Do you ever wonder?

I've never thought about it

Do you ever wonder what peoples motives are sometimes? Do they act a certain way to try to "fit in" with a particular group of people, do they create a facade in the hopes of being accepted by certain people? Do you ever wonder if some people have no conscience of actions purely for selfish reasons?
Yes I believe mine do, when I walk outside around 5:30am they fly out of the trees over to where I put their food :wub:

Do you ever wonder why when you have a headache your head feels like it weighs 200lbs...the pressure :bugeyed :lol:
Thank you Poe :)

Yes, seems a little odd some never do :wtf:

Do you ever wonder what it would be like living in the Victorian Era?
Yuck at the thought :puke:

Do you ever wonder how creative people were back in the old days? Their creations are timeless and priceless and didn't need half the things people use to create with today.
They were treated horribly

Do you ever wonder what it would be like to create something that was considered "priceless"?
I've never thought about it, but I'm sure he's a very sweet person :)

Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you were in a conversation with someone and they sang all their responses to you :huh: :lol:
LOL that reminds me of Big Brother, that was one of their task things. :lol:

DYEW why we have panic attacks for no reason sometimes?
^Yes, I get them so randomly, and i dont understand why! :no:

Do you ever wonder why people are bad for no reason?
Because they're HOBOKENS.

DYEW why your hands go freeeeeezing cold for no reason sometimes?
No, really I could care less, I've always walked to the beat of my own drum :drums: :D :lol:

Do you ever wonder what it would feel like to live in the rain forest?
Beautiful, absolute bliss. I would actually love to live like that, with all the sounds of nature around me.

DYEW if there really is a base on the dark side of the moon?

do you ever wonder whom you were in the previous life?
yeah...but i always imagine it to be something that was destined to have an enigma wrapping it safely like a cocoon made of mystique :)

so i let it go ;)

do you ever wonder what tomorrow will bring?
Yes. Could be good. Could be bad...but I'm always hoping for the best.

Do you ever wonder why some people have a hard time throwing away things that don't work anymore? Old pens? Lighters that are empty? And everytime you need a pen or a lighter there's this game of trying every pen or lighter to see if it will work NOW...even tho it stopped working a loooong time ago? :lol:
:bugeyed Oh my :lol:

Do you ever wonder why they say certain plants/flowers don't survive freezing conditions, but mine happen to be blooming and thriving and it's like the frozen tundra outside :cold: :huh: