Do you believe in love at first sight and is this real?

Indecent liberties seems kind of hard to prove in court. However did she manage that? How old was he/how old was she? Maybe that had a part in "convincing" the jury. Still, sad to hear about your love going through that. =(
Seth was 16 when the incident took place. Heidi was 19, she had told her mom who then called the cops. Heidi told them what he did to her, after hearing the details, the cops got an arrest warrent went to the school and arrested Seth right in front of his classmates! Heidi must have had a lot of therpists take the stand in her defense. After he was arrested, he called me & told me what was going on. He was pretty pissed, he said, 'Once this is over, i don't think i'll get another girlfriend ever again.'

He got convicted and went to jail. While he was in jail, he sent me 2 letters. In one of the letters he told me how pissed off he was at Heidi. He also told me that he wanted to go to church with me after he got out. I didn't stay in WA, i came home to my family.
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He got convicted and went to jail. While he was in jail, he sent me 2 letters. In one of the letters he told me how pissed off he was at Heidi. He also told me that he wanted to go to church with me after he got out. I didn't stay in WA, i came home to my family.

That's a real outrage. That's why I hate the whole "indecent liberties" charge and other such things. Once someone makes allegations, and if they've got enough therapists/etc. to support them, there's virtually no defence. Since there is no real evidence, one has to take testimony and examine just that, which basically opens the door to all sorts of corruption. That's why people often falsely accuse others of "sexual harassment" instead of rape and other such offences which would require DNA samples and evidence of penetration, etc. "Sexual harassment" just requires testimony and is difficult to prove or disprove. That leaves the victim's reputation forever slandered even if the charges proved to be false, because there's the whole, well, so and so said this happened, etc.

I hope you two still keep in touch. =(
Sounds like he trusts you.
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That's a real outrage. That's why I hate the whole "indecent liberties" charge and other such things. Once someone makes allegations, and if they've got enough therapists/etc. to support them, there's virtually no defence. Since there is no real evidence, one has to take testimony and examine just that, which basically opens the door to all sorts of corruption. That's why people often falsely accuse others of "sexual harassment" instead of rape and other such offences which would require DNA samples and evidence of penetration, etc. "Sexual harassment" just requires testimony and is difficult to prove or disprove. That leaves the victim's reputation forever slandered even if the charges proved to be false, because there's the whole, well, so and so said this happened, etc.

I hope you two still keep in touch. =(
Sounds like he trusts you.
yeah, sadly, i didn't keep in touch with him. I wrote him a letter, i had to reseal it cause the people who handle mail got picky
"Do you believe in love at first sight and is this real?"

Sure, of course. You have to experience that for yourself though, in order to believe it. You can absolutely "know" someone so intensely the first moment, as if you knew them forever- probably because you did, maybe just not in this life. I know most people consider reincarnation way out there, and unless you felt it, it sounds bizarre and more like "wishful thinking".

And it doesn't have to be particularly "lusty" either, although it certainly can be part of it.

Along with that can sort of come a weird intuitive knowledge about someone and random flashes about what's gonna happen- and it all happens.

Yep, can be true. Having said that, that's no guarantee either, but sure, it happens.
To top that off, yes, you can have a connection like that more than once, simply when you have an incredible, innate knowledge about someone that's so intense, that you just pick up the pieces where you left off in the last life.
I've known exactly 2 men when I didn't have to say anything and they knew with eerie knowledge what was going on underneath my hat and with that kind of connection you don't have to ask either, hey, what's going on.

Happy lovin'.

I absolutely and totally agree with the lines i bolded in the beginning of your post. Daaa :doh:...I am afraid that is where the agreement ends though. Well, almost...

I don't mean to offend anyone cause we are all free to believe whatever we want, but yes - i am one of those who believe reincarnation is not only "way out there" but a doctrine completely incompatible with my Catholic world, life and afterlife view. I believe it to be a way which 'liberates' us from responsibility. And by that i mean the idea that should we not get things right in 'this' lifetime, we get another shot and so forth until, at some point along that whoknowshowlong spiritual 'evolution' we reach some sort of enlightenment and end the cycle. It is my firm believe that we only get one shot at the adventure called life and we need to treasure and cherish it and make the most of now and of today, taking full responsability for our action, inaction and thoughts.

I betta come back to the crux of the matter though - i also don't believe in multiple soulmates. Again, it is only my humble opinion. I don't mean to impose my views on anyone, i'm just expressing them. Same as our lives are given to us but once to cherish or to waste, the same goes for our love - there is only one other being out there in the universe born during the same time and space with which we can full compatibility on all grounds - physical, intellectual and spiritual. And nope, by using such a general and broad term as being i don't mean to include aliens in here, i don't believe in those either. If i were to make a choice though, i would rather believe in aliens than in reincarnation lol

Funny thing about this thread is that i actually read an article called the science behind love at first sight just a few days before it was created. For those interested, you can read it here Looks like there are very good scientific explanations for this very real of phenomena, even if most do not believe in it or consider it a question of semantics - lust, not love at first site. Usually, this kind of stuff, same as the chemical reactions in the brain and in the body which explain most things about love, does take away a bit from the mystery and the allure of the process. But it is interesting nonetheless to understand the mechanisms behind it all. Having said that, no amount of science will ever be able to totally explain the mysterious distance between a man and a woman, as my boys from U2 :D put it ever so wonderfully many or not so many years ago, depends on how you view time and its passing and what 2005 evokes to you.

