Did MJ Know How Much He Meant To Us?

I think he almost did, but not quite. I never got the chance to express my love to him, but by all accounts all the fans who were able to get close to him certainly did express it, and from how lovingly he speaks about his fans I think he did understand and feel the deep bond we share with him. But I don't think he realized that we really loved him on another level that goes beyond even the greatest of celebrity-fan connections. We really, truly loved him as a person, beyond the music, beyond the dance, beyond everything.
I think he almost did, but not quite. I never got the chance to express my love to him, but by all accounts all the fans who were able to get close to him certainly did express it, and from how lovingly he speaks about his fans I think he did understand and feel the deep bond we share with him. But I don't think he realized that we really loved him on another level that goes beyond even the greatest of celebrity-fan connections. We really, truly loved him as a person, beyond the music, beyond the dance, beyond everything.

I agree with you! I think that he had some idea...but I think that our love for Michael, like you said, is on another level, which is even too difficult for me to truly, truly comprehend myself....
I think that is the thing with MJ fans we loved Michael for Michael for who he was as a person...not only for what he did on stage..he was a genius..and there was SO MUCH more to Michael than just that..I miss him sooo much...there are no words to describe what he ment to me.maybe someday I will find them.
I think we meant more 2 him than anything.
I think he did to an extent...but probably didn't understand the totality of how deep our love for him was. In any case, he must surely know it and FEEL it now. :angel:
I hope that somehow MJ knows how much he means to me, and you.:doh:
What does MJ mean to me?
More than mere words can say.:wub:
It doesnt matter how much time passes..............MJ will always be as close to me/us as our next heartbeat if we allow him to:agree:
I would like to think that he was aware of the impact his life and music had in all his fans. If not for that, then for whose sake would he constantly strive to deliver nothing but the best? Certainly not for the media, who constantly criticized him. Certainly not for money, as he had a ton of it already. It was all for L.O.V.E.

He knew we meant the world to him (right after his family, of course), so I am sure he must have known that he meant a great deal to us as well.
i think about this all the time..but like how could a perosn really know??
i think about this all the time..but like how could a perosn really know??

I think they can, to an extent. They will never know the full depth of our feelings for them, but I think they know they're there. It's the things that us as fans do to show our love for him: from buying his music to supporting him in court, to sending him fanmail/presents, mourning his death, and everything in between.
I hope so. His fans sure mean a lot to him, so I hope he understood it went both ways. I think he probably did to a certain extent from all the letters fans had sent to him and supporting him during the trial. I'd also like to think fans who met him have told him how much he really means to them not just as an entertainer, but perhaps as a role model. But if he hadn't really seen that when he was alive, I'm sure he does now.
I hope he knew. After everything he went through in his life when the fans continued supporting him no matter what, I am sure he knew that the fans weren't there just for the music but also for the person.

And it really annoyed me to read in Schmuley's book how he kept saying to Michael that the fans loved the celebrity, not the person. Because he couldn't be more wrong. And I hope Michael didn't listen to him.
I think he knew and felt it while alive but now that he has moved on he will understand it to the fullest...

I hope he knew. After everything he went through in his life when the fans continued supporting him no matter what, I am sure he knew that the fans weren't there just for the music but also for the person.

And it really annoyed me to read in Schmuley's book how he kept saying to Michael that the fans loved the celebrity, not the person. Because he couldn't be more wrong. And I hope Michael didn't listen to him.

I agree.
It annoyhs me tat Schmuley said that...
I know there are a lot of fans that just loved the celebrity but that doesnt go for all fans.
a LOT of us were there for him during the difficult times as well and cared for him as a person.
I think he knew Schmuley was wrong on that one..
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I wondered whose idea the 'light man' was for TII? Michaels? A light in the world? A light to shine the way? He must have known .........
He knew. Guys, he knew. Those of us who were blessed to be able to tell him personally - trust me, he understood those words were FROM ALL OF US. In every fan he met and spoke to, he saw the millions that couldn't be there. He knew how much he meant to us. His way of communicating with those that he couldn't get to personally was his music. He loved all of us, and he knew we all loved him very very much. :)
As much as I believe he knew very much how loved he was by his fans.. It still pains me that I never got to say those words personally to him. :(
i pray to God that he can feel even right now he much we love him.