do paris and prince know about the 2005 trial?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
do you think paris and prince are aware of the negativety that surrounded their father or did he never tell them? but dont you think prince is old enough to understand what he reads in the paper?

and when he was away from them during the trial did he tell them where he was? i heard that he told paris that he went on holiday
They probs knew briefly, but don't know the details. Its such a hard thing to tell your children about something like this.
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I know. Michael wouldn't want them to know about the sick people in the world who tried to falsely accuse him. The children know Michael more than anyone and they love him so much. I don't think anybody can say anything to them about him which would change that.
I'm sure the kids are strictly not allowed at some extend to even go on the internet; at least some sites
I don't know but dear Lord, it must have been even worse that he had to cover up somehow for his children...

I don't know but dear Lord, it must have been even worse that he had to cover up somehow for his children...


wasnt it jermaine who said when michael was held at santra barbra and suffered police brutality he was in the cell room and spoke to paris on the phone while sitting on the floor saying "daddy's on holiday" and he was crying so bad. paris didnt understand where her dad was and he kept saying that he was on holiday

anyone know the details of what jermaine said?

im sure prince understands by now, how could he not figure it out? i knew everything about sex by the time i was 12 lol
wouldnt believe a word jerm said mj went to court pretty much 9-5 so he prob just told them he was going to work. bain talked about it in a interview said mj would switch roles when he came home. do homework with the kids ect and when they went to bed he would have meetings and deal with court stuff.he was at the police station for hardly anytime why would u say u had gone on holiday
poor kids.. hope they dont read to much about it when they get older since its just bs anyway.
shame they dont hunt the scum down who did it. sadley they have to much dignity for that
on the Geraldo interview before the trial he was asked about that and he said no they do not know and that he monitors everything they watch. So i think it's safe to say they don't know the whole extent if any at all. they are still very young.
I dread the day those poor sweet hearts find out. :(

Ive seen Jermaine's young children talk about it and were very strong and defensive over their uncle. Michael's kids will be the same.
i think prince knows..

I'm kind of with you there..

For some reason, I have this strong feeling that Prince Michael knows something. Not all of it, but I think he definitely has an idea. When they do find out and understand, I hope they stay strong and stick by their dad. They are the ones who know Michael more than anybody.
I think both kids know something was up but maybe not exactly what. Based on the kids' reaction (especially Paris) at the memorial I think they do something about the negative press their dad recieved (ya'll member the famous "Nothing wird about yo' Daddy" line).
someday...they will know. they will know everything about Michael either its from the good news like our forum or other bad news from all those stupid tabloids
and when they are old enough, they will understand about the trial and everything but i'm sure they will not judge Michael base on it...they are the one who really really know the truth
and when they are ready....they will speak up....they will stand for their dad
we are his fans stand by him forever....even until now....they are his children,they will stand by him more than us
I really hope those poor children doesn't really know yet. Cause I remember how extremely hard it was for me back in 93. I was 13 years old back then during those child molestation allegations. And I remember it all as if it had happen yesterday.
I think also they know something. I mean Paris and Prince are almost teens now, and even thou they monitor what they watch on tv they can not monitor them 24/7 and I am sure they have Internet, if not their cousins have Internet.
Because of that I wonder what do they know not only about the trial, but about everything, the conspiracy theories, Michael's cirsunstances at the time of his passing, etc.
SOme times I even wonder if they are around here too, like Michael was at some point :cry:
I'm sure they know..poor kids
Maybe in a few years when they will be older, they will talk about it and defend their father.
well, In the memorial when Al sharpton said the whole "innocent until proven guilty" Paris was one of the first people to get up when everyone gave the standing ovation. So i'm sure they know some least paris and prince must know some things.
Or maybe eventually now Michael explained to them certain things. At the moment of the trials the kids were very young. Probably around 6 and 7 years old. But Michael has also said that the kids ask ALOT of questions. So the question most likely came up a few times.
I imagine Prince and Paris do know, maybe not all of the details at the time, but Michael would have wanted them to hear it from him, as they were getting older there is always a chance some idiot would say something to them.

I hope they are being prepared to go out into the world able to handle the negative stuff, at the memorial there were references to ridicule and mess, so presumably they have some idea.

In a way I hope if they go into entertainment they work behind the scenes, I fear they will come in for the same persecution as he did.
well, In the memorial when Al sharpton said the whole "innocent until proven guilty" Paris was one of the first people to get up when everyone gave the standing ovation. So i'm sure they know some least paris and prince must know some things.

That is just what I was thinking... they must know something...
I think they know. They are 11 and 12, hardly young kids anymore, and are old enough to understand that there are cruel people in the world and some people will accuse people of doing something they didn't.
well, In the memorial when Al sharpton said the whole "innocent until proven guilty" Paris was one of the first people to get up when everyone gave the standing ovation. So i'm sure they know some least paris and prince must know some things.

I think it was someone else who said that... that congress woman...
well, In the memorial when Al sharpton said the whole "innocent until proven guilty" Paris was one of the first people to get up when everyone gave the standing ovation. So i'm sure they know some least paris and prince must know some things.

Yeah this is what I was thinking. They're highly intelligent so prob have an idea or maybe Michael had to tell them briefly now they're older but of course they realise it's utter BS (Paris was the first to stand and nod).
Yeah this is what I was thinking. They're highly intelligent so prob have an idea or maybe Michael had to tell them briefly now they're older but of course they realise it's utter BS (Paris was the first to stand and nod).

Also, her own speech could refer to that.
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