Do We Have Real Superstars Anymore?


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Jul 25, 2011
Do We Have Real Superstars Anymore?

Sat., Feb. 6, 2010 9:00 AM PST by Leslie Gornstein
Michael Caulfield/ Getty Images; Ebet Roberts/Getty Images
Is the superstar era over? Think Madonna, Michael Jackson, U2, the Boss. Is Lady Gaga the way to go now? Instant fame, (probably) quick decline?
—Pique Santos, via Facebook

Fame is still as famey as ever—in fact, more so.
Sure, there are literally more people able to see Lady Gaga groping around in a Wild Rumpus suit than there were in the age of Marilyn Monroe or the rise of Michael Jackson. But that's no measure of the quality of someone's fame.
The intensity and universality of worship—how many different demographics adore an actor or singer—now, that's how you measure fame.
And no new star who has risen in the past five years—not Taylor Swift, not Robert Pattinson, not Gaga—has...
...the same universal, almost holy adoration enjoyed by stars of previous generations.
And no matter what you say in the comments section, that's a fact.
How do I know? Because of the technology, stupid!
"Today you don't have to make the decision to leave the domestic sphere and go to the theater," Wheeler Winston Dixon, a film studies professor at University of Nebraska, explains. "Before, you'd need to go to the theater, where the star would be on a huge screen, and you would, essentially, worship the star."
That's right. Once, movie theaters were like temples; in fact, back in the 1910s and 1920s—true fact, kids—the average family went to the movies and saw giant, inaccessible, beautiful people twice a week.
There are no real movie temples anymore, not when you can choose to stay at home, instantly download a flick and have a very-much-shrunken star come and pay homage to you.
Most stars today are also overexposed compared with icons of yesteryear, and that even includes supposedly "private" actors like Harrison Ford, Susan Sarandon and Natalie Portman.
Why? Too many media outlets and forms of communication, that's why. Even if we don't know exactly why Harrison Ford always seems to be asleep when he's talking, we at least have the technological ability to discuss this fact in a million different forums, and that dilutes a star's utter specialness.
"When Michael Jackson was at the top of his form, we only got the images that were given to us," says publicist Richard Laermer, whose forthcoming book, How to Fame, discusses the end of the superstar era.
"That's how real celebrity was formed. If Epic wanted to show us Michael at home, that's what we got. You didn't see them every minute with curlers on, being besieged by paps who just want to laugh at these famous types. That's not what real celebrity is. Elizabeth Taylor was not laughed at. She told us what to think of her—and we obeyed."
Crochety old people would likely blame Twitter for part of the decline, too. Hey, let's all blame Twitter. There's a reason why we should: It lets stars talk too much.
"In order to be an icon, you have to be a mystery," Laermer points out. "Alas, there are no more mysteries!"
Lastly, consumers are all divided up.
In the old-timey days everybody, whether they were a farmer or a doctor or a spelunker or a governor, had the same basic choices for learning about a star: TV, radio or a newspaper. Not a ton of choices. If a newspaper editor or TV interviewer wanted to show us Burt Reynolds, we had to watch Burt Reynolds.
Now, the teens have Twitter, the old people have Leno, the still-older people have Larry King, the hip Asian and European kids have crazy cell phones that do everything but cook and clean, moms have Facebook, music fans have MySpace, and Tina Fey fans have YouFace.
And each one of those communities may crown a different celebrity as king or queen at any given time, and for as long as they want, before moving on.
"Icons emerge, but they are iconic within the realm that they emerge from," says University of Southern California professor Elizabeth Currid, who has a book about fame, Star Power, coming out later this year. "I may worship Anna Wintour and Madonna as iconic individuals in the same breath because they are both the dominant stars of their respective fields. I would argue most people pick favorites within different types of popular culture."
Indeed. Favorites like the Answer B!tch. Isn't that true, my 20,000-plus Twitter fans?
Oh! i red that article, fantastic, no, we dont, after Michael Jackson passed away, the era of the supermeagstar is gone as well...

But we have material that have treasured, dont we??? ;D

and like Michael said once, GOOD ART, NEVER DIES, and it doesnt... :)
I don't consider any of the stars today as ''superstars'' not Gaga, not Beyonce, not Ke$ha, not The Jonas Brothers, not Miley, none of them.
The era of real megastars/superstars came to an end decades ago. There will never a star that will rise to Michael's level.
Superstars are around now but not megastars like Michael, The Beatles and Elvis.
Yes, the biggest is 1.MJ 2.Elvis 3. The beatles, but I don't like elvis and the beatles :p but it is so :p
I don't consider any of the stars today as ''superstars'' not Gaga, not Beyonce, not Ke$ha, not The Jonas Brothers, not Miley, none of them.
The era of real megastars/superstars came to an end decades ago. There will never a star that will rise to Michael's level.

