Do you guys ever wonder about michael's kids...?

Well I don't know if he left or not, but in the past month there weren't many pics of the kids published, so whatever they did throughout the past 3 weeks nobody was leaking information as there haven't been new pics of them.

That would be because its the holiday season. Everyone is on holidays including businesses such as Karate etc.

Back on topic, when I look at Tito's sons (3T), this gives me back hope for Prince, Paris and Blanket.
Sigh, yes, I am worried about them. Mostly just the things they will hear about and see that are complete BS and negative about Michael, I hope it doesn't hurt them too much. :(
I think Katherine will look after them very well and they will be supported. I guess I am just mostly sad for them at the moment. But I know Michael's spirit will be close to them..
I hope the family dramas that have and probably will go on don't make things hurt even more for them.
I do worry about them, especially Blanket. I thinking about them alot too. I'm sure Michael is looking out for them from up there. :heart:
The children know that Michael was deeply loved by his fans.
One day they will search for places like this and I hope they don´t have to read bad things about their family and members arguing.
I hope they can read what Michael taught us about love , peace, art, healing the world...
But they have to understand that we love more than his beautiful soul, music, dancing.
It`s obvious in goldpants thread and manhood.
We learnt about and loved Michael by studying his life...I'm sure they can do the same and better.
Oh, it's so sad to think they don't have their daddy anymore :(

I pray for them every night before I go to sleep, I hope their memories of Michael will not fade away.
I am sure though that they are very much loved by all the Jacksons and I hope they also feel our love.

Anyway I'm sure that they will always reflect Michael in their lives.
yes i worry for them but I hope they know Michael very well and they lived enought with him so that they will be able to find their way in this world!and i hope they know how much they are loved and that their father will always protect them from haven:)
I worried the Most about Blanket when i saw him at the Memorial service I knew that he loved his daddy very much his tears said it all gosh i cant imagine losing a dad at the young age i wonder how hes coping with daddy death and if he even understands what death is or if the tabloid are even true on what he thinks that Micheal is on holiday and if he is is he just waitng for daddy to come back has the Jackson tried to cove this up so he wont be crying and being sad all the time if they are they need to sit down wiht him as a family and explane to him what really happen not like oh you daddy died but more like your daddy is up in heaven with the angels because God needed him type of thing like you would explane where baby come from to a kid until he more older to know what death is it would not be lieing but more a Essy thing to say to a 7 year old gosh me as a MJ fan would like to spend time with all of the kids so they can fell that we are there for them as an extend family
I have been mostly concerned about Paris. That girl really loved her daddy!. I'm sure she misses her "I love you, daddy"/"I love you, Paris" all-day long exchanges with Michael. I wonder if she still has posters of her daddy in her room. I wonder if she will ever get married because she will always be looking for a man who is a wonderful as her daddy was. These are just some of the things I worry about for Paris. I worry because the tabloids are already reporting everytime she goes to the beauty salon and discuss how much was paid for her haircuts and how they have the stylist sweep up the cut hair off the floor and bag it up so they can take it with them so no one else can collect it and test it for DNA! I am just glad they are able to live some time of "normal" life now because they still have some sort of protection. Once they are 18 and on their own, I wonder if the interest in them will be as strong as it is now. The are American royalty after all.
I think about michaels much he loves them..i do take some comfort knowing they are with their grandmother,katherine.i would ask god to give her a long and healthy life,while she instills michaels ways fully to them.i would hope they stay out of the "lime light"untill they can decide clearly for themselves.i really hate,sad,with michael not being with the ones he so much wanted.i know in spirit,but,i think about dinner time,bed time,...ect.
Again,thank god for katherine.blessing,health,strengh to her for many,many years