Do you guys ever wonder about michael's kids...?


Proud Member
Sep 11, 2009
Have you guys ever wondered how the Jackson family raising Michael's kids will affect them? I mean all their life they've been raised by Michael and somehow I feel like they won't be michael's "vision" when they're all grown up because he's not here to be a parent to them. While watching the jackson family reality show, I noticed some of the 2nd gen Jacksons are nice cool kids, but some are kinda gangster type. It's wierd but it's like they've been "contaminated", they're lives have changed so much since june 25th, all the paparazzi's can recognize them now, hell the whole world can! Before they were quietly being raised in michael's protective envioronment but now it's just so different and open. I don't know what I'm trying to say here, but if anyone understand this, do they feel the same?
I worry about Michael's kids. But in a way, I figure that if Katherine managed to raise Michael to be such an amazing person.....and since Prince, Paris and Blanket had Michael as a perfect example of a GOOD person as their dad, I am hoping that's enough for them to be wonderful little people now, and in the future.
yes i worry considering the actions of many. i hope paris and jr had enough time with mj i worry about blanket as hes so young
I worry about them, especially Blanket, because he's so young and he was the youngest..when he grows up he won't remember his father as much as Paris and Prince..they are young too..I hope that whatever their father taught them, they will use it to become as loving, as caring, and as giving as MJ was..
I have been thinking of them more than ever since Christmas. Even ended up dreaming I was looking after them one night, it was sad to wake up. :)

I can see their cousins seem very nice, we seen them in MJ's Home Videos too besides The Jacksons show at present. I am just Happy Katherine is caring for them and hoping Joe is not around them much. I was also hoping they were able to celebrate Christmas as MJ did with them, as we know Kathrine is strong on her religious believe about Christmas and birthdays etc.

Their life's changed forever day they lost MJ, but even more so when they were seen worldwide for the 1st time without masks.

Also we have seen only a tiny amount of the home videos MJ did for them. This will help them especially Blanket to remember what MJ thought them. MJ was probably has videos with advice on it for them, there is a clip of one of these where he speaks to Prince I think.

Also we the fans will forever have their back. We fought against the photos of them on sale in Universal Studios and won.
I have been thinking of them more than ever since Christmas. Even ended up dreaming I was looking after them one night, it was sad to wake up. :)

I can see their cousins seem very nice, we seen them in MJ's Home Videos too besides The Jacksons show at present. I am just Happy Katherine is caring for them and hoping Joe is not around them much. I was also hoping they were able to celebrate Christmas as MJ did with them, as we know Kathrine is strong on her religious believe about Christmas and birthdays etc.

Their life's changed forever day they lost MJ, but even more so when they were seen worldwide for the 1st time without masks.

Also we have seen only a tiny amount of the home videos MJ did for them. This will help them especially Blanket to remember what MJ thought them. MJ was probably has videos with advice on it for them, there is a clip of one of these where he speaks to Prince I think.

Also we the fans will forever have their back. We fought against the photos of them on sale in Universal Studios and won.

huh?? could you enlighten me on that part?
huh?? could you enlighten me on that part?

A shop at Universal Studios was pictured selling pictures of the kids at the memorial service. The fans petitioned the Studio's and they agreed it was tasteless and have since removed the pictures.
but u can find pics of them at the memorial service anywhere online, so why was that such a big deal..?
but u can find pics of them at the memorial service anywhere online, so why was that such a big deal..?
Imagine having to bury one of your parents and then walking past a shop seeing pics of yourself mourning.

That's why it was a big deal.
Yeah poor kids....can only hope their lives turn out the way they want and that Michael's effort in raising them will be still there in the end.

Kids that age have a big change yet to come in their lives in which parents become even more important than when they were young....I mean, with their puberty and stuff. I just hope Michael has learned them enough about the further stages of life and that they will have enough support to hang on in that.

But I don't doubt that the kids will forget who their father was and turn on the loose or sth...there's so much memories and messages of Michael for them to fall back on, luckily. And they got lovely family around them, so guess it'll be okay in the end.... :)
I do worry about them and I agree with you, I hope they remain how Michael brought them up thus far, but they have probably changed or already and/or are bound to change, since they are so young. Especially the little one, I'm afraid he won't remember much of his father once he is an young adult. The Donte's and Randy Jr's do seem to display a bit of thuggish behavior. But then again those two are 19, let's just hope Michael's kids will be different at that age.Hopefully Michael will protect them from above, what more can I say? I wish them nothing but goodwill
Imagine having to bury one of your parents and then walking past a shop seeing pics of yourself mourning.

That's why it was a big deal.

Oh, i thought it was recent, so i was thinking everyone has already seen them at the service. ='( nevermind..
I`m worry about Blanket the most. He is the youngest and most emotional. Never know....
But I hope that Prince and Paris will be great brother and sister for Blanket.
Those kids never forget how loving person papa was. I know that for a fact.
thuggish...? lmao

i think they will be okay and i think Michael left them with a great foundation that will be with them forever.
I worry about the amount of stuff they are going to have to deal with, all the scandal, accusations etc. not least the way he died.

