Do We Have Real Superstars Anymore?

I don't think there will be superstardom like Michael Jackson, and Elvis and The Beatles in their hayday ever again.

The superstar singers left I guess are - Madonna, and Paul McCartney - seen as he was in The Beatles.

There are superstar pop culture icons that are known all over the world - for example footballers such as David Beckham (don't laugh :p)

I just did! :D
Elvis is over rated. But his status is just HUGE.

But as of today, being humble and not biasd, superstars are actually the likes of Beyonce, Madonna, Prince, Gaga, Lil Wayne, Kanye, Jay Z and probably Britney & Eminem. I dunno out of all of them who is the biggest, Id say probably guessin at Wayne & Madonna. Can honestly say I listen to 2 artist out of them lot (Kanye n Jay Z).

But overall there are Megastars that are just above the rest, Elvis, The Beatles and then theres Michael. Who is near a messiah level to some people I think. lol

But how do we define superstars today. Sales? Popularity? Talent? Someone answer that?

Could you honestly see in 20 years time, people studying music by the likes of eminem, britney, gaga and anyone else on that list??? i cant see it.
Where as MICHAELS music... certainly! :)
Since this article isn't specifically about music acts, I think Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Clint Eastwood, & Jackie Chan would qualify. None of them are new, though.
They are not on the same level with the same fanfare as Elvis, Beatles and Michael Jackson were so they don't qualify. They may be be superstars but not megastars etc.
The days of the 'real mega superstars' are long gone, Michael Jackson was IT with Madonna following behind. That whole time period never again will be.

What is being presented today as 'superstars' are nothing more than 'stars' with a timer attached to their longevity. Think about it, which 'star' today do you think we will be still talked about 20 years from now?
It's not the same anymore. I don't know how else to explain it. It hasn't felt like it used to in a really long time.
There is no MORE huge superstars...

I've always thought a real superstar is when they capture the public's full adoration and attention. It doesn't matter the race, the age, or gender, people would be lining up anywhere they go to just catch a glimpse of them.

I thought Lady Gaga has the potential but she is scaring away the mainstream audience with all her outfits. If Gaga manages to capture that, she might become one...but I doubt it...
Janet and Madonna are superstars. As of the current younger generation, as long as they continue, Beyoncé, Britney, and Usher may very well. They pretty much are now, but not to the level of older stars.
Do We Have Real Superstars Anymore?

Sat., Feb. 6, 2010 9:00 AM PST by Leslie Gornstein
Michael Caulfield/ Getty Images; Ebet Roberts/Getty Images
Is the superstar era over? Think Madonna, Michael Jackson, U2, the Boss. Is Lady Gaga the way to go now? Instant fame, (probably) quick decline?
—Pique Santos, via Facebook

Fame is still as famey as ever—in fact, more so.
Sure, there are literally more people able to see Lady Gaga groping around in a Wild Rumpus suit than there were in the age of Marilyn Monroe or the rise of Michael Jackson. But that's no measure of the quality of someone's fame.
The intensity and universality of worship—how many different demographics adore an actor or singer—now, that's how you measure fame.
And no new star who has risen in the past five years—not Taylor Swift, not Robert Pattinson, not Gaga—has...
...the same universal, almost holy adoration enjoyed by stars of previous generations.
And no matter what you say in the comments section, that's a fact.
How do I know? Because of the technology, stupid!
"Today you don't have to make the decision to leave the domestic sphere and go to the theater," Wheeler Winston Dixon, a film studies professor at University of Nebraska, explains. "Before, you'd need to go to the theater, where the star would be on a huge screen, and you would, essentially, worship the star."
That's right. Once, movie theaters were like temples; in fact, back in the 1910s and 1920s—true fact, kids—the average family went to the movies and saw giant, inaccessible, beautiful people twice a week.
There are no real movie temples anymore, not when you can choose to stay at home, instantly download a flick and have a very-much-shrunken star come and pay homage to you.
Most stars today are also overexposed compared with icons of yesteryear, and that even includes supposedly "private" actors like Harrison Ford, Susan Sarandon and Natalie Portman.
Why? Too many media outlets and forms of communication, that's why. Even if we don't know exactly why Harrison Ford always seems to be asleep when he's talking, we at least have the technological ability to discuss this fact in a million different forums, and that dilutes a star's utter specialness.
"When Michael Jackson was at the top of his form, we only got the images that were given to us," says publicist Richard Laermer, whose forthcoming book, How to Fame, discusses the end of the superstar era.
"That's how real celebrity was formed. If Epic wanted to show us Michael at home, that's what we got. You didn't see them every minute with curlers on, being besieged by paps who just want to laugh at these famous types. That's not what real celebrity is. Elizabeth Taylor was not laughed at. She told us what to think of her—and we obeyed."
Crochety old people would likely blame Twitter for part of the decline, too. Hey, let's all blame Twitter. There's a reason why we should: It lets stars talk too much.
"In order to be an icon, you have to be a mystery," Laermer points out. "Alas, there are no more mysteries!"
Lastly, consumers are all divided up.
In the old-timey days everybody, whether they were a farmer or a doctor or a spelunker or a governor, had the same basic choices for learning about a star: TV, radio or a newspaper. Not a ton of choices. If a newspaper editor or TV interviewer wanted to show us Burt Reynolds, we had to watch Burt Reynolds.
Now, the teens have Twitter, the old people have Leno, the still-older people have Larry King, the hip Asian and European kids have crazy cell phones that do everything but cook and clean, moms have Facebook, music fans have MySpace, and Tina Fey fans have YouFace.
And each one of those communities may crown a different celebrity as king or queen at any given time, and for as long as they want, before moving on.
"Icons emerge, but they are iconic within the realm that they emerge from," says University of Southern California professor Elizabeth Currid, who has a book about fame, Star Power, coming out later this year. "I may worship Anna Wintour and Madonna as iconic individuals in the same breath because they are both the dominant stars of their respective fields. I would argue most people pick favorites within different types of popular culture."
Indeed. Favorites like the Answer B!tch. Isn't that true, my 20,000-plus Twitter fans?

it's funny how you made a post out of this article cuz i saw it in my rss to etonline and i felt compelled to go there and comment , it must have hit you the same way. kudos to you
No. That era is long gone. The last great superstars were Michael Jackson, Prince and Madonna. The last living superstars are Madonna and Prince and when they pass there will be no more.

All we have now are artists who are overrated and overexposed that doesnt make an artist or singer a superstar and thats what alot of people fail to realize.
Could you honestly see in 20 years time, people studying music by the likes of eminem, britney, gaga and anyone else on that list??? i cant see it.
Where as MICHAELS music... certainly! :)

Dont think I went on about longevity? lol and I went on about superstars of "today." Dunno if you read what I put tbh.

Eminem won't "be studied" because of the kind of music that he did. But Eminem will go down as an all time great no doubt about it. The guy is a genius. His early work like Infinity, Slim Shady LP & and Marshall Mathers LP are masterpieces in hip hop/rap.
Its hard to say about the people in the list I put because you just compared it to Michael. Which is just the most simple thing to do because his music puts anyone in the shadows.
Kanye, arguably 2 of the greatest albums of the decade. (College Dropout & Late Registration). Jay Z has dominated the past decade.

Fact is if people just compare other artists to Michael, that then means there are no other superstars. Lol


Also, artists of todays era will get compared to the pioneers of the 60s 70s and 80s. Like Usher can't be compared to Michael, Gaga can't be compared to Madonna. Beyonce isnt the new Aretha etc etc. Whats the point in that. lol So yeah there are superstars around today. Just not the originals.
No, we have no real superstars now. There are a lot of people who "think" that they are superstars, but in all truth they aren't. The last superstars were Madonna and Prince. And well I think Michael is even on a higher level than them. He influenced the world greatly and also brought cultures together. You don't really see "artists" these days doing that. But yea, once Madonna and Prince are gone, there will be no more superstars.
I think whenever you have die hard fans of a music artiist or a athete, fans tend to downgrade any impact another artist or athete has that's in the same field. For example when Kobe Bryant fans get in discussions about other stars in basketball, fans make it seem like the other players are scrubs. The same thing in music, when your such a fan of 1 particular artist even if another artist has a great album or makes great music you will find a way to diss it because your such a fan of that 1 artist.

Personally i think Alicia Keys and Beyonce are both much more talented than Madonna ever was. Especially there vocals. You can't really make a judgement based on sales today because it's a different era. Just like NFL Football fans or NBA Basketball fans don't have to order the Sunday NFL Ticket or NBA League Pass because they can watch all the games on there computer for free. The same with music.

If you put some of these artist back in the 80s and early 1990s you would have many artist selling 15 + million in the USA alone. I mean MC Hammer sold like 13 million in the US for his 1990 2 legit 2 quit album so im sure Usher, Justin, Beyonce would of as well with there best albums.
Dont think I went on about longevity? lol and I went on about superstars of "today." Dunno if you read what I put tbh.