And btw of music, the very title of this thread reminded me of a wonderful song and very nice vid from one of my favorite female artists of all time. I love pretty much all her work - everything from Locomotion to Get outta my way and everything in between. From the land of down under, none other than the brave and amazing Mrs. Kylie Minogue with.....

And yeah PMDC (se ti posso chiamare cosi :cheeky:) you had a nice wish there goin' for every1 - happy lovin'. Again, i totally agree with ya :yes:

Happy lovin' everybody - at 1st, 2nd or gazillionth sight. At the end of the day, all that matters is not when or how you meet the one soul who will make you feel you will never be alone again, but that you do meet them.
I absolutely and totally agree with the lines i bolded in the beginning of your post. Daaa :doh:...I am afraid that is where the agreement ends though. Well, almost...

I don't mean to offend anyone cause we are all free to believe whatever we want, but yes - i am one of those who believe reincarnation is not only "way out there" but a doctrine completely incompatible with my Catholic world, life and afterlife view. I believe it to be a way which 'liberates' us from responsibility. And by that i mean the idea that should we not get things right in 'this' lifetime, we get another shot and so forth until, at some point along that whoknowshowlong spiritual 'evolution' we reach some sort of enlightenment and end the cycle. It is my firm believe that we only get one shot at the adventure called life and we need to treasure and cherish it and make the most of now and of today, taking full responsability for our action, inaction and thoughts.

I betta come back to the crux of the matter though - i also don't believe in multiple soulmates. Again, it is only my humble opinion. I don't mean to impose my views on anyone, i'm just expressing them. Same as our lives are given to us but once to cherish or to waste, the same goes for our love - there is only one other being out there in the universe born during the same time and space with which we can full compatibility on all grounds - physical, intellectual and spiritual. And nope, by using such a general and broad term as being i don't mean to include aliens in here, i don't believe in those either. If i were to make a choice though, i would rather believe in aliens than in reincarnation lol

Funny thing about this thread is that i actually read an article called the science behind love at first sight just a few days before it was created. For those interested, you can read it here Looks like there are very good scientific explanations for this very real of phenomena, even if most do not believe in it or consider it a question of semantics - lust, not love at first site. Usually, this kind of stuff, same as the chemical reactions in the brain and in the body which explain most things about love, does take away a bit from the mystery and the allure of the process. But it is interesting nonetheless to understand the mechanisms behind it all. Having said that, no amount of science will ever be able to totally explain the mysterious distance between a man and a woman, as my boys from U2 :D put it ever so wonderfully many or not so many years ago, depends on how you view time and its passing and what 2005 evokes to you.

And btw of music, the very title of this thread reminded me of a wonderful song and very nice vid from one of my favorite female artists of all time. I love pretty much all her work - everything from Locomotion to Get outta my way and everything in between. From the land of down under, none other than the brave and amazing Mrs. Kylie Minogue with.....

And yeah PMDC (se ti posso chiamare cosi :cheeky:) you had a nice wish there goin' for every1 - happy lovin'. Again, i totally agree with ya :yes:

Happy lovin' everybody - at 1st, 2nd or gazillionth sight. At the end of the day, all that matters is not when or how you meet the one soul who will make you feel you will never be alone again, but that you do meet them.

I in no way mean to offend you, however, I find the idea of a guy who claims he can turn water into wine, walk on water, and get pinned on a cross only to come back at some point in time to be pretty out there too, but to each his own as they say. Of course, if I had a choice between that and reincarnation, I would say the latter makes more sense, since evolution by way of learning sounds more plausible than believing in a bearded guy in the sky who shall smite us all if we don't follow a thoroughly outdated work which prompts us to stone rape victims, among other such pleasant things.

Anyway, religion, etc. aside, the Yahoo! article is very interesting. I too had read it before viewing this thread, and there is definitely sense in the fact that animals are attracted to each other quickly because mating season is very short. The last paragraph, which attempts to differentiate between lust and romantic love, is also of interest. Indeed, in romantic love, the lover often pines over his beloved, sometimes even for years. In lust, however, one would assume that the emotions would be aroused only when the object of lust is present.

But, I agree--there is indeed a mystery as to what binds a man to a woman, or a man to a man, or a woman to a woman, for that matter.

Still, I believe in multiple options, as no one will ever find that "perfect" soul mate. I think it is more plausible to think that multiple avenues are available.
It is my firm believe that we only get one shot at the adventure called life and we need to treasure and cherish it and make the most of now and of today, taking full responsability for our action, inaction and thoughts.

I can probably show you an endless list of believers in reincarnation who are in full agreement about the whole deal of making the most out of it. (both those that are enveloped in something we'd call religions and those that follow no particular religion)
Those things don't exclude each other. In fact, we're still collectively paying as humanity for every crime we commit against ourselves.

...If i were to make a choice though, i would rather believe in aliens than in reincarnation lol
Oh, you're missing out, especially since it's so easy to have both. :bugeyed:D

Happy lovin' everybody - at 1st, 2nd or gazillionth sight. At the end of the day, all that matters is not when or how you meet the one soul who will make you feel you will never be alone again, but that you do meet them.

Yes, a cherished treasure indeed!
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I hope you two still keep in touch. =(
Sounds like he trusts you.[/QUOTE]

i feel guilty cause i wasn't able to help him.:(
I hope you two still keep in touch. =(
Sounds like he trusts you.

i feel guilty cause i wasn't able to help him.:([/QUOTE]

Don't feel guilty. The die have been cast, and no amount of guilt can change the past. Just focus on the future, and hopefully one day the two of you will be in touch again.