Do you ever wonder?

Do you ever wonder how many languages/dialects there really are in this world?
Yep quite a lot actually...

Do you ever wonder why we still have to change our clocks forward and back when the reason it was for is no longer?
Yes and no...Did you know that allergies are more common among city kids than among kids that live in farms, because th kids at farms are exposed to dirt and hey and germs and stuff from early age on and most city kids aren't so they get less allergies. Fascinating, huh? Thank God I loved playing in the mud and loved to dig dirt as a kid. NO allergies!! :kickass: :lmao:

Do you ever wonder why some people are so keen on being on TV?
Yep :lol:

not really? :unsure: I guess they like
their fifteen minutes and or seconds
of fame?

do you ever wonder about the cure for the common cold?
everything else but that seems to have been cured?
Well there are medicines that help with getting rid of some symptoms, but I think mostly a cold just needs to run it's course

Do you ever wonder how bridges stay intact and don't collapes with all the corrosion that goes on underwater you'd think the pillons would be rotting away faster than they do
Yeah and I once saw this one program about bridges, it was pretty interesting. :yes:

Do you ever wonder how some fans seem to always know where MJ is at all times and always show up where MJ is? (Michael you sure no one hasn't secretly implanted a microchip into your body to b able to follow your every move?! :bugeyed: :lol: :lol:)
Do you ever wonder why certain occurrances in your day trigger different thoughts/moods?
No because I usually know why they do that....

Do you ever wonder why some people find true love and can live happily ever after while some never are blessed with such luck?
No, to me if it happens it happens

Do you ever wonder what the roads would be like today with no stoplights or signs
I know why today but I'm working through it :)

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to live your life underwater like a mermaid?
No, but now that I think about it, it would probably be interesting. :lol:

Do you ever wonder what life was like before there was electricity?
Yeah,'s society...but I try not let it influence me. We are made to believe we ned to be "productive" at all times, and sometimes I take time for myself to do NOTHING, and no I do not feel guilty one bit.

Do you ever wonder where the Universe is expanding TO and what is beyond the Universe? They say it keeps expanding...but if it expands...then there must be something it can expand to...there must be some kind of space behind it? So do you ever wonder about that?
Yeah, that woudl be fascinating. :lol:

Do you ever wonder how we are able to learn differnt languages and understand them. YOu know the process...?
Yes I do, bothers me, especially if the person is elderly or disabled and may need some help

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if we all could fly, would there have to be stoplights/signs in the sky and how would they stay afloat :huh:
Yes I wish ...that would rock.....I believe I can flyyyyyyy :lol: I believe
I can touch the skyyyyy sorry had to haha

do you ever wonder if Santa really lives at the North Pole
or did he move? :lol:
He's still there, I called him last night to check if he received my Christmas list :cheeky:

Do you ever wonder what life would be like without telephones
Yes peaceful :lol:

Do you ever wonder why some people have a good fun sense of humor and some people are just plain boring? :mello:
Isn't it magnets? :unsure:

Do you ever wonder why some nights stars are visible and some nights theres none?
I think I was thinking of something different, you know those toy bean thingys that jump? :lol:


Do you ever wonder why we dream?
Yes and I dream every night and in color

Yes my kids have those they are fun

its actually a moth larvae it lives inside
the bean where the egg was laid
the moth lays it egg in the flower of
the plant and the egg gets incorporated
inside the seed. Then the larvae eats out the
inside of the bean and lives in there.
so when the larvae moves so does the bean :lol:

do you ever wonder why some things were invented?
I don't really know....maybe to try and better the way we do certain things in life :unsure:

Do you ever wonder why most cats hate water but tigers love it and are really good swimmers?