~ * ~ do u guys feel You are changed since Michael's left us?

whosbad;3338407 said:
Oh, girl. I know what you mean. I would be glad if you could send me a pm. Maybe if we share our feelings we will feel better? :)
Please, don´t give up. We´re all here for you. :)

i do not mean to be rude. u r so nice and u have tried to change my mind. but sorry i do not see anything, no glows of hope. its all empty promises... we will be better?

i dont believe that. and no one and nothing has bee nable to chaneg my idea.
Even God doesn't try.

sorry again...
but i'd love to share feelings with somnolent who understands. maybe u can ad me to ur yahoo or give me ur facebook page.
whosbad;3339831 said:
Your words are really wonderful!!! Thanks for your comments, kindofdisco. :)
I really understand you also, ForeverBeinPeaceMichael - but it´s not healthy to think constantly negative. Try to cheer up your life again. Go out, have fun. If you´r constantly mourning, you´ll become sick. And Michael wouldn´t want you to become like that. Be happy that you´re healthy, try to embrace the life and spend time with your family and friends. Please, don´t stay alone.
Please, do take these advises serious - I´m not kidding. I know what it means to be depressive - it takes you down and you don´t even wanna stand up again.
You´re not like that, girl!!! Please, start to love your life again!!! I know you can do it!!! :)

i do try to cheer up. i distract my mind but there always is something that blocks ur way.

the question, the "i-miss-Him-to-death... all just ... and then people, what they say and what u may watch on TV alll throws u back just to the first day.
and all begins again.

i am yet, so sure that if only i knew where :heart:Michael is now and how he is doing? if i could hear it from Himself or someone who can really assure me, things would get all well.

i am just a big i-don't-know head with lots of questions no one answers. and its for more than a year.
^ I say this in the best possible way: you need to find the strength in yourself to overcome this. Its not doing you or Michael's memory any good by remaining in this state, and do not think for a second that Michael would want you to die in order to join him where ever he's gone. He needs you to live your life to the fullest, to be happy and to find your passion. Maybe you could find something that inspires you through Michael and work on that? Do you love children? Or maybe drawing, art, music, dance? If you connect it to the joyful memories you have of Michael, I'm sure it'll push you out of this black hole you're in and really get you somewhere better.
sometimes it's just hard. just hard. u can't do it alone and when you are alone and there is no one there to help you...
i mean really be there, like to hold ur hand and hug you... and really understand you..... that is when u start to think that way.
and become all negative.

u know what i mean?
Nobody is going to hold your hand through life, there are things that you need to push through yourself. Of course we all need hugs and support, but at the end of the day it is you and ONLY you that can make that change.
I've become stronger but yes more emotional too. I"ve always tried not to judge other people and my feeling for justice has become a lot bigger. I have a strong feeling against wrongdoing. I think I've had everythng already but it has become stronger since Michael died.
Nobody is going to hold your hand through life, there are things that you need to push through yourself. Of course we all need hugs and support, but at the end of the day it is you and ONLY you that can make that change.

u know,
:heart:Michael sure understands this well... how i feel deep inside...
"I can't take it cause I'm LONELY.... :cry:" :cry:
Edit --- decided I'd rather keep my feelings private.
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Yes, I think it has turned me back into a romantic because I'm constantly daydreaming about him.
It has also caused me to reflect on my life more and try to do more to help others.
I feel like most of you..
But i dont see as many concerts etc. as i used to. It is still a bit too painful and emotional.
First of all, hugs to you ForeverBeInPeaceMichael :hug:
Maybe the professor didn't know how to respond properly or he is simply cold...
Either way, if there was any angry tone in his voice, he was wrong, period.

Well, I've changed, definitely, more than I realize I have.
2 of the most obvious changes:
1) Now I truly believe the saying "The good die young."
2) I feel more sympathy toward others who heard the news of their favorite artist's passing.
I've never been very strong, always had a heart that got easily hurt. Then went through some stuff in my youth - and later in my marriage - that was rather hard to take. For 20 years now, Michael is my place to go, he always was 'the only one around when things would hurt me'.
Since he's not with us on Earth anymore, there's this constant ache in my heart, a pain that is sometimes overwhelming, sometimes lessens a bit - but never goes away. This changed me - together with other circumstances, I think. Although I'm trying to be happy, strong and 'normal' for my babies - inside I'm mostly tired, sad, even depressed. I know there are still so many good things in life, and I am thankful for them, but - I don't feel them anymore. They don't make me happy like before.
Earlier, every new day was full of new chances and possibilities. Now when I wake up, I often wish it was evening already. Life has lost it's brightness.

But I still have the hope it will be better again. My kids need me and their eyes tell me that there's more to life than this :heart: ...
:better: and :hug:

When I hear or watch videos, interviews, concerts... aught related to Michael, my eyes fill with tears. It's inevitable... and going forward it will always be so. :cry: *big sigh*