Do you talk to Michael?

I talk to him all the time, but inside my head, in thoughts. I feel that he listens and understands and wants to support/uplift/protect. I tell him that I love him so very much and because I love him, that love automatically extends to everyone that he loved and cared deeply for, and maybe it's my imagination but that has him smiling and grinning!
I have dreamed a lot about him and I wrote down my dreams but now I can't remember any dream at all, so i don't know if I'm dreaming about him. And if I don't talk to him I think about him all the time, like 24/7. He's just always there, in the background, and it makes me feel very close to him.
Don't know if this makes any sense but it's how I feel and I need his energy. I feel like were all connected somehow in energy and this was also expressed in a dream I had where I suddenly heard "Another Part of Me" but crazily loud, it scared the sh-t out of me and I woke up with a start, I somehow think that he did that. He put it out there and it was received by everyone in that energy-vibration, because a lot of people have had the same kind of experience apparently.
All the time. Especially while I'm outside and looking at the sky.
And he always answers back.
Yes, i talk to him a lot.
Sometimes i don,t let myself, because i do think we can keep spirits here on earth by holding them too close.
But when that,s true, michael would never be able to cross over.
Cause people are lingering for him too much.

Sometimes i think i see little signs from him.
Like...if he,s making up with me..
After his death the sweetest people and a very special person showed up in my life.
That gives me so much strength.
And i can,t help it by thinking michael or a higher force is doing this.
Because when michael would still be alive those things never would have happend.

He,s lika an angel to me, a jesus figure.....
Yea I do talk to him, all the time! I do almost everynight just before I go to sleep.. And sometimes I ask his opinion about something or whatever while looking at his poster, lol! "so what do you think about this Michael?" maybe it sounds crazy! :lol:
lilly, doesn,t sound crazy.
When i was younger i kissed his posters ( on the lips) all the time before going to bed, LOL.
That,s crazy.
A weird taste tho, ahahaha
All the time... If I'm in public it's in my head, but I admit sometimes I'll talk outloud to him. Hehe. :wub:
All the time...out loud when im by myself, i ask him things, somtimes what i should do about something, it always makes me feel better. I say good morining and good night to him everyday! :D
Yes, I talk to him often, somehow hoping that he can possibly hear me. It definitely brings some comfort, and I want Michael to know how much I love and miss him.
I talk to him everyday...I need it...i need to believe that i can talk and he listens.:angel:
I do sometimes in my head :)

lilly, doesn,t sound crazy.
When i was younger i kissed his posters ( on the lips) all the time before going to bed, LOL.
That,s crazy.
A weird taste tho, ahahaha

I used to do that too, the HIStory booklet and its left a bit of a mark too!!! :lol: