Do you talk to Michael?


Proud Member
Jan 5, 2007
Do you guys talk to Michael? I talk to him every day, every morning when I'm sitting in my train on the way to school, I look outside the window and keep on staring to the sky, I keep on asking him so many questions but he never replies. On my way home I do the same thing again, I know that he is smiling onto my face as sunshine. When I arrive at the station and get on my bike, I keep looking at the sky asking him questions again or telling him I love him so much. I don't know about u guys, but I talk to the sky, sun and clouds as well as the moon and stars. I just have to. I also have a Michael Jackson doll which lies right beside me on my bed, I keep on talking to it before going to bed. I can't live without talking to him. I know many of you people are still deeply affected by his loss and are grieving. Talking to him helps me a great deal, would you mind sharing what u do in order to feel better?
I talk to him first thing in the morning and again just before I go to bed. I've done it since his birthday. It helps me get things off my chest. I do also talk to him during the day if I'm feeling particularly sad, I just look up at the sky.

I know he hears me though.
Yes i talk to him, like you i talk to the sky and clouds but mostly i talk to the poster i have in my bedroom, i ask the obvious question all the time "WHY"..... and (don't laugh) i even ask him if what i'm wearing looks ok, i know i won't get an answer but it helps me to ask, its a great comfort to me, i also pour out my feelings to him when i'm down or upset over something.. i feel he is listening and maybe even saying "Jesus Christmas! your not going to wear that are you?" :lmao: ..
Yes I talk to Michael too. I talk to him when I wake up, all throughout the day and before I sleep. I tell him I love him and that I am committed to fighting for him, but yet I will work to heal the world. I tell him that there are many people fighting for him and his children. I tell him that he inspires me to be better then I've ever been. I tell him I'm sorry he endured so much, but I believe that he was sent here as a messenger from God to help heal the planet through his music, dance and spirit. So yes I am right there with you all in that I talk to Michael.

Also, I have his pictures all around me; books, phone, laptop, etc...yes I may be a little obsessed :cheeky:. That ok with me, because I look at his picture for inspiration although I know he is here with all of us in spirit. You are not alone.:no:

Peace, love and hugs...:angel:
Sometimes before I go to sleep I look into the night sky and talk to him in my head. I also include him and his children his family, friends, and all those who are struggling with his death in my prayers. One day a long time ago I made these posts -

To make myself feel better, I don't know.. I write things down.. thoughts and feelings as poems. There is a thread here 'if michael was reading this, what would you say?' (or something like that) it was started before he passed but people have carried on posting there. I post in there sometimes. It might sound silly but I find it kind of comforting. I write down my dreams about him too. The only way to truely feel better is to take my mind off what happened.. and then there is always denial.
Not out loud but in my head a do, a lot. If that makes sense? :scratch:
I dream about him a lot so far most of my dreams came to light... I try my best to block it out but its really hard for me to do that. When i write to god in my Diary i make sure i speak to him.
I do quite a lot actually especially when things are going quite badly. He's always helped me, even before I could walk he's helped me and he'll never stop helping me.
I have talked to him ever since I was a kid, just listening to his music and talking about my feelings, whenever I was lonely, sad or hurt. It helped me to get through alot of things and I still do talk to him in my mind, its like he is everywhere I see, the moon, the starts, the sun....he is just a part of me.
I do this all the time. The first time was the Monday after he died... I was on the kitchen floor, sobbing and pleading for him to come back- begging at one point. I can't really recall a time in my life when I've been so mentally unstable and delirious with grief. It was awful :cry:

Also, that night I had a dream. Michael was probably in his mid-30s, dressed in the HIStory tour gold costume and I met him in a bookstore. I gave him a hug- and, things got a bit hot a heavy. But after a while, these two gangster type of guys came out of nowhere and started to brutally bash Michael. I ran to get the security guards, but they just sat there and stared at me I think it signifys the helplessness I feel in relation to his death, and how the people who were supposed to help him just stand by and watched *sigh*