Lisa Marie was really screwed up, but I think if anyone can get them through it Katherine can, she has a down to earth, good old fashioned love about her, hopefully they will choose careers out of the public eye, I think they will have a tough time if they go into entertainment, usually kids of famous parents get a more difficult time.

They got more from Michael in the few short years that they had him than many kids get in a lifetime from their parents, he gave them a good start so lets hope they will be ok.
huh?? could you enlighten me on that part?

I posted from Radaronline a tip from a person who went to Universal Studios & took a picture of postcards being sold with the MJ3 grieving.

Then later, MJJLaugh posted another link where we can write to Universal and let them know how could they accept one of their stores exploiting the grief of MJs kids, all the while the kids going to Universal Studios.

A few days later, they removed the postcards.
Agree - I consider the MJ3 like my niece & nephews and we the fans will always have their back.

I worry very much about the kids - but what I worry the most about them is how the tabloids/paparazzi had so much access to them. It's been speculated here on MJJC that Omer was selling info to the paps & even told a fan friend in Norway.

I worry and pray that NO ONE, not their family nor hanger on friends, take advantage of them.

And I bet that MJ is right next to them - and would never let anything happen to them.

I worry about the amount of stuff they are going to have to deal with, all the scandal, accusations etc. not least the way he died.

Lisa Marie was really screwed up, but I think if anyone can get them through it Katherine can, she has a down to earth, good old fashioned love about her, hopefully they will choose careers out of the public eye, I think they will have a tough time if they go into entertainment, usually kids of famous parents get a more difficult time.

They got more from Michael in the few short years that they had him than many kids get in a lifetime from their parents, he gave them a good start so lets hope they will be ok.
Personally this is how I feel and its from the heart the only thing I wonder about is when Prince, Paris and little MJ III when they are older they will not be expose to all the scandals written about their father mags., Books, etc. Just happy that they was given the chance especially P&P to spend them years with their day knowing about his legacy as for LIL Mike he will be fine because he had the first four years of his life with his daddy unitl his passin. he will learn much more from his sister and brother plus family. They are well groom And I thank the heavenly father that Michael was able to be blessed to have the babies he so rightfully prayed and bragged for, :heart: :love:
Yes, sure, of course we must all be worried about these little kids. They are so sweet and were so close to their daddy. Michael was their father/mother and that is another factor we can't forget. Of course, they have their beloved Grace, but still she is not their mother. They had such a few time with MJ... just 12 years, in the case of Prince. It's terrible :(

However, I am sure Michael spent so much time with them, that the kids will actually have many more memories with their father than most kids growing much older with their parents :( Which is sad for them too... For whatever reasons to do so, Michael and their kids were blessed to spend all these years together. Michael was not on tour, he was not working "out of the house" and arriving when the kids were already sleeping, Michael was there with them every single day, having fun, being a good father, not spoiling them in return for all the time he was not with them.

If there is one thing I truly admire from Michael is the extraordinary father he was. So far, I have read only great comments about his kids and that shows the wonderful and right father he was.

How many parents can claim that today? How many can say the spend quality time with their kids? How many parents having the blessing to be alive to take care and love their kids really do it at their most?

Michael did so, at his most, at his best and I am proud to be a fan of man who was able to take so much care of his little kids. That is a great example that I pray Prince, Paris and Blanket will never forget.

Let's keep them in our prayers and also Katherine. She is the cornerstone now and I hope she will be there with them for many years to come.
I have also thought about this since Michael died. And I saw a post on here talking about what happened to Lisa Marie Presley in the years after Elvis died. And while yes, her father was very famous and I can see the worry about what may happen to Michael's children when you think of what happened with Lisa Marie, there are another set of siblings out there who also lost a parent at a very young age. A parent FAR more famous than Elvis was. A parent that is on the level of fame that Michael was. And I have posted about it before as well. I am of course talking about Princess Diana and her sons Prince William and Prince Harry. Here is excerpts from what I posted about this very subject....

"During the Memorial Service when I saw Michael's Children the first thing I automatically thought of was the image of Prince William and Prince Harry walking behind their mother's Casket during the procession through the streets of London on the way to the Funeral Service. When I saw Blanket clutching the Michael Jackson doll, I then right away thought of the bouquet of flowers that were on Diana's casket that had a card on it that said "Mummy" from Prince Harry. Then I thought of the times Michael had talked about his relationship with Diana while she was alive in interviews in the years after she died. How they called each other all hours of the night to talk and lean on each other. They were probably the two most hunted people in the world by the Paparazzi. They really could relate to each other about what they had to go through on a daily basis. Much more than anyone else could ever understand.

People knew that Michael and Diana had met, but not until after her death did we find out the depth of their friendship. They kept that between them. Michael himself in talking about Diana would not divulge too much of their friendship and times together. Meaning that neither of them used the other for publicity. Their friendship was a true friendship. I am sure that they helped each other so many times too....

Getting back to their children now...

