Do you think it's cool to live in the year 2009?

Just a few thoughts that i could think of from the P.O.V. of a 14 year old who has only really known the current age i reckon it'd be better to live in the 80s... better music, i'd ove to have been around when it all came out. And life is so hectic nowadays, even a few years ago it wasn't as bad (although that could be because of my age). And something sorta on the same wavelength as that is that technology gets replaced the second they make it, something "better" comes along that is the in thing to have. one thing i do like about the now however is that we can have forums like this and meet cool people all over the world, i think it's awesome i can sorta meet people from the U.S or the U.K (I'm in New Zealand) and of all different ages (like i talk to a lot of 30 odd year old people in the chat room and that probably wouldn't happen in person)