Do you think it's cool to live in the year 2009?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Do you think it's cool living in this era where we have cool cell-phones Mp3/ipod touch/ laptops/flat screen tvs? If your over 25 years old and 50 what do you think of todays times? It's seems todays times have much cool stuff then 30 years ago.. What you think? The 70s and 80s are cool and fresh all the way to the early 90s.
I am very old fashion when it comes to technology. I still prefer VCRs over DVD players. And I still prefer walkmans and discmans over ipods and MP3 Players. I don't even have a cell phone. Only because I got no use for one. Same thing goes for blackberries and iphones. That kind of stuff I can really do without. There is some technology of today that I use. Like Playstations, laptops, the internet, and dvd players. But I still prefer old over new.
i'd rather be living in the 30's ...i don't really like all this new stuff that just steals the time out and gives us so little time to love each other... and time runs by sooo fast ... it's really sad to live in 2009...i feel dez-humanised
Except for all the deaths in this year, I do like everything like computers and stuff. I love technology and stuff. And don't forget scientific stuff too, there are some things that are possible today that are were not possible either. I'm grateful either way.
I'm almost 25...and I think a lot of what we have nowadays is cool...but also that many things have only created well as stopped children and adults to really use their imaginations. I'd rather be living in the 70's or 80's.
I reckon I should've been born in the 20s. That said, I'm amazed by technology and what will be created next, e.g. in terms of robots, holograms, entertainment... I'm looking forward to the day we can all travel and fly around with little jetpacks. :D
At the risk of sounding like an "old person," I think we're losing the value of interpersonal relationships with electronics in 2009. It used to be, when you were with another person, you gave them your attention. Now, I see things like people walking together, both of them on their phones talking to completely different people. And now people have bigger circles of friends than ever, but you don't really get to know most of them if you have to rely on texts and tweets most of the time. I'd say the early 1990s was my ideal time: the people who really needed cell phones had them, but most people talked to their friends face-to-face.
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At the risk of sounding like an "old person," I think we're losing the value of interpersonal relationships with electronics in 2009. It used to be, when you were with another person, you gave them your attention. Now, I see things like people walking together, both of the them on their phones talking to completely different people. And now people have bigger circles of friends than ever, but you don't really get to know most of them if you have to rely on texts and tweets most of the time. I'd say the early 1990s was my ideal time: the people who really needed cell phones had them, but most people talked to their friends face-to-face.

TRUTH!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping:
Not at all. The 60s is my zone... it would be so cool to go back in time
I love technology and the opportunities it offers, but I often ask myself - is it making us happy? Fulfilled?
"I was born too late, and to a world that doesn't care" - just about sums it up.
Speaking of which theres only about 41 days or so of 2009 - incase anyone hasn't already posted. Infact there should be a CountDown Thread...:yes::wild:
& to answer I'm in the middle. Audio Tapes / casette tapes are gone, vhs - gone. Well not everybody on the planet- like my grandparents for example, know how to work a dvd player or a cd player. So thats not fair to them they have to go out and buy these products in which they have absolutley no interest or know how. In the next few years, I just hope to god that CDs are not going to be gone because theres music I like to hear- but I wouldn't put it ALL on my ipod.
Speaking of which theres only about 41 days or so of 2009 - incase anyone hasn't already posted. Infact there should be a CountDown Thread...:yes::wild:

A countdown would be great. How many days until we get out of this god forsaken year would be great to see.
Some of today's technology have made us more egotistical and just distance ourselves from reality.
You know, I miss taking out a BoomBox and play street hockey.
A boombox is made to share the music with others.
I love the feel of putting on a 12" on a record player - it feels earned to take it out it's slipcase, smell it, maybe dust it off a bit... put it on the record player, slowly drop the needle on it, hear that cracking sound, and vivid and thick music starts to play.

I mean, I enjoy the fact that I today can have my cell phone and my music player in the same unit, and it's 1/5 size of a walkman - but the same time it doesn't feel "earned".
I miss, you know, putting together mixtapes to girls. (wow this brings back memories)
It's like, you worked for that mixtape, and put your soul into copying the songs to that cassette tape - now days it's like "oh OK, I'll send over a couple of mp3 albums" - and seconds later it's done without any effort.
(LMAO, I was always picky to make sure it was the exact right amount of silence in between the tracks on the mixtapes so they wouldn't be too close to each other, yet enough silence that you build up an anticipation for the next track without getting bored - and of course make a good blend so it would be a good conjunction between the uptemo songs and the slow jams :lol:)

And I mean, look at Twitter and Facebook - those "communities" are almost created to make a battle of who can be most self centred by making most status updates each day and have most followers - which often turns out to desperation where people talk crap about others just to seem more interesting.

