Dick Gregory 'I will fast for 40 days..until the truth of how Michael died is revealed


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Dick Gregory on Michael Jackson:
'I will fast for 40 days on nothing but water until the truth
of how Michael died is revealed.'


WASHINGTON, July 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Dick Gregory, long-time friend of the late Michael Jackson, will announce today that he will, "go on a fast on water only for 40 days until the truth is uncovered -- not just another story -- about the sudden death of Michael Jackson, one of the world's most brilliant and talented people."

"It's hard on folks to lose a loved one, especially someone so young as Michael. All I pray for now is that the truth will be told about what happened and I don't think it has been yet but people deserve to know," Gregory said. "There's so much that has been kept secret under the pretense of what they call an 'ongoing investigation.'"

Gregory vowed to continue a daily prayer vigil and invited all those who loved Michael Jackson to join him in prayer and meditation for the truth to come out.

Gregory will make a formal announcement about his 40 day long water fast this evening on Mark Thompson's SiriusXM radio program, "Make It Plain," which starts at 5 PM, EDT.

Members of the Media: for Information Contact: Mrs. Dick Gregory (508)746-7427; or Stephen Jaffe, Jaffe & Co., Inc. (310) 275-7327.
Yeah he did this during the trial as well...

I think it's silly.
Well, it's admirable he feels so strongly about MJ, but how long is this investigation going to last? The autopsy results have been delayed yet again... I wonder if they still have not concluded the tests.
Fasting probably isn't a good idea. This will likely end up like John Kennedy, a big coverup.
Fasting probably isn't a good idea. This will likely end up like John Kennedy, a big coverup.

yeah :cry: who knows if the real truth will be revealed. Justice and truth are hardly things that come about often in REAL life
I'm not sure about the "fasting for 40 days" part, but when it comes to wanting the truth about this awful tragedy - I'm with the guy.
40 days? and what the fudge is this mysterious 'truth' that's not coming out!!!
I originally tohught it was the drug addiction- but theres more?? We all knew there were vultures around Michael. what is it already?
I'm not sure about the "fasting for 40 days" part, but when it comes to wanting the truth about this awful tragedy - I'm with the guy.

I agree. He should use a different way to get the message out. Starving is not a good way and not very healthy either.
The thing about fasting and meditating is that it is not just a physical exercise--it is a spiritual exercise, and things can shift in the Universe through the power of prayer. May God bless Dick Gregory as he pursues truth.
It's great he feels so strongly about it but I wouldn't want to see anyone else physically and mentally scarred over this. The truth will come out some day, starving won't push that day forward.
Speaking of fasting, I remember days before planning to fast June 25th and 26th about some personal and family concerns and recall sensing God telling me strongly that then was not the time. That was the first time I had experienced that, being told not to fast.

Wow, what I didn't know (but God did)!
I, for one, know it is not silly. I understand what he is doing and why he wants to do it. I am thinking about doing it myself, though not for as long as he is. It has been on my heart to fast for the same reasons, ever since Michael passed away. Mr. Gregory's comments are confirmation that I need to join him in the fast.

Fasting is not simply about trying to get a message out or trying to starve yourself.

As a Christian, I have gone on several fasts - not as long as 40 days, but that is my goal one day. For Christians, fasting is spiritual (Jesus fasted). It is a time when you cut yourself off from the desires of and connection to that which is carnal or fleshly, so that you can become in tune spiritually. It involves much meditation and prayer.

Oftentimes with fasting, there is a desire for God to reveal something(s) to you. When you fast and pray you can find that God can clarify situations for you, give you answers to questions and direct your path, among other things.

For those of you who don't believe in this type of thing, or don't understand it, that is fine - you have every right. But please don't write off fasting as silly or nonsensical - it is an insult to those of us who partake in it. Those of us who are Christians, who do fast and pray, realize its power.

I am a living witness.
40 days? and what the fudge is this mysterious 'truth' that's not coming out!!!
I originally tohught it was the drug addiction- but theres more?? We all knew there were vultures around Michael. what is it already?
that's the issue. the nutritionist said she gave mj a full workup andhe passed. the only issue was his blood sugar was low.

she has enough moral fiber to DENY him propofol, and it looks like so many didn't, so i have no reason to doubt that she's lying.

so how was he doingwellwhen she was employed then began taking all these meds again?
I, for one, know it is not silly. I understand what he is doing and why he wants to do it. I am thinking about doing it myself, though not for as long as he is. It has been on my heart to fast for the same reasons, ever since Michael passed away. Mr. Gregory's comments are confirmation that I need to join him in the fast.

Fasting is not simply about trying to get a message out or trying to starve yourself.

