Do you think Michael danced a lot at home?

Remington Steele

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think it's so much fun to dance to Michael's music, probably YKWIM :). I do wonder if he danced (and maybe sang) for fun at home, alone or maybe in front of his kids or friends... or if you really get tired when you are over 40 and toured around the globe forever!
One thing is for sure, he did know his songs well at the rehearsals.

What do you think?
I think he danced all the time. It's in him, it's a part of him and I don't think he could ever stop. Always singing and dancing but just for fun, just pure fun and silliness :) :heart:
Ya, he danced at home a lot...But not sure if he sang a lot in front of small groups of people, considering he's so shy....
Yes. I'm positive he danced often when he was at home or in his free time.
yeah he did! I would have LOVED To see him dance to Janets music to! thats just the sweetest thing that he did that! awwww!! his children loved when he danced when they were babies bc i remmeber during that Barbera Walters Interview in 97 he mentioned how his kids loved his dancing and that he would dance to to get them to smile when they wouldnt stop crying. how adorable is that!
I'd love to see michael dancing at his home or in some disco, you know just random dancing :)
im not sure but i think that friend of michael brett something said that he has lots of videos of him and michael dancing laughing etc
Well, i'd say he did since i think he told brett ratner that maybe he should have practised more (or something like that)

Moreover, maybe he had some ideas in terms of choreography/dance steps while being at home and wanted to test 'em and see what it would look like right away instead of getting out of his house.

Your thread reminds me of a black and white footage of him dancing in a house. I think its at encino but im not sure. In this footage, he rehearses for a billie jean performance.
I'd love to see michael dancing at his home or in some disco, you know just random dancing :)
im not sure but i think that friend of michael brett something said that he has lots of videos of him and michael dancing laughing etc
ooooh, I know what you mean! Just like, rockin out at Studio 54 or a party :wub:
Your thread reminds me of a black and white footage of him dancing in a house. I think its at encino but im not sure. In this footage, he rehearses for a billie jean performance.

Interesting, is this available somewhere - tube maybe?