Eminem won't "be studied" because of the kind of music that he did. But Eminem will go down as an all time great no doubt about it. The guy is a genius. His early work like Infinity, Slim Shady LP & and Marshall Mathers LP are masterpieces in hip hop/rap.
Its hard to say about the people in the list I put because you just compared it to Michael. Which is just the most simple thing to do because his music puts anyone in the shadows.
Kanye, arguably 2 of the greatest albums of the decade. (College Dropout & Late Registration). Jay Z has dominated the past decade.

Longevity has alot to do with what makes a supestar. Alot of the singers, rappers, etc out today do not have that. They dont produce classic material in order to have longevity. Classic material stands the test of time and has nothing to do with how popular you are. Eminem is average. His first album was good but after that his material has not been consistent enough for him to be a superstar or be considered one of the "greats" I can list alot of rappers better than him. Kanye first album was good to but the same applies to him. Jay Z was good back in the 90s but his recent material has been commercial garbage and quite frankly his overrated. What makes a great artist and superstar is consistency not drop one great album and have a terrible second album. Rakim, Wu tang, Nas, Mos Def, KRS-One are Legendary rappers.

Fact is if people just compare other artists to Michael, that then means there are no other superstars. Lol

Your right but an artist like Michael set the path and set the standards. Why should the bar suddenly drop because its impossible for an artist to be compared to him? I dont really think no one is comparing artists to Michael, people are just basing what makes a superstar on those standards Michael set among other superstars such as originality,innovation, creativity, influences, impact etc which none of these artists today are doing or have done.


Also, artists of todays era will get compared to the pioneers of the 60s 70s and 80s. Like Usher can't be compared to Michael, Gaga can't be compared to Madonna. Beyonce isnt the new Aretha etc etc. Whats the point in that. lol So yeah there are superstars around today. Just not the originals.

Nobody today is a superstar. All we have today are a bunch of mediocre pop singers who are very overrated and overexposed. Dont confuse that with "superstar" that is just popularity which really doesnt mean anything.
The answer is......NO!!!!

Absolutly not, everyone relies on politics and don't wanna work hard...that automatically eliminates your superstar status.
If we are talking about longevity, Usher has been around since 1997 as a major force in music. That's 13 years as a solo artist at a high level which to me is longevity and not just a 1 or 2 year quick run and out.

Most ppl consider MJ's prime as a solo artist 1979-1992 which is 13 years. The same as Usher.

Die hard fans might want to add on albums after that but critics, non fans and even current music artist who love MJ rarely mention History, Blood on the Dance Floor or Invincible. Majority consider his peak from 79-1992
I find it strange when people comment that 'named' popstars of today are big stars/superstars. I don't see it at all.
When i hear gaga tracks or britney tracks or whoever, I don't hear a superstar singing, I dont hear anything iconic,...I dont feel it.

Whereas with artists like Michael you can hear it instantly....its like I know that what I am hearing is something special.
I can't say, cause Im young, but those of you older!!...When a big artist released music in the 80s/90s didn't it have a more iconic/special feeling to it???? I can imagine that.

Like with Janet for example, whenever I listen to the Velvet Rope of Rhytm Nation, I feel like the music is something special, and I suspect I would have felt that at the time of their release, even though back then they would have been seen as 'current'.
Dont think I went on about longevity? lol and I went on about superstars of "today." Dunno if you read what I put tbh.

Eminem won't "be studied" because of the kind of music that he did. But Eminem will go down as an all time great no doubt about it. The guy is a genius. His early work like Infinity, Slim Shady LP & and Marshall Mathers LP are masterpieces in hip hop/rap.
Its hard to say about the people in the list I put because you just compared it to Michael. Which is just the most simple thing to do because his music puts anyone in the shadows.
Kanye, arguably 2 of the greatest albums of the decade. (College Dropout & Late Registration). Jay Z has dominated the past decade.