As a Christian, I have gone on several fasts - not as long as 40 days, but that is my goal one day. For Christians, fasting is spiritual (Jesus fasted). It is a time when you cut yourself off from the desires of and connection to that which is carnal or fleshly, so that you can become in tune spiritually. It involves much meditation and prayer.

Oftentimes with fasting, there is a desire for God to reveal something(s) to you. When you fast and pray you can find that God can clarify situations for you, give you answers to questions and direct your path, among other things.

For those of you who don't believe in this type of thing, or don't understand it, that is fine - you have every right. But please don't write off fasting as silly or nonsensical - it is an insult to those of us who partake in it. Those of us who are Christians, who do fast and pray, realize its power.

I am a living witness.

I couldn't have said it better myself!:clapping:
I don't think a complete truth will be revealed. I think he was giving lethal dosages of medication purposely without his knowing. The people he thought could be trusted betrayed him.

So sad.:cry:
That's very thoughtful of Gregory. He can do whatever he wants, it's understandable. This situation with Michael's passing is too much...
Yeah he did this during the trial as well...

I think it's silly.
WOW! :mello: The bible teaches us to pray and fast for the truth or for a blessing!
Fasting probably isn't a good idea. This will likely end up like John Kennedy, a big coverup.
Exactly that's the whole point in fasting and asking GOD to REVEAL the TRUTH, so it doesn't end up that way.:doh:
I agree. He should use a different way to get the message out. Starving is not a good way and not very healthy either.
It not starving sweetie!:no: It mediating and praying and getting closer to GOD. Have you ever heard of 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'"

Matthew 3:16-4:4
And after being baptized, Jesus went up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon Him, and behold, a voice out of the heavens, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased." Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after He had fasted forty days and forty nights, He then became hungry. And the tempter came and said to Him, "If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread." But He answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.'"
Wow some of yall should read a bible these comment are so sad!:no:
I think its wonderful what D. Gregory is doing! If was spiritually able to last 40 days and nights I would join him. Bless him for doing this wonderful thing.
Dick Gregory on Michael Jackson:
'I will fast for 40 days on nothing but water until the truth
of how Michael died is revealed.'


WASHINGTON, July 29 /PRNewswire/ -- Dick Gregory, long-time friend of the late Michael Jackson, will announce today that he will, "go on a fast on water only for 40 days until the truth is uncovered -- not just another story -- about the sudden death of Michael Jackson, one of the world's most brilliant and talented people."

"It's hard on folks to lose a loved one, especially someone so young as Michael. All I pray for now is that the truth will be told about what happened and I don't think it has been yet but people deserve to know," Gregory said. "There's so much that has been kept secret under the pretense of what they call an 'ongoing investigation.'"

Gregory vowed to continue a daily prayer vigil and invited all those who loved Michael Jackson to join him in prayer and meditation for the truth to come out.

Gregory will make a formal announcement about his 40 day long water fast this evening on Mark Thompson's SiriusXM radio program, "Make It Plain," which starts at 5 PM, EDT.

Members of the Media: for Information Contact: Mrs. Dick Gregory (508)746-7427; or Stephen Jaffe, Jaffe & Co., Inc. (310) 275-7327.

This is silly. I don't know who this man is...and I am sure there's many more who haven't got a clue. To want the truth out there is a good thing....but to do it this way is really, really rediculous.

Next up the media will say Michael had wacked out friends.:doh:
Wow some of yall should read a bible these comment are so sad!:no:
I think its wonderful what D. Gregory is doing! If was spiritually able to last 40 days and nights I would join him. Bless him for doing this wonderful thing.

You should remember that not all members here are religious people. Some just see it as a human gesture, not a religious/spiritual one.

Cheers for the guy, he has my respect. Though I doubt we'll ever learn the truth, let alone in 40 days...
Good on him if that's what he wants to do. Hope it works.
welp he'll be fasting for a very long time. But I'm with him, about getting the truth part. I can't fast for a day without getting dizzy.
Yeah he did this during the trial as well...

I think it's silly.
No!!! It's not silly!
All religions advocate fasting because of the spiritual enlightenment it has.

I would love to fast but I'm not strong willed enough.
It's a torture to be hungry and not able to eat food.

It moves me that he's doing this to seek justice for his friend.
I just finished my short 3 days fasting for Michael yesterday. It is not easy to do. I am surprised that some people came out with the same idea. I didn’t know that. It makes me feel much better. I think if many people will fast for Michael and pray the truth will come out. It is VERY strong spiritual tool when many people do it for one soul. I am planning to fast again. I am sure I cannot do it for 40 days but for 7 days maybe. For people who are not vegetarian it is very hard, I know. I am vegetarian and it is still hard.