did mike drink alcohol ./


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
can someone give me more info on this pic , what club are they at and did they have vip access/ what year was it
and also . . . did he drink alcohol? i know theres nothing wrong with it but you know how things with mike are; everythings so fascinating
yes he drank. it was a 70's party for al malnick in 03 in miami. al is in the white.
i dont sorry, it will be somewhere i guess if u do a search. nancy malnick posted more pics from this event and pics taken at their house b4 they left for the club
I wonder if Michael ever got "smashed" :mellow: :lol:
but i think he didnt drink when he was younger? i'm reading j. randy taraborelli's book the music and the madness, and there it said he didnt drink during thriller era... but you never know with these kinda books, you just have to take it with a pinch of salt hehe :p
By the looks for pics that the police took during there raid. MJ enjoy some of that Jack Daniels.. and some other brands of "fire water". Hell he was grown, but then again ppl act as if MJ wasn't allowed to do grown up things when he wanted to.
this pic looks so photoshoped with the hair o_O
but i thought he didnt drink. i remember a quote where he said that drugs and alcohol isnt good and he wouldnt take them/drink alc.
wine is healthy.

all I know is that Mike drinks wine.
I think mike did drink alcohol, I don't think he drinked beer or anything, Just the wine and tequilla.

Could you imagine Michael smashed. He might end up dancing and belting out his trademark songs and sounds and his moves. :)
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Michael and VODKA *LOL* I imagine him drunk and don't know what he is talking about xD Do you remember that video "Michael records Billie Jean while drunk" *LOL*
Michael drank when younger, too. He just didnt drink like being drunk. But he was never an absolutist. I think he understood 'drinking' like being high. So he said he is not drinking because he didnt drink like that. Once when younger he somehow drank even too much. Probably there were more alcohol in his drink there should have been. When you drink like one or two glasses wine a day, its not bad and you dont get addicted...
Well, I read David Gest's book, and in it he talks about Michael's first time being drunk, lol. It was funny.

From what I gather, MJ probably didn't drink at all (or veeerrrryy little at the least) from the jacksons days into the thriller days and maayyyybe the bad era. But hey, he's a grown man!!!
OMG that video :rofl: Bear :lol:and what was with the underwear :rofl: ok, let me stop lmao

Yes, of course Michael drank. I have a pic of Michael from the making of We are the World with Bruce Springsteen and they are drinking Budweisers :yes:
That's right, I remember seeing that pic.

There was a party that he was at a few years ago...can't remember where it was, someone's mansion or some residence in England. Anyhow, he was at the party, Requel Weltch (sp) was there...still a beautiful woman inside and out...a few others. Michael looked like he was having a great time. There's even a pic of him sitting on the dance floor? Amoung a few of the other guests. Yeah, he looked like he was a tiny bit snapped...just having fun though ya know?

I think we would have given anything to have been able to sit with him in the middle of that floor and just veg. People standing around us, just acting silly. No harm done when you're just having fun.

This is the Michael I want to remember.
i BET he did...imagine,how funny he would be drunk! hahahahah! :D

Haha I imagine him kind of like in the panther dance from Black or White when he's drunk... just dancing around in the streets screaming HOOOOOOOOOO, touching himself and smashing cars and shit :hysterical:
OMG, that was funny! But. . . bears??????? Underwear? Strange.

Of course, Michael drank. Was he hammered for the Billie Jean demo? What do YOU think? :wild: