Discussion i came across: Michael or Madonna- Who was the most talented?

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I'd like to meet those people, all 2 of them.

LMAO that was funny. :)

I don't dislike Madonna, I just don't rate her. So therefore I don't think she's a legend.
I'm sorry if it came across as if I was saying it's my way or the highway, lol.
We can each have our different opinions and none is more right than the other. "Legend" I suppose is in the eye of the beholder. There are probably artists I think of as legends that some wouldn't agree with.
It's an obvious answer: Michael. I'm not going to down Madonna in anyway though because I am a big fan of hers as well but she is nowhere near as talented as Michael is. It's not even a question really lol
Michael is on a completly different level to Madonna IMO. Hes waaay higher. I absoolutly dont see Madonna as a legend because i dont feel she has brought as much the world than what michael did. Michael not only shared his talent with others but he used it to do other things, such as world peace, healing the world. I think that makes a legend aswell, because he did more than singing and dancing.
I dont dislike Madonna at all, i really like some of her songs and have her latest album. I just dont see how she can be anymore talented than Michael- no way.
This topic shouldnt be deleted, im aware people are obviously gonna say Michael, i said that in my first post, i just want to see their views on Madonna etc. Plus, i wanted to discuss the points made in the discussion i posted. Thats all. Geez! lol. :D
Double inductee into the Rock and Roll hall of fame, biggest selling record, biggest selling artist, songwriters hall of fame inductee, etc. etc. Michael Jackson is untouchable and I'm sure even Madonna recognizes this truth.

Hilarious. I'd like to meet those people, all 2 of them.

Well I've heard many of her fans say that they prefer her dance style to his. They are Madonna fans overall so of course they prefer her. Really, it's not that hard to believe.
Well I've heard many of her fans say that they prefer her dance style to his. They are Madonna fans overall so of course they prefer her. Really, it's not that hard to believe.

Everyone has their own opinion. Not everyone believes Michael was God's gift to earth as we do. I've heard many varying opinions on MJ's talent. I know how we all feel but not everyone does. I've literally heard people say he had talent but it was limited but he manages to get a lot of mileage out of and he just kept repeating himself with his music, videos, and style (hence the term "one trick pony").

That's now how we feel at all but we are not everyone else. I don't think there is anyone who will deny his talent completely but there are definitely those who don't find him to be a genius of any kind.

It would be silly to think that there isn't anyone out there who would prefer one artist over another. We are all individuals and talent is subjective.
its sad people have to slag madonna just to make michael look better. they are both icons and legendary.
its sad people have to slag madonna just to make michael look better. they are both icons and legendary.

Not all persons agree that Madonna is on the same level talent wise as Michael is and just because some people agree that Michael is the better of the two is not meant to be an insult to Madonna.I for one think that Michael is the more talented of the two, as a matter of fact, I don't even think Madonna is more talented than Janet, just my opinion.
I dont feel anyone is actually slagging Madonna off i just think its so clear that Michael is way more talented than what she is or ever can be, so there just putting there point across strongly. People are right, she used her sexuality to promote her songs etc, Michael didnt do that, he did that anyway without realising! He was hot lol.

Well, even when it comes to Madonna & Beyonce i still think even Beyonce is more talented than Madonna, shes got an amazing voice, very strong n powerful, and her dancing well, you only need to look at Crazy In Love & Single Ladies to see shes a better dancer with a great style. At the end of the day yeah Madonnas great, shes had some fantastic songs, done some great videos, can perform well (sometimes) even though i sometimes dont like the way she performs, shes done well for herself- very well! But i still dont see her as a legend. Hypothetically, if Madonna died tommorow, i dont think you would get half as much out cry, upset and hype as to what Michael did. Its just not the same.
This is such a subjectively charged question that there really is no answer.
I can comprehend both, but i lean towrds Michael haha.
as a fan of both ive heard both sides. the truth is madonna is where she is because of her talent. shes the biggest selling female artist of all time. you dont get her level of success by being a flash in the pan but people have been writing her off since she started back in 82.

over the years people have compared her to janet, beyonce, whitney, debbie gibson, cyndi lauper, britney spears and god knows how many others. lets see where they all are at 50 and if any of them can still go #1 in many countries around the world and still sell out stadium tours around the world.

