Describe exactly how you feeling RIGHT NOW in 10 words max


It's a strange feeling to have, since I didn't know MJ personally. But I can honestly say that I will NEVER be the same. The pain of his death is just so unbearable for me, I will never be the same.
Broken, empty, hurt, denial, sad, anxious, depressed, worn, tearful, shocked.

To sum it up, I feel like my heart has been smashed in to a thousand pieces, and it will never heal again. The shock of all this is too much sometimes. It comes in waves....when I wake up in the morning it hits me all over again.

The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that Michael genuinely loved all of us true fans with all his heart. And he knew how very very much we loved, adored and cared for him. And we should all be proud of the fact that we stood by him through everything and we never let him down. I know he really appreciated us alot :)
Lost, Empty, Lonely, Numb, Wondering Why, Devastated, In Denial, Heartbroken, Meaningless

And also all of them at once... :'(
10 words.... difficult.

Sad, lost, empty, devastated, angry, priveledged, heartbroken, loved by Michael

unfinished business, no outlet, no do-overs, no peace, frustration
his music lives on but, im angry i couldnt get to meet him
why 50 ys old??

ohwell went over.

I have had the most testing year of my life (house broken into 4 times in 8 weeks, family members seriously ill, and threat of both me and my husband losing jobs). The THIS IS IT show was the best thing to happen to me since my wedding two years ago. I was saying to my husband literally seconds before seeing the news on TV how it was going to be the start of our turnaround to better times.

Then the worst happended.
My emotions are all over the place, I start thinking Im making a breakthrough and then bam, something catches me off guard and Im in tears again.
Michael may have left me here. But one day I will die and go to heaven to my Lord and Savior. And you know what? I will see my Dad again. I will see my Aunt Sweet again. AND I WILL SEE MICHAEL AGAIN!

it`s very touching makes me really cry.

Here the same... I hope I will see my hero in heaven again. "We will be there"..:-( I`ll miss him so much:-:)(
Sad, depressed, cheated, angry, empty.

Then I listen to one of Michael's songs and it feels like he's still with us. xxx
Im glad everyone is reacing to this topic i did..i thought it be a good thing for anyone to come to anytime to express how they feel inside..obv there no limit just thought could be bit consise with word limit..But i'm glad everyone expressing does help even if you don't know it...I hope people will soon turn these feelings into more positive words but it takes time..have patience, faith, belief, hop and all be strong, for mike
a little better than before...waiting for autopsy report because I think they are doing Michael wrong,