Dick Gregory 'I will fast for 40 days..until the truth of how Michael died is revealed

There are great thing to fasting. You must know how to do it right and have the mind set. Good for Mr. gregory.
Dick Gregory on Michael Jackson:
'I will fast for 40 days on nothing but water until the truth
of how Michael died is revealed.'


WASHINGTON, July 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Dick Gregory, long-time friend of the late Michael Jackson, will announce today that he will, "go on a fast on water only for 40 days until the truth is uncovered -- not just another story -- about the sudden death of Michael Jackson, one of the world's most brilliant and talented people."

"It's hard on folks to lose a loved one, especially someone so young as Michael. All I pray for now is that the truth will be told about what happened and I don't think it has been yet but people deserve to know," Gregory said. "There's so much that has been kept secret under the pretense of what they call an 'ongoing investigation.'"

Gregory vowed to continue a daily prayer vigil and invited all those who loved Michael Jackson to join him in prayer and meditation for the truth to come out.

Gregory will make a formal announcement about his 40 day long water fast this evening on Mark Thompson's SiriusXM radio program, "Make It Plain," which starts at 5 PM, EDT.

Members of the Media: for Information Contact: Mrs. Dick Gregory (508)746-7427; or Stephen Jaffe, Jaffe & Co., Inc. (310) 275-7327.

I support you Mr. Dick Georgory and will join your 40 day fast. There is a Prayer Chain already started connecting all the around the Earth for the same Truth, people are brokenhearted and God hears the Prayers of the Righteous and Heals The Brokenhearted, only The Righteous can destroy the works of Evil, its past time we be about our Father's Business. Amen

Isaiah 58:5-6
5 Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD?

6 Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?.
There will never be a truth that satisifies everyone. If there is a conclusion, someone will still be unhappy. It's a sad situation. The person who has the most answers is MJ himself, and he's not here to speak. I just hope the law deals with anyone who had their hands dirty in this event and that things settle down eventually.
The greed of man will be
far away from me,
and my soul will be free,
and they won't go when I go."

Stevie Wonder,
"They Won't Go When I Go"
Fulfillingness' First Finale

I LOVE your signature.