#MJforever57;4177421 said:
Do you really think Wade and his lawyers were going to mention where they got these pictures from No
Well, he certainly didn't tell exactly what books and tapes MJ supposedly showed him
just that in 1990 1991 MJ showed him porn books, magazines and videos.
1. Why would someone need porn magazines AND porn books AND porn videos to groom boys? Wouldn't
one type of such material suffice? Robson is trying very hard to explain why MJ had adult books, magazines
and DVDs (because the real reason why he had them would discredit him big time)
What an improvement. Zonen didn't even bother to comment on MJ's DVDs or the books with naked
women. He only focused on his magazines. Which boy was groomed with Double dicking Caroline
and Pimps up hoes down? Still a mystery.
2. The raids in 1993 and 2003 didn't find any porn videotapes. If MJ had porn videos in 1990 1991
where were they during the 1993 raid? I'm sure we would have heard about them if they had found any.
3. If MJ already had adult magazines in 1990 where were they during the raid? With him on tour?
If so how does Robson explain that MJ took adult magazines with him on a tour where he was all alone?
Did he want to groom himself? Oh well, I'm sure he did but that totally undermines this whole idea
that MJ bought adult magazines because he wanted to "educate" boys instead of what straight
guys use these type of magazines for.
4. Robson doesn't name any book but in a deposition and in court he would be asked. I wonder
what he would come up with. In 2005 Zonen showed him a gay sex book which was published
before 1990 but no doubt got onto the ranch long after that, it was found in a cardboard box
which had tons of other books among them those published long after 1997, like Room to play
which was published in Feb 2003.
The other adult erotic books they found in 2003 were
Scenes D'Interieur by Alexandra Dupouy, which was published in 2000
The Art of Dave Nestler: Wicked Intentions published in 2002
Gynoids: Genetically Manipulated by Hajime Sorayama published in 2001
Naked as a Jaybird by Dian Hanson published in 2003
None existed in 1990 1991.
So what porn books is Robson talking about? Wouldn't you like to watch him
as he struggles to answer that question? I sure would.
More nonsense regarding Charlie Michaels' story.
Michaels said he saw MJ grab Wade's crotch in the dance studio:
15 Q. Were there periods of time when you were at Neverland and working with Mr. Jackson on dance
17 routines?
18 A. No. I mean, we would mess around and dance
19 a little bit in the studio every now and then, yes.
20 Q. Was there ever an occasion where you were on the dance floor with Mr. Jackson and he was showing you a routine and he grabbed your crotch in a manner similar to how he would grab his own crotch while doing those performances?
25 A. No, that’s not true.
26 Q. You have no recollection of that?
27 A. No.
28 Q. That didn’t happen? 9112
1 A. No.
At the same time Michaels said that Joy Robson was not allowed to see Wade while he was with MJ in the dance studio.
So MJ made sure Joy Robson would not see him molesting Wade in he dance studio but he didn't care
if Charli Michaels saw him do that. How did Charli Michaels end up in the studio at all? Why did she walk in there
in the first place? What business did she have there? Never explained it.
Robson once again failed to match his lies to an employee's lie: there's no mention of the crotch grabbing incident
at all in his complaint.
And then there's this little contradiction:
15 Q. Okay. Now, during the six-month period, I
16 want to just concentrate on the period that we’re
17 talking about, the May visit, you also visited the
18 ranch on occasion, did you not?
19 A. Yes.
20 Q. And when you visited the ranch on those
21 occasions, you slept in the guest cottage, correct?
22 A. No, I slept in the house.
23 Q. And where in the house?
24 A. In the rose bedroom. In the rose bedroom.
25 Q. Okay. And your son slept with Mr. Jackson?
26 A. Yes.