So what I'm trying to say it's that it' for me personally, both good and bad things comes along with technology - I mean, when I was a kid I was out playing with my friends, now days many children just sit by their computers and play War of Warcraft and stuff.

And for real... all my 80's babies up in here... Do you remember how frustrating it was when dust got stuck in the Nintendo 8-bit cassettes and you had to blow in the cassette to get the dust out?!
But man, it sure felt good when you got the game to work :lol:

At the risk of sounding like an "old person," I think we're losing the value of interpersonal relationships with electronics in 2009. It used to be, when you were with another person, you gave them your attention. Now, I see things like people walking together, both of the them on their phones talking to completely different people. And now people have bigger circles of friends than ever, but you don't really get to know most of them if you have to rely on texts and tweets most of the time. I'd say the early 1990s was my ideal time: the people who really needed cell phones had them, but most people talked to their friends face-to-face.

I'm almost 25...and I think a lot of what we have nowadays is cool...but also that many things have only created well as stopped children and adults to really use their imaginations. I'd rather be living in the 70's or 80's.

Quoted for truth
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At the risk of sounding like an "old person," I think we're losing the value of interpersonal relationships with electronics in 2009. It used to be, when you were with another person, you gave them your attention. Now, I see things like people walking together, both of them on their phones talking to completely different people. And now people have bigger circles of friends than ever, but you don't really get to know most of them if you have to rely on texts and tweets most of the time. I'd say the early 1990s was my ideal time: the people who really needed cell phones had them, but most people talked to their friends face-to-face.

for real. i had a friend who was always interested more with the person she was on the phone talking to than the person she was with.
Then when she was with THAT person in person she was more interested with whomever else was the next person on her phone!!!! ...if you follow lmao. so weird. i had to tell her she was being rude.

Even with technology we still cant seem to shake the im so popular bug with our 3345644333455 friends on myspace, facebook, twitter, some things never change. and 'Friends' now is a loose term when you can only count real friends by a waaaaaay smaller number.
i feel like im the last generation without every home having a computer back in the early mid 90's. who knew that white box would close down our record stores. im glad i got to experience some time without a pc or cell phone as a kid. i miss the 80s.
for real. i had a friend who was always interested more with the person she was on the phone talking to than the person she was with.
Then when she was with THAT person in person she was more interested with whomever else was the next person on her phone!!!! ...if you follow lmao. so weird. i had to tell her she was being rude.

Even with technology we still cant seem to shake the im so popular bug with our 3345644333455 friends on myspace, facebook, twitter, some things never change. and 'Friends' now is a loose term when you can only count real friends by a waaaaaay smaller number.
i feel like im the last generation without every home having a computer back in the early mid 90's. who knew that white box would close down our record stores. im glad i got to experience some time without a pc or cell phone as a kid. i miss the 80s.

I miss the 80s as well. I so love the technology that was around then. And that is the technology I still prefer to use over today's. I miss playing video games on the Atari. Especially the Atari 2600 the one I remember having. I also miss being able to play music on record players. And what I really hate is knowing they no longer make cassette tapes. Which I still prefer over cds. Because they were alot more easier to carry around with you. And I still don't understand what is so great about sites like facebook, Twitter, my space, and those other kind of sites. I just don't get them at all.
All this technology would be great if we could use it to invent the time machine...
without that, it kinda blows. Well, I guess it would still blow with a time machine...which is why I'd use it. :lol:
I would have loved to been there all the way from the 50s to now.
for real. i had a friend who was always interested more with the person she was on the phone talking to than the person she was with.
Then when she was with THAT person in person she was more interested with whomever else was the next person on her phone!!!! ...if you follow lmao. so weird. i had to tell her she was being rude.

