Did you know?

Yes :)

Did you know that your eyes never change size from the moment you are born?
Yes I knew that :)

Did you know that when cranberries are processed you can tell which ones are ripe because they bounce, the bad ones fall flat
So, does that mean that people bounce cranberries before they're packaged so that they can tell? :blink:


Did you know that the microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket!
^Yes, there's a process they go through on a machine in the factory, saw it on Food Network the other night :)

I didn't know that about the microwave
No way!? :eek:

Did you know that if you run cold water over your wrists it cools you down? Something to do with the veins... My grandad told me that, works too
Did you know that a fifth your body heat is lost through your head, that's why it's said if your head, hands and feet are kept warm the rest of you is more likely to be warm :cold:
Did you know that food provides hydration and 1/3 of your daily water intake is consumed just by eating
Yes, I have tried :lol:

Did you know that santa is watching you? :fear: :lol:
I can sneeze with my eyes open :bugeyed :lol: I've done it many times, especially when I'm driving :)

Did you know that changing the energy around you will change everything in your life for the better...aura, attitude, life outlook, happiness, etc.......:)
Haha awww :p Yes I can :p

Did you know that i know what everyone knows about what there is to knowing stuff?
I didnt :eek: Thanks for letting me know, butttttttt let me ask you something :

Did you know that you knew what I knew about how everyone else knew that you and I know all about knowing what there is to know about knowing stuff?
hahaha :lol:

Well Im glad everyone knows :D

But did you know..... Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word in the english dictionary? Now say it :D 10 times :D