the fact is madonna has been a success and revelant in every decade since she began. no other artist transcended the eras as well. and trust me when madonna dies, she will be missed just as much as michael was by her legions of fans.
and i wish people would stop criticising madonna. fans of michael hated when people criticised him and say how cruel they were. madonna has a heart. has feelings. and so do her fans.

and being a michael jackson site of course people are going to say michael is the more talented. go on a madonna site and see how quick the madonna fans will pounce.

my take? its pointless comparing the two. both were incredibly talented successful people who got where they were because of their talent, their ability to adapt and change with the times and because both released really good music.
I love Madonna as well, I even flew to Japan to watch her concert. She is also a very talented lady, with great talents and charisma. Yet, not to a level that can comparable to MJ.
i think it would be awesome to see madonna live in japan. i would have loved to see the bomber jacket concert shown in the movie truth or dare for her groundbreaking blond ambition tour. all the dancing and singing and madonna slipping and sliding all over the stage.

I love Madonna as well, I even flew to Japan to watch her concert. She is also a very talented lady, with great talents and charisma. Yet, not to a level that can comparable to MJ.
i think it would be awesome to see madonna live in japan. i would have loved to see the bomber jacket concert shown in the movie truth or dare for her groundbreaking blond ambition tour. all the dancing and singing and madonna slipping and sliding all over the stage.

Yes. The concert was awesome. It was the Confessions Tour back in 2006. I have 3 shows that I wanted to attend in my live time - 1) Madonna (accomplished) 2) Boy George (accomplished - sort of. He was in HK 2-3 years ago DJ-ing for a disco) 3) MJ (My first chance to see his concert was his ~1993 Concert in HK but it was later cancelled. I was planning to London to see his concert, but now :-(
Yes. The concert was awesome. It was the Confessions Tour back in 2006. I have 3 shows that I wanted to attend in my live time - 1) Madonna (accomplished) 2) Boy George (accomplished - sort of. He was in HK 2-3 years ago DJ-ing for a disco) 3) MJ (My first chance to see his concert was his ~1993 Concert in HK but it was later cancelled. I was planning to London to see his concert, but now :-(

Wow, I want to see the same artists live :cheeky: and I have seen MJ and Madonna, now I'm waiting for a chance to see Boy George, hopefully he'll soon be touring again :)
Lol, it's only your truth, not the ultimate truth, and why should it hurt anyone that you have a distorted and twisted view about Madonna??


Michael will always be far beyond Madonna or any other Artist and you know why cuz he touched people by his MAGIC.Nobody else have any MAGIC,it was just Mike who had it all.Talent,Generosity,Love,Giving Habit and so much more.We don't call Michael Jackson a King just like that,he is called a King not just for his music but for his complete persona.He gave away over 300 Million $ to charity,can Madonna do that???The answer is NO,if he she makes 300 million $$ then she will buy a new house,jewellary or anything for herself but she wont let go money for help of people.Just adopting a Child is not enough and ohh yeah selling SEX dont do any good for people who dont even have food and shelter.

Michael was really a Hardworker and I dont know why ppl call James Brown the most hardworking Artist.I think Michael is most hardworking Artist ever,he didn't invent Moonwalk but the way he perfected it,was incredible.I am still amazed and I just keep wondering how many yrs it took for him to take that one step to another level.And Im 100% sure Madonna dont even have that type of Patience for creativity.

:(This untimely death of Mike has proved one thing that NICE PEOPLE ARE THE LAST ONES WE NEED ON THIS EARTH THESE DAYS.
as a fan of both i respect each artist. michael is the king. madonna is the queen. its that simple
well, only in your head.... I remember another of my idols ones said that he liked his fans, but not the fanatics... guess you are more a fanatic MJ fan than me... because even if I have been a fan of MJ for close to 30 years I do not consider him the only artist with magic... You are very judgemental towards Madonna, but it really seems like you know nothing about her. In the end that's your problem because you are one who will be judged because of the nonsense you write......
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To me, Madonna's biggest talent was having the courage to push boundaries. I never believed she had anything more than a decent voice. She worked with some good producers that helped her to shine.

When will we learn?

Come on guys, we've covered this topic time after time, after time, after time... and it always goes the same way... just let it go; these comparisons are basically asking for trouble and hurt sensibilities, two things we certainly don't neet here anymore.

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