Discussion i came across: Michael or Madonna- Who was the most talented?

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Dont know if any of you have seen this but...

I was looking on a website today called Digital Spy and in the forum showbiz section it has this discussion. "Michael or Madonna- Who was more talented?" I routed through the discussion, and many said MJ- of course! But i was so shocked at people who said Madonna, i mean as MJ fans we are obviously going to say MJ! lol. But when it comes to Madonna i really think there is no comparison, yeah sure i liked some of her songs and shes pretty good, but when you compare her to Michael, theres just no contest. Clearly we are gonna say no one ifs better than Michael, but even if i wasnt a fan of Michaels, i think i would still say Michael because he is the obvious choice. He still holds the biggest selling album of all time, has sold millions and millions of copies of other albums and singles, more than Madonna. Changed the face of video making. He wrote his own songs or co-wroted, he has more creativity, hes a better performer, his songs have meaning which people can learn from (i know i certainly did) And so so so much more. They then brought in Prince, even though this is a discussio about MJ & Madonna. Oh well! lol. One person made a huge post about how much better Prince is to MJ. Now, i do like a couple of Prince songs, but im not really in the know about Prince so i guess l cant say much. But i stil dont see how Prince is better than MJ! By a long shot! Crazy. Does Prince have the biggest selling album of all time? No. I doubt he has wons as many awards as Michael either.

Basically, i just wanted to continue this discussion on. Some of you maybe thinking thers nothing to discuss cos obviously MJ all the way lol But i just want to hear your thoughts on what you think of Madonna and Prince, comparing them with Michael. Cos they certainly dont have anything more than what Michael had. As it says in my sig, He Had It All.

Heres the thread: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=1099798
Have a look through and comment. Btw, the big post about Prince comparing him to MJ is on page 4 and the post is made under the username unique.
Aw man. So annoying, but i do try :( This forum is massive and its not always easy to find threads that have already been posted. Sorry.

Shame people cant just be nice and reply anyway... instead of being rude about it.
No comparison.
It's actually laughable in my opinion to think Madonna might be more talented than Michael..

Oh my! Do people actually think Madonna is talented? In what?
Please, enlighten me! :lol: :lol:
Thanks for replying guys.

I know, its ridiculous isnt it! How can Madonna be more talented than Michael? Its not possible. Id like to see her do the Moonwalk or write a song like Man In The Mirror that has amazing lyrics, can you really compare a video like Vogue for example to Thriller? Err no! lol.
Madonna is a very famous and talented, but there is not a chance that she could be more talented than Michael. No way!
I know this discussion came up before a million +++++ pssh, but i think even if you are not a Michael fan or if you are, and folks think you would naturally side with Michael since this is a fan board. you can't deny what he has done. its Michael... what else can you say. He's Michael, we all grew up with him whether you liked him or not. the other two have done amazing things as well and got huge and we grew up with Madonna, she also even became a fashion icon, and she did alot for women. but if you had to pick one...Michael did even, even, even, more to change our culture with his talent.
How do you compare talent?

In record sales or what?
I mean, that would be how you compare 2 people in the same business?

But how would you do if you'd ask, who's more talented in between; Tiger Woods or Michael Jackson?

I think it's hard to compare talent... but for me as a Michael Jackson fan it's like... Michael sang better, Michael danced better, Michael influenced more people than Madonna, Michael was a better entertainer.
But there's one thing that Madonna did just as good as Michael, and that was how to market herself.
Yea a real Joke. :lol:

Got My laugh for the day :lol:

Mandonna or MJ. uhmmmmm let me thank about that.

Thanks for replying guys.

I know, its ridiculous isnt it! How can Madonna be more talented than Michael? Its not possible. Id like to see her do the Moonwalk or write a song like Man In The Mirror that has amazing lyrics, can you really compare a video like Vogue for example to Thriller? Err no! lol.

One thing, Michael didn't write Man In The Mirror. :) Glen Ballard and Siedah Garrett did.

MJ >>>>>>>>>>> Madonna. LOL.
Michael was a genius. Madonna is not...by a long shot.
Nobody can replace MJ but I was recently to a Madonna concert. I had never seen her live. While I was sitting there, enjoying it but at the same time feeling sad do you know what happend. Suddenly there was a picture of MJ as a child on stage and in comes a MJ personater and she paid tribute to him. The consert was good and actually she made me feel better.
One thing, Michael didn't write Man In The Mirror. :) Glen Ballard and Siedah Garrett did.

MJ >>>>>>>>>>> Madonna. LOL.
Michael was a genius. Madonna is not...by a long shot.

Oh yeah, i knew that but forgot. Ok well, fine! Heal The World then, Michael wrote Heal The World by himself, i would like to see Madonna right something as meaningful as that, that inspires people to change the world! Ha! hehehe :)
How do you compare talent?

In record sales or what?
I mean, that would be how you compare 2 people in the same business?

But how would you do if you'd ask, who's more talented in between; Tiger Woods or Michael Jackson?

I think it's hard to compare talent... but for me as a Michael Jackson fan it's like... Michael sang better, Michael danced better, Michael influenced more people than Madonna, Michael was a better entertainer.
But there's one thing that Madonna did just as good as Michael, and that was how to market herself.

Michael is quoted somewhere as saying that Madonna is merely an "okay dancer." I like a couple of her songs but talentwise it's simply no contest. Artistically, Michael is miles ahead of her in every department. That's not a knock on 'Madge,' it's the plain truth. She is simply not in his class. Like Bruce said, the only area where she is on parity with Michael is self-promotion. Her live performances have none of the magic of Michael's. Where is her Motown 25 moonwalk?
Is this a serious question? Of course MJ is more naturally talented, well at least to me, but if you're looking for people to be objective, this isn't the best place. This is a Michael Jackson forum afterall, so of course most people would say Michael.
Is this a serious question? Of course MJ is more naturally talented, well at least to me, but if you're looking for people to be objective, this isn't the best place. This is a Michael Jackson forum afterall, so of course most people would say Michael.

If people were being objective, whether they were an MJ fan or not, they would choose Michael every single time in a talent competition with Madonna!!!
The whole world can see that?!
Singing - Michael
Dancing - Michael
Songwriting - Michael.

Michael is a genius and a legend of music. Madonna may be an icon but she's no legend, and she's certainly not a genius.
Madonna IS a legend and it is foolish to say otherwise. I swear, the arrogance of people. I guess I shouldn't expect anything else. :smilerolleyes:

Anyway, I won't participate in this because I love both and they are very different artists. Both are talented and both deserve mad props for what they do/did.

P.S. I would personally like this topic to be deleted. The original topic it's based off is shameful and filled with such nastiness from all parties involved. It's disgusting.
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I like madonna,but really,you can't compare them.MJ was 100 times better,and I'm not just telling this because I'm a MJ fan,because it's a fact.
MJ was magic,he was far far far more talented then madonna.case closed.MJ is a legend,madonna is not.she is only an icon,and I really respect her because she is many years in the business,but she is not in his league.
I like madonna,but really,you can't compare them.MJ was 100 times better,and I'm not just telling this because I'm a MJ fan,because it's a fact.
MJ was magic,he was far far far more talented then madonna.case closed.MJ is a legend,madonna is not.she is only an icon,and I really respect her because she is many years in the business,but she is not in his league.

what's here funny?I like her,she is the queen of pop ,but for me she is not a legend?

That's what is funny to me. Sure, it's your opinion and I don't mean to be disrespectful but it's so preposterous. However, I really don't expect anything else from this community in regards to Madonna.
If people were being objective, whether they were an MJ fan or not, they would choose Michael every single time in a talent competition with Madonna!!!
The whole world can see that?!
Singing - Michael
Dancing - Michael
Songwriting - Michael.

Michael is a genius and a legend of music. Madonna may be an icon but she's no legend, and she's certainly not a genius.

Well Madonna is a legend actually, but I agree that Michael without a doubt is the greater talent and it's not even close. Clearly he has a better voice, is a better dancer (although some people might prefer Madge's dance style over his) and songwriter. However I don't think it's fair to say that Madonna is talentless because she certainly isn't.
Double inductee into the Rock and Roll hall of fame, biggest selling record, biggest selling artist, songwriters hall of fame inductee, etc. etc. Michael Jackson is untouchable and I'm sure even Madonna recognizes this truth.

(although some people might prefer Madge's dance style over his)

Hilarious. I'd like to meet those people, all 2 of them.
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