Different years, similar pictures


I don't think he had any nose surgery from Bad. Maybe Thriller but I don't think so.
A great thread!! Id love to sit everyone down who criticized Michael for all the supposed 'surgeries' he had, and show them this thread...it would be a real eye opener!! LOVE YOU MJ
While this thread would definitely be an eye opener for alotta people, i don't think they would be interested. And while i see indeed...little changes, except for the nose (which he admitted) and the cleft on his chin, right? I believe he admitted that during Batshit's documentary, now i don't care much about those things cause it's his business and Batshit should have never asked, ridiciulous question and not his business. But now that i think about it, Mike kept insisting he was telling the truth and i'd wonder..why would he lie about some other changes, he admitted the nose operations, why can't some people just stop it already and accept it?

While i still have slight doubts about some other changes...like how his mouth/lips seem thinner the more the pics go near 2009, and sometimes the cheekbones look alittle different, then again...i really do believe aging and weigth loss can cause that as well. If there was some way to change the skin tone of the pictures going up from Bad to This is it...the similarities would be even more striking.
While this thread would definitely be an eye opener for alotta people, i don't think they would be interested. And while i see indeed...little changes, except for the nose (which he admitted) and the cleft on his chin, right? I believe he admitted that during Batshit's documentary, now i don't care much about those things cause it's his business and Batshit should have never asked, ridiciulous question and not his business. But now that i think about it, Mike kept insisting he was telling the truth and i'd wonder..why would he lie about some other changes, he admitted the nose operations, why can't some people just stop it already and accept it?

While i still have slight doubts about some other changes...like how his mouth/lips seem thinner the more the pics go near 2009, and sometimes the cheekbones look alittle different, then again...i really do believe aging and weigth loss can cause that as well. If there was some way to change the skin tone of the pictures going up from Bad to This is it...the similarities would be even more striking.

I've always been speculative about the brief period during 2001 (around Vince release, 30th Anniversary) where I think he used botox, which made him look less natural. Apart from that - no changes IMO.
There are changes, I'm not going to kid myself.. but the changes a FAR less than what has been protrayed!!
Ofcourse he changed, if people don't believe that, they live in denial.
How much he changed, well we know it.
He changed from OTW till Bad, from Dangerous Era he didn't change so much more, except for the hair and eyebrow.
And ofcourse just his aging like we all have.
It's just proof of how much the media exeggerates things, acting like MJ's surgery is among the worst in Hollywood. Well....i know a few names that i can give them and they should google it....THOSE are among the worst probably, but not Mikes.
we love him for who he is. the looks are just secondary. Michael will always be a sexy man but we all really love him for how he acted not how he looked. Michael's heart was what we all fell in love with, his singing and then when each of us got older his looks. could have all so been mixed around but the reasons are the same. He's like a giant ball of light and when you looked at him you cant help but Smile, his love is for everyone and everyone regardless of what the media whore's said about him, loved him to. His changes yes were alot less then what the media said but imo who cares what the trash says?
The middle one isnt michael ?...

It is but it shows how he would look like if his skin was without pigmentation in Thriller Era...It's the same photo,they changed his skin.
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