Every night now, I look up at the sky, and I just talk to him like he's right there listening. I usually mention how much I miss him, and how badly I wished he would come back. When I look at the stars, I know Michael is the brightest of them all! With that I say a little pray for him before I go to bed. I can feel his presence sometimes. I did last night; I was reading Moonwalk - and I felt like he was lying right there beside me, reading it with me :wub: I don't know, maybe it's my imagination. I always feel like he is actually listening to me when I'm talking to him. Like he's just there beside me, but sometimes I come back into reality and think that he's actually not there, so I start crying again.
Yes, all the time. Especially before I go to sleep. I talk to him, wanting to know things or telling him about stuff that's bothering me, whether it's about his life or family, or my own life. The first time I decided to start talking to him, I had a lot I needed to get off my chest and that helped tremendously. And I always tell him how much I love him every night. It does help to cope and keeps him alive in my heart. I've occasionally talked to him out loud too. I feel like he is listening and getting the messages and feeling all the love towards him right now. :angel:
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I do.. I always look at the clouds, sun, and the moon... Im looking up to see him.. I tell him in my thoughts that I love him so much...:cry:
yeah... I talk to him... mostly I ask him why he had to leave... :cry:
hahah, that's very sweet of you all to talk to him. I talk to him in thoughts very often and sometimes he would reply me in my mind. Sometimes I truely wonder if it's just my imagination or maybe I'm just crazy. lol! not really, I would just imagine that he reply me!
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I have talked to him a few times. When I talk to him I want it to be quiet and to where I know I won't be interrupted by someone walking into my room or calling my name. My first experience talking to him was when I was dog sitting a few months ago at my friend's house and I was sitting in her living room alone. It was night time so it was pretty quiet inside the house and outside. So I thought, well I haven't tried this so I guess I can just do it. I felt that I might feel weird but it was amazing. The sudden warmth and comfort feeling was lovely. I actually got a question answered for me which was really a WOW experience for me. Since then I've talked to him about 2 times. Sometimes I feel that he's busy with other fans, his children, and many more so I just ask that God watch over him and his children and all of you the fans that when you need him around his comfort and all that you'll get it. :)

I had one more experience. I hadn't really started talking to him I just felt him around so I started to whisper to him. People were at home and I didn't want them to think I was crazy.
not much, but sometimes when I feel sad or alone I think of him, his music, his message. And it makes me feel better and not alone :heart:
Yep, every day.
And more when I need advice, or when things are going badly.
Its actually not a new thing for me, used to do it before.
I guess its just more now because things are that much worse.
But I do talk to him, and I know he hears me.

I try to all of the time. I often go to one of the windows in either the Dinning room or the Living room and look up to the sky. But half of the time I start crying again before I could say anything. And I just leave the window. Because it is still just so hard for me to do. And even when I do find something to say to Michael. I just start crying again and I am forced to leave that window I am at. I just can't help it because I just miss him so extremely much. Which is why I am always making up and telling myself some kind of story about me always being with Michael. And what our lives are like together. It is something I have been doing for some years now. And I have been doing it a lot more now after this had happen. I know that might sound weird to you but it tends to make me feel somewhat better when I do that.
I talk to him every day. I pray to God too. I have dreams about MJ as well. They seem very real, like he's visiting. I always pray for him and his family. I alwasy just talk to him in my head or out loud. It brings some comfort.:angel:
I talk to pictures of him. LOL.

And I sometimes ask God to tell him things from me during my prayers. I pray for him every night.

I talk to him in dreams too.
I talk to him all the time... sometimes out loud and sometimes through a conversation in my head. I usually wake up in the middle of the night, I have been since he made the concert announcement... so my talks with him takes place in the middle of the night while I stare out of my living room window. Sometimes it feels so good to have these nightly conversations and sometimes I'm just crushed, crying my eyes out while holding myself.

I often have what I call "Life is a bliss" conversations with him. Those take place when I see things on this earth I think he would appreciate, small magic moments we usually take for granted. Nature's beauty, wonders and magic... the sound of rain, the smell of flowers in bloom or freshly cut grass, birds ability to fly, birth, small childrens pure joy etc.

I miss him so much and I know all of you do too... keep him in your hearts.
Yes, I talk to Michael all the time. Whether it's out loud or in my head. It comforts me on several levels. I talk to him because I miss him or I just want to feel as if he hears me and is with me when I need him. I believe he is and that he hears everything we all are saying to him. I also keep a special journal in which I write passages to him or about him. That probably sounds a bit strange but it brings me comfort and is one of my ways of keeping him close to me. I also speak to him frequently throughout the day on each "25th." Just things like: "I hope you're well. I miss you. I love you. etc. etc." No matter which way I'm talking to him, I always make sure to say "I Love You."

He's getting a lot of love. I'm sure he's overwhelmed but loves it very much. :heart:
I too have been talking to him in my mind very often now. I keep wondering what he would think about whats happening, certain people relishing in the media spot light, his children, the continued betrayals. Sometimes its like I'm actually having a real conversation playing out in my head. I suppose its like a comforting thing for me to do, because obviously I dread the day when I no longer think about him.
In my mind I do that often. I wonder what he would think as well about the things that have been going on. It makes me feel better and it also makes me feel better to hear his music as well.