiritual warfare between heaven and hell and in this war the stakes are the highest possible. Eternity truly is the name of the game and in this 'game' we all have our role to play - as individuals, married couples, communities and entire nations.

Returning to the meek, yet awesomely so grand idea and purpose of the married life (which does not have cosmic proportions but can have cosmic consequences), i don't think we truly love anybody unless we can be honest with them when it comes to their flaws and failures and help them overcome them. To play pretend either ourselves, our partner or our relationship are perfect when all of the above are logical and theological fallacies is dangerous for the salvation of both souls involved.

In married life we hold a good share of responsibility in the salvation of our spouse's soul. Whether a couple of poor peasants in a distant country or a royal couple watched by billions, every single last one of those four individuals will be asked (among many other things of course) by the Lord one day -
how good a job did you do with protecting the soul I have entrusted in your care through the sacrament of marriage? When my turn comes to answer that question i hope it will be one that will please the Lord. And i pray if that will be the only good answer i'll have ready for that 'ultimate questionnaire' it will be enough to grant me salvation.
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