So in the time after Diana's death I remember wondering how William and Harry would turn out without their Mom in their lives. Would they rebel? Would they forget all she taught them about doing good in the world and doing good for other people? Forget about being selfless and caring like she was?

Well as I am sure you can all agree there was no need to worry. What truly remarkable men they both turned out to be. They may have had a few hiccups along the way, but nothing to actually call a disaster.

t would not surprise me in the least to find out at some point that since Michael died Prince William and Prince Harry reached out to Michael's three young children Prince, Paris and Blanket. Think about it....would it surprise you? And I bet if they did, they probably did it in private. Not wanting to make what is already becoming a spectacle in a lot of ways (the cast of characters coming forward saying this and that about Michael and the kids and everything else) have even more press, they did it so no one would know. Doing it truly for the kids, not to make themselves look good in the press for doing so.

Comforting them because they TRULY know what those kids are going through, and what they are going to go through. Comforting them much the same way their parents comforted each other many times in the years after they first met. Would not surprise me at all....Those are Diana's boys remember....

And then someday years from now when Prince Paris and Blanket are amazing adults because of their Dad's direction when he was here, just like William and Harry with Diana, maybe they will reach out in private to another set of children of someone famous who has passed away. Keeping this legacy of compassion that Diana and Michael had for people going.......

That is a Legacy....."

If you look no further than how William and Harry turned out, then there is a lot of hope for Prince, Paris and Blanket....

And just like William and Harry I think Prince, Paris and Blanket will take all that their parents taught them and turn out to be outstanding adults....
The difference is Prince Harry and William were in the ROYAL family and not the JACKSON family which includes an aunt named Latoya and uncles like Jermaine.

Children from the ROYAL family are also protected from the media and are raised in a very special way (much the way Michael was raising his own Prince's and Princess).

I too worry for Michael's kids and I completely get what you mean about the cousins acting thuggish.
A shop at Universal Studios was pictured selling pictures of the kids at the memorial service. The fans petitioned the Studio's and they agreed it was tasteless and have since removed the pictures.


I`m worry about Blanket the most. He is the youngest and most emotional. Never know....
But I hope that Prince and Paris will be great brother and sister for Blanket.
Those kids never forget how loving person papa was. I know that for a fact.

Blanket is what 7 or 8 years old. I read somewhere that if you give good parenting to a child in their first seven years of life you can really shape up their well being and future. And i think that during blanket`s most important learning and growing age, michael was there to parent him. Of course he needs him, but i think michael has already done the job, now katherine just have to keep up.
I lost my dad at the age of 12 (prince`s age) its been 10 years now. I dont remember him completely. But i do remember when he bought me a bicycle for my 11th bday. And other happy moments. I still remember when i was maybe 7 or 8 and we went to a tropical island for holidays. And i am sure blanket has his own memories and he will live for those memories. I think him and his siblings will be fine. I am going to hope for the best.
I worry about them, especially Blanket, because he's so young and he was the youngest..when he grows up he won't remember his father as much as Paris and Prince..they are young too..I hope that whatever their father taught them, they will use it to become as loving, as caring, and as giving as MJ was..

I pray for Michael's children every day. I really hope that they're brought up the way that their father wanted them to be.

me too.

A shop at Universal Studios was pictured selling pictures of the kids at the memorial service. The fans petitioned the Studio's and they agreed it was tasteless and have since removed the pictures.

Agree - I consider the MJ3 like my niece & nephews and we the fans will always have their back.

I worry very much about the kids - but what I worry the most about them is how the tabloids/paparazzi had so much access to them. It's been speculated here on MJJC that Omer was selling info to the paps & even told a fan friend in Norway.

I worry and pray that NO ONE, not their family nor hanger on friends, take advantage of them.

And I bet that MJ is right next to them - and would never let anything happen to them.

speaking of which.... Omer was suppose to leave in Dec to back home . anyone know if he is around?
I think Michael taught them well, and I hope that will stay with them. I do worry about them with the media and probably being faced with the expectation to maybe fill in their father's shoes. I hope they are successful, no matter what happens. They've been in my prayers. :angel:
The difference is Prince Harry and William were in the ROYAL family and not the JACKSON family which includes an aunt named Latoya and uncles like Jermaine.

Children from the ROYAL family are also protected from the media and are raised in a very special way (much the way Michael was raising his own Prince's and Princess).

I too worry for Michael's kids and I completely get what you mean about the cousins acting thuggish.

I agree with you. It's just sad, Michael protected them so much, shielded them from everything, and no matter how hard Katherine tries (if she does), she will never be able to provide them what Michael provided them, mentally and emotionally. This man was their world, he was their daddy and their mommy. They were with him all the time. He was their only parent. And he loved them so much.

Blanket is what 7 or 8 years old.
Blanket is 7 not 8.
speaking of which.... Omer was suppose to leave in Dec to back home . anyone know if he is around?
Well I don't know if he left or not, but in the past month there weren't many pics of the kids published, so whatever they did throughout the past 3 weeks nobody was leaking information as there haven't been new pics of them.