Did MJ copied his style on John Travolta?

MJ copied blah blah blah. MJ copied his hairstyle from A, copied his style from B, copied his singing style from C, copied his dancing from D. I think next time, someone will say MJ copied Chris Brown, Justin Timberlake, and everyone else.

lol..i get the gist of what ur sayin, and i agree with the gist of what ur sayin lol

his magic and who he is, to me, makes him something better than the idea of being the first.
no doubt Michael soaked up all these great films and musicals and fused them altogether into one style that was his own. :)
Michael did not invent most of the steps he uses. Michaels dancing is not good because of the moves, but for the technique and power. Michael is charged with electricity when he dances. A good artist looks at other talents and take elements from their style and do it with his own style. He has done the same with singing and clothing as well.

He also takes elements from different styles of music and uses it in his songs.

It is what any good artist does. Also collaborating with producers is what makes for a good album.

If Michael knows anything, it is doing things the right way.
no doubt Michael soaked up all these great films and musicals and fused them altogether into one style that was his own. :)

:blowup:talk about adding new meaning to the word 'fuse'...

:lol: Agree with both of you. :flowers:

And when I think "cleft" I automatically think Cary Grant. Totally forgot John Travolta had one. lol
I'll say he did, lol. 'Course he made it his own but ain't nothing wrong with listing that movie as an influential piece for Mike. Adds to the Fred Astaire and West Side Story inspirations.
A true artist references and honours the ones who came before him and takes it to another level.

West Side Story is a true hollywood movie starting with the budget and ending with the 10 Oscars it won. It's plot was borrowed from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

It's ridiculous that some of you are using the word "stole".

Michael saw potential in little details, amplifying and making them iconic. His videos have actually got more drama than these big time Hollywood films, and this in the 80's. The tackiest decade ever!

How many artist after Michael have taken his influence to another level? Not many. Most of them just do it "like" he does. Well...they try. That's why every week we have the new flavour of the month, because every month comes out a new updated version of Justin or Britney....how many Lady Gaga's are there?

Don't know.

I love Grease BTW. :lol:
Didn't Elvis wear black shoes and white socks too? And I thought white socks were kind of popular?