word! :clapping:
I think Lady Gaga is not a 'superstar' but she is very talented!
not really the last of the superstars are madonna mj and i guess prince. add whitney into that.
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Well, very good question and the answer from me is no!
All the idiots (sry) I'm seein' on tv aren't real stars to me. They're kinda all the same at some point and they don't have the quality like MJ or Craig David or Elvis Presley or whoever for example. I mean all the commercial music goin' on nowadays is just boring and nothing really impressive, not that big of quality! Surely opinions can be different and this is supposed to be like that, it's good this way, no question but when I see all the so called stars nowadays on tv I somehow just get bothered!
In one sentence - I can't find real stars anymore like back then with people like MJ, James Brown and so on...
The only Superstar I can think of is Shakira.You can't deny what she means to the Hispanic communities.
I think a superstar should be more talented than other stars and they should be known all over the world for their song. music,dance etc
Someone who is famous in USA and europe and not in another parts of the world is no superstar.
For me there are no new superstars and there will never be someone like Mihael Jackson again.
Will someone ever sell out 50 shows in the o2 arena again? I don´t think so.
Madonna and Prince perhaps even tho they are not that famous outside the US/Canada/Europe....
I think a superstar should be more talented than other stars and they should be known all over the world for their song. music,dance etc
Someone who is famous in USA and europe and not in another parts of the world is no superstar.
For me there are no new superstars and there will never be someone like Mihael Jackson again.
Will someone ever sell out 50 shows in the o2 arena again? I don´t think so.
Exactly and now there isn't any artist who is known ALL OVER the world like Michael, even in Africa. In my opinion Madonna is the biggest one left.

But Michael's music and legacy never dies so he'll be forever a superstar.
Janet could bring her megastardom back I don't know, other than her I think prince MJ Paris and Blanket could be as big if not bigger than MJ one day !!
Janet could bring her megastardom back I don't know, other than her I think prince MJ Paris and Blanket could be as big if not bigger than MJ one day !!
Mainland Europe has forgotten Janet JAckson idk about the UK but from what I hear it ain't much better there either. Janet Jackson was never a global phenomena like Michael Jackson, and now that her star has been pretty much sinking for almost the past decade, it's not going to change much. As for Michael's children, let them become whatever they want to, I doubt they are gonna outdo their father. Of course they will be given instant attention because of who they are, no doubts about it, but instant attention doesn't equal instant success.
I don't think there will be superstardom like Michael Jackson, and Elvis and The Beatles in their hayday ever again.

The superstar singers left I guess are - Madonna, and Paul McCartney - seen as he was in The Beatles.

There are superstar pop culture icons that are known all over the world - for example footballers such as David Beckham (don't laugh :p)
I think the age of the superstar is sadly passing/passed.
Michael= the epitome of a "superstar" and it's just a whole package thing that people dont have anymore. And he KNEW what a superstar is, and what to do, and there's alot of ways that you can see that he knew what he was doing. *sigh*
Since this article isn't specifically about music acts, I think Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Clint Eastwood, & Jackie Chan would qualify. None of them are new, though.
The three icons of music. 1) Michael Jackson. 2) Elvis. 3) The Beatles. I very much doubt we'll ever get anyone on that level.
I think the age of the superstar is sadly passing/passed.
Michael= the epitome of a "superstar" and it's just a whole package thing that people dont have anymore. And he KNEW what a superstar is, and what to do, and there's alot of ways that you can see that he knew what he was doing. *sigh*

I agree with you
Since this article isn't specifically about music acts, I think Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Clint Eastwood, & Jackie Chan would qualify. None of them are new, though.

They are all good actors but if you don´t have a tv would you know they existed then?I think it´s more common that someone in the village has a radio and they can listen to music.
I remember the young man from Congo who listened to Michaels music on his sisters cd-player and he had to remember it to dance to it when he came home.
Elvis is over rated. But his status is just HUGE.

But as of today, being humble and not biasd, superstars are actually the likes of Beyonce, Madonna, Prince, Gaga, Lil Wayne, Kanye, Jay Z and probably Britney & Eminem. I dunno out of all of them who is the biggest, Id say probably guessin at Wayne & Madonna. Can honestly say I listen to 2 artist out of them lot (Kanye n Jay Z).

But overall there are Megastars that are just above the rest, Elvis, The Beatles and then theres Michael. Who is near a messiah level to some people I think. lol

But how do we define superstars today. Sales? Popularity? Talent? Someone answer that?
My answer is NO.The eras that the superstars lived were born as early as between 40s to 60s. Superstars are really big. You could talk them for generations to come. Michael was the last superstars that left the world. Madonna couldnt even top that. For younger stars like Alicia Keys, she won few grammys and her songs were hit and I thought she was going to be real HIT or at least last long but I was wrong. I dont hear her songs now.. it was like she disappears or something. No offence but some of her songs were good !