Do women like muscles?;)

The Bruce Lee one is okay. Not too big and overwhelming. I personally like a lanky/wiry bodyframe on guys but if they were toned nicely that would be just enough for me. Scrawny but toned ain't so bad. I'm slightly intimidated by too much bulk cuz I'm on the fragile small-boned side myself. Too much man scares me...I could get hurt. eek! Altho I have seen some and thought maybe I shouldn't be so discriminating. :lol: I guess it depends on if the muscles look natural and fits the guy all around. Sometimes the face doesn't go with the body and it looks unnatural, imo.
none of those guys look good to me..

I think it's all about the way a man carries himself. How he talk, how he move, how he look at the girl/woman and how he handles a conversation in general. The attitude :)

Michael Jackson was like the new Elvis back in the days before all the tabloid/trial JUNK destroyed everything. And he (and Elvis too now that I mentioned him) has never been a muslceman at all.

But rather a muscleman than a chubbyman :p
As long as he is balanced. that Bruce Lee is ok, maybe a bit too much muscle for his body but ok. Swimmers, dancers are the best for my eye.
Depends upon what goes with the muscles. Without a sense of humor, without compassion/caring, without some functioning brain cells, without dignity, without balance in life, etc etc etc., then muscles alone would certainly not be a positive factor in another person. If nothings going on above the shoulders, then what's below the shoulders has no appeal except as eye candy. As for "roid" muscles, pretty much nope.

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huge muscles are not attractive to me. but bruce lee is fine though. but if my guy starts entering body builder pagaents or wrestling you lost walking out the door. some women like that though. sometimes i found The Rock attractive..ehh.. but it seems with other women it doesnt really matter. not that we want a fat beer belly guy either. but a little muscle goes a long way lol its okay even if its a small one on his arm. but he better be toned somewhat if he wants his woman toned. or even if hes a guy with chicken legs and thin as hell growing up like michael was/is thats attractive to me too as long as he moves around and is active. although we women will look fatter next to him.:mello:
For me muscels are nice but not necessary :)
That man in the last pic looks hot but if the muscels get much bigger than that it's a 'no' for me!
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Thanks for the replies:) I don't get it though, 'cause there has been quite a few scientific studies which showed 90 percent of women are totally attracted to muscular men. It showed that muscular men have a lot sexual partners in their lives, whereas skinny guys are the ones that get rejected the most. (which is true in my case;)). But when I ask my friends or create this thread here, the studies seems fake. I'm confused;)
Thanks for the replies:) I don't get it though, 'cause there has been quite a few scientific studies which showed 90 percent of women are totally attracted to muscular men. It showed that muscular men have a lot sexual partners in their lives, whereas skinny guys are the ones that get rejected the most. (which is true in my case;)). But when I ask my friends or create this thread here, the studies seems fake. I'm confused;)

well the men that has a lot of sexual partners is not the ones with the long-term loving relationships. I think we can all (the women) agree that muscles look good.
I think that muscles look best with a shirt on :p

Come to think about it - I do know one man with muslces that I like the look of:

Muscles with a shirt on! Thats nice.. and theres a cool attitude too! Important you see? :)
Bruce Lee was bones and muscle. No fat at all. Extremely talented. My hero, when I was a kid lol.

I prefer Toned muscles to wrestler/bodybuilt bodies. I suppose it has to do with a sense of harmony.
The last picture (Jason Scott Lee (no relation to Bruce Lee)) is nice.
I don't like it, if guys are much bigger than that.

Dancers, swimmers, gymnasts, martial artists.. Strong enough to be powerful and "light" (weight/muscle) enough to be flexible and fast.

Just to make something clear:

A guy doesn't have to be toned or buff to be fascinating, wonderful, amazing, and the most attractive guy in the history of the world to a female.
When it comes right down to it.. It's your mind and your heart that will rock her world, and keep her swept off her feet. Not your six pack abs or size of your biceps.

Initial physical attraction can crash and burn as you get to know a persons character, if it doesn't measure up.
An "ordinary" person can become more beautiful, unique and attractive to you, the more you get to know them.

Relationships built on physical attraction only, never last long. You may try to hold on, (cause they're hot), but it's doomed.
Who wants to cuddle up to Mr./Ms. "Perfect body" after a bad day, if there's no deeper connection?
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Most guys that I have met that are muscular are way too stuck up...Think they are God's gift to woman, act like their poop don't stink...

Personally I am not impressed...nor do they turn my crank...
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I personally don't like muscles.But i love strong arms and hands.(they give wonderfull hugs.I love the feeling of being protected in the arms of my bf.I love to hold him! And I absolutelly love to be held by him.:wub:).
Thanks for the replies:) I don't get it though, 'cause there has been quite a few scientific studies which showed 90 percent of women are totally attracted to muscular men. It showed that muscular men have a lot sexual partners in their lives, whereas skinny guys are the ones that get rejected the most. (which is true in my case;)). But when I ask my friends or create this thread here, the studies seems fake. I'm confused;)

Being attracted to muscular men, and muscular men having a lot of sexual partners kind of tells me that maybe "scoring" for men and some women in many cases is the goal. So be it, human nature I guess.

But if something beyond more than a sexual relationship is desired, there usually needs to be a little more "substance" going on. Depends upon what a person is looking for in the long run (or short run), but jmo.
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lol chichi now that's what i'm talkin bout! i love a well defined man ;)

to be honest that's one of the things that initial attracted me to my man... he took very good care of his body... damn now i wish he were here LOL
yes I like muscles...even though men with muscles can be a little intimidating I kinda like "intimidating" :shifty:
Haha, I love this question. Like someone's going to say "no"

Nah, I'm more of a beer-belly type of lady.
Not that it matters...but some dude wanted to befriend me on myspace... ( considering this subject ..."How Weird Is THAT...?" that was all beefed up "trying" to look all sexy...NOT..Like John Stossel (sp?) would say...Give Me A Break...! Sorry for your luck dude...totally "NOT" my style a total TURN OFF.. ! Giiggles...but he "MUST" if he "HAS" to promoted how much he "thinks" his bode is sexy..? Maybe he has a personality like a Pea? now Susie Q... play nice..! Never be Judgemental...that is NOT classy nor lady like...(sorry Susie being a smarty pants...!)

I know it is really hard to believe...but with me...what YOU see IS What YOU get... It IS what it IS..!

:angel:Knowledge Is Growth~~~
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