Maybe in hip/hop he will be remembered, but mainstream, who cares about him now? He is actually a prime example of the 'there today gone tomorow' type stars that exist now.
Jay Z, more credible than Eminem for sure, but even he (who Im well aware is a massive name) is far from anything 'superstar'.
LL Cool J was once a massive 'respected' name like Jay Z (he even rapped for MJ once in an unreleased song), but where is he now...opening up for Janet Jackson in her tour in 2008 lol.
I can't say, cause Im young, but those of you older!!...When a big artist released music in the 80s/90s didn't it have a more iconic/special feeling to it???? I can imagine that.
That's why some acts from then can have successful tours today like Van Halen, The Police, Depeche Mode, Madonna, Duran Duran, Prince, Genesis, even New Kids On The Block. I don't see anybody being interested in Lil Wayne 20 years from now, lol.
Sorry, no.
None are on the caliber of MJ. I think MJ is a megastar rather then a superstar.
MJ was/is the definition of a megastar. When people in the rural areas of East African countries that have no electricity know your name, know your dance moves and songs. That IS a megastar. I don't see Lady Gaga reaching that height. Yes, she has the Europe market and America market on lock NOW. But we will just have to see.

I think Beyonce and Britney Spears are superstars though

Instant fame, (probably) quick decline?

I was thinking about this the other day. She got famous quick and it could backfire but who knows...

Mainland Europe has forgotten Janet JAckson idk about the UK but from what I hear it ain't much better there either. Janet Jackson was never a global phenomena like Michael Jackson, and now that her star has been pretty much sinking for almost the past decade, it's not going to change much.

In the 90's she was popular globally but of course not in the same caliber of MJ's fame outside of the states.

George Michael.

Eh no.
I hate the world we live in now. It's goddamn boring. I miss the 80s and 90s. We had proper music, like Michael Jackson, Prince, Madonna (at her prime, even now she's lame). We had better programmes like Friends, Part of 5, Only Fools and Horses, Dawsons Creek, Ally Mcbeal, etc etc. The world is becoming more technical, and everything is declining. I hate to think what it'd be like in 100 years. There probably be no jobs left...they would have invented robots to take over :no:
in music not really but David Beckham,Simon Cowell, Usain Bolt, Tiger Woods & Michael Jordan are all superstars in my opinion.
I like Gaga, she's weird, but she's a MJ Stan...Also Chris brown....Chris Brown has been been doing tribute upon tributes at almost ALL his shows and he was doing this before Michael passed away, so he's on my list as a superstar.
Rakim, Wu tang, Nas, Mos Def, KRS-One are Legendary rappers.

Your right but an artist like Michael set the path and set the standards. Why should the bar suddenly drop because its impossible for an artist to be compared to him? I dont really think no one is comparing artists to Michael, people are just basing what makes a superstar on those standards Michael set among other superstars such as originality,innovation, creativity, influences, impact etc which none of these artists today are doing or have done.

Nobody today is a superstar. All we have today are a bunch of mediocre pop singers who are very overrated and overexposed. Dont confuse that with "superstar" that is just popularity which really doesnt mean anything.

Those artists shit on anyone in mainstream today. I know they do but its the mainstream that get called the superstars. Tribe Called Quest and Madvillain also. These people are legendary in hip hop. But everybody else that listens to mainstream stuff won't have a clue about these. Only artist I feel that is still tryna push boundaries is Kanye with creativity etc. Maybe Lupe. And Nas actually with the Distant Relatives album.

And yes there still are "superstars"... its just todays superstars. And in 20 years I think Kanye could be brought up for the College Dropout and tryna push the boundaries and tryna change the game. His tour was great. I know Im a Kanye fan with the username etc but that Glow In the Dark Tour was somethin else.
Eminem will be talked about in 20 years. White guy doing what hes done in Rap. Never been done. He influences alot of people. Shame about him over the last 5-6 years though with his personal problems. And now choosing to work with shitters like Drake and Eminem

Only people out now in todays mainstream artists with longevity are Beyonce, Kanye, Eminem and Jay Z.
Give these guys chance! To be a superstar you have needed to be in the music industry 10 + years LOL I do think Lady gaga has the talent to maybe become the next Madonna or something.
I've never heard any of Gaga's music, but from what I've seen, as far as her "look" she isn't doing anything that David Bowie, LaBelle, or Peter Gabriel (when he was in Genesis) hasn't done already.
I like Gaga, she's weird, but she's a MJ Stan...Also Chris brown....Chris Brown has been been doing tribute upon tributes at almost ALL his shows and he was doing this before Michael passed away, so he's on my list as a superstar.

I thought the same kinda thing at first but is he really a superstar? I mean he really doesn't seem to be a nice guy. After all things I've seen happening with and to him, all these things with Rihanna and stuff... I don't know, I can't know cuz' I wasn't there, we all don't know what happened there but I just wanna say that I'm not sure about him!