did mike ever read this forum?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i was just thinking tht, if i was a artist i would read alot of my forums. i can just imagine mj like, "tht moonwalkbhoy is awesome" lol
Maybe his PR staff were scanning the community, I do recall he had a chatting session somewhere after releasing Invincible, I think...
i agree with the above posts; i'm sure the "sources" close to him must've visited the forum at times?

if only he had twitter or something, that would have been so cool haha.
i thought he had a chatting session sometimes in 96 or even may be 95 cannot say for sure
i didnt have internet at the time and didnt know how it looked like. a friend of mine printed this chat out for me. and i rememeber there was a photo of Michael is dark red shirt, wearing glasses and with hair short cut with a lap top
It has been said before that Michael did know about this forum,
He spoke to Trish on the phone a few years back when she owned MJJF.
And someone can correct me if I am wrong but I am sure I heard recently that he was a member. Whether he posted or not, I don't know. Maybe someone else does? It would be nice to know. :)
i thought he had a chatting session sometimes in 96 or even may be 95 cannot say for sure
i didnt have internet at the time and didnt know how it looked like. a friend of mine printed this chat out for me. and i rememeber there was a photo of Michael is dark red shirt, wearing glasses and with hair short cut with a lap top

I believe this is the chat session you're talking about

Just think - if you were him you'd want to take a peak at what your fans were saying wouldn't you.
When MJ brought the curls back, we were all like "How does Michael know we've always wanted the curls back? He must be reading this forum!" And all the tributes to the curls were hilarious. "I just can't stop loving curls" :giggle: I miss that :cry: I miss the curls, I miss the smile, I miss the presence, I miss the excitement :no: I miss Michael :weeping:
It has been said before that Michael did know about this forum,
He spoke to Trish on the phone a few years back when she owned MJJF.
And someone can correct me if I am wrong but I am sure I heard recently that he was a member. Whether he posted or not, I don't know. Maybe someone else does? It would be nice to know. :)

I agree with you. It may be that Michael was a member and access the forum or you can be confident that someone from your team do this for him and stay informed of the news here. And if true, only one person would know this: Gaz, the owner of the forum. lol! :yes:
I think he is the only person who knew it. :D

I do not think it would be something impossible in the modern world is, Michael was not no man of the caves and we know that like any normal person he had Internet access and a computer at home. Today everything is on the internet! And also I think Michael was a very curious person, I think he would love to know what the fans write and discuss about it. :yes:​
It has been said before that Michael did know about this forum,
He spoke to Trish on the phone a few years back when she owned MJJF.
And someone can correct me if I am wrong but I am sure I heard recently that he was a member. Whether he posted or not, I don't know. Maybe someone else does? It would be nice to know. :)
Really? That's greeat.

I really hope he came here, so he saw how much we really cared about him. :) And if he did, maybe he visited Member pics thread, too! Maybe he saw me! :wild:
Michael was human, im sure there was one point that he was at a computer and just thought hey......ill go and see what everyone is saying about me. If in fact he did know about it, which im sure he did.
Michael was human, im sure there was one point that he was at a computer and just thought hey......ill go and see what everyone is saying about me. If in fact he did know about it, which im sure he did.

as well as just typing his name into google and seeing all of the results from that?
not to mention youtube?
Michael was human, im sure there was one point that he was at a computer and just thought hey......ill go and see what everyone is saying about me. If in fact he did know about it, which im sure he did.

Knowing how Michael always thought so much of his fans and the things he's done for us, etc., I think he would have. When he wasn't busy I'd be willing to bet he did get on here. If the media does (and we know they do), Bain did and others, then I'm sure he did too. That might be why he felt so close to his fans, he knew what we said about him. :wub:
Remember when we asked him to drop his glasses to show us his eyes, next day there were new pictures without the sunglasses. then someone asked him to wear a normal jeans and the next day there were pictures with him wearing a regular normal jeans. then someone asked him to wear something like a disney shirt and if im correct, he wore a pluto shirt the next day!
awww that thread is the best! hehe
I like to think he did come here. Maybe he did not often but just every once in a while to see how the fans are.
How do we know he knew about the gold pants thread???
Gold pants thread?!!? lol i never heard about this! Spill the beans guys what happened please?!! :):)
Really? That's greeat.

I really hope he came here, so he saw how much we really cared about him. :) And if he did, maybe he visited Member pics thread, too! Maybe he saw me! :wild:

I know right, maybe he did!