Even with technology we still cant seem to shake the im so popular bug with our 3345644333455 friends on myspace, facebook, twitter, some things never change. and 'Friends' now is a loose term when you can only count real friends by a waaaaaay smaller number.
i feel like im the last generation without every home having a computer back in the early mid 90's. who knew that white box would close down our record stores. im glad i got to experience some time without a pc or cell phone as a kid. i miss the 80s.
i know what you're saying. i miss all decades wihout cells and pc's (even if i love pc's and can't stand cells :p) i miss a time when we could really meet people and i really hate to see the term friend has lost it's meaning just like love did ...:( it's sad. i hate to log on and discover i have 20 or more "friends" i don't know ..and that don't answer when i talk to them ... friends? friends are a species bound to extiction..unfortunately ....

if i'd have the power to choose i'd go back to 30's. i was always fascinated w that period
The 1980s? In the scheme of things, the 1980s is way too recent, don't you reckon?
Why not go back to before TV was created? ;)
At the risk of sounding like an "old person," I think we're losing the value of interpersonal relationships with electronics in 2009. It used to be, when you were with another person, you gave them your attention. Now, I see things like people walking together, both of them on their phones talking to completely different people. And now people have bigger circles of friends than ever, but you don't really get to know most of them if you have to rely on texts and tweets most of the time. I'd say the early 1990s was my ideal time: the people who really needed cell phones had them, but most people talked to their friends face-to-face.

You took the words right out of my mouth. I am grateful for the time that I am living, but people spend way too much time on their electronic gadgets. Of course, it makes things easier in emergencies or getting the things we need. I do feel that people, myself included, spend way too much time with our electronic gadgets rather than the people that are sitting right beside us. We tend to forget about the simple things that gives us the most joy.
no, I don't think it is. The old people had the groove and style, the new people will have the technology? What do we have?

well at least we have each other.
I'm 18 years old! I was only born at start of the Nineties pretty much.. but I think technology is a very powerful tool. It really has the capacity to dehumanise us all. And to an extent in this day and age it has! With every major new device that comes out I feel we're losing a bit of human self. As others have said mobile phones, the internet, television - whilst all amazing devices can disconnect us!

Everything is getting, smaller, faster, more efficient and through things like mass production. I hate that. I want uniqueness, I want magic, wonderment! I feel this huge sense of conformity trickling across our world. Music these days all sounds the same - I can hardly listen to anything on MTV anymore. Everything is just so profit driven! Even art forms like music! It doesn't take much to make a record these days, when in the past we had great great innovators and bands which put their heart and soul into their work.

I just feel the world isn't living in magic anymore. The beauty of artistry in every living thing.. the beauty of nature is being taken away from us by profit-hungry businessmen. We're so disconnected and money hungry that the beauty of this planet is being truly taken advantage of. There are wars going on everywhere.. It just feels we're so backward! Human life is taken for granted! We need to heal the world! I could go on and on but if anyone has seen 'Blade Runner' or has listened to the amazing album by Roger Waters - "Amused To Death" that's how I feel! We've got to rehumanise ourselves and connect!

"Can't you see
It all makes perfect sense
Expressed in dollars and cents
Pounds, shillings, and pence"

Hope that all made sense haha. I'm a very nostalgic person and I long for the past! I'm a big fan of antiques, old buildings, old music.. because the human soul was put into those art forms. That to me is special and is of worth.
there is nothing cool about 2009 or the past 10 years to begin with. and im an 18 year old girl saying this.
I wish that i could builed a time machine to back to the late 80's/early 90's but unfortunaly i'll need the flux capacitor to genrate the 2.21 giga watts.

Ok but a nerdy Back To The Future moment there lol

But to me this whole decade has been terrible
I think it's cool. I LOVE cell phones (even though I don't text constantly or talk on it a lot), iPods/MP3 players, computers, CDs, DVDs, and the like.
I vaguely remember being fascinated with the first computer that we got that had a Sesame Street game on it with horrible graphics, but it was cool nonetheless...I must have been 3 or 4.
But there's NOTHING like listening to a record! Turning on the turntable, putting a record on it, putting the needle on, and listening to pure bliss...and this is coming from an 18-year-old!! :)
I think it's cool. I LOVE cell phones (even though I don't text constantly or talk on it a lot), iPods/MP3 players, computers, CDs, DVDs, and the like.
I vaguely remember being fascinated with the first computer that we got that had a Sesame Street game on it with horrible graphics, but it was cool nonetheless...I must have been 3 or 4.
But there's NOTHING like listening to a record! Turning on the turntable, putting a record on it, putting the needle on, and listening to pure bliss...and this is coming from an 18-year-old!! :)
I've got about 100 records.. but no turntable :no:
If anyone read what I put- I'm kind of in the middle; there are older ppl who do not need a DVD Player but yet are forced to because no one has VHS anymore.