I dont feel anyone is actually slagging Madonna off i just think its so clear that Michael is way more talented than what she is or ever can be, so there just putting there point across strongly. People are right, she used her sexuality to promote her songs etc, Michael didnt do that, he did that anyway without realising! He was hot lol.
Well, even when it comes to Madonna & Beyonce i still think even Beyonce is more talented than Madonna, shes got an amazing voice, very strong n powerful, and her dancing well, you only need to look at Crazy In Love & Single Ladies to see shes a better dancer with a great style. At the end of the day yeah Madonnas great, shes had some fantastic songs, done some great videos, can perform well (sometimes) even though i sometimes dont like the way she performs, shes done well for herself- very well! But i still dont see her as a legend. Hypothetically, if Madonna died tommorow, i dont think you would get half as much out cry, upset and hype as to what Michael did. Its just not the same.