

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Back in the good ol' 757 VA BABY!
This is going to sound strange but I feel I have no where else to turn too. I believe im suffering from moderate to severe depression. I am currently unable to seek help but will as soon as I get back home. Right now its 3:25 in the morning and I just can't stop crying and I really just need someone to talk too. If anyone has experienced this or knows anything or more facts about Depression please let me know
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No need to feel depressed! You can PM me as well if you wanted to! :)
We're all here to support each other. There will always be someone on here at whatever time of day or night. True sometimes threads can go unread (or not replied to) for a long time but someone is ultimately here.

T.O.Y. Add me to MSN, FB, Twitter or PM me as I like to talk to fellow fans, especially ones I've not spoken to before :)
if you need someone to talk to you can pm me also, i get depressed to and spend alot of time up reading threads or watching michael on vids to cheer me up. this whole thing with mike is bugging me cuz i feel like i have to say good bye to my past and my childhood for which all his music played to. its hard to hear his songs and not think of things that were happening when they were on the radio, its like saying good bye to all of it and the ppl who arent with us anymore also. mostly i try not to think of it. just watch vids even funny ones with him in it . that helps me alot. this is a hard time for us all.
Depression is a really familiar subject to me, so I'm also willing to listen and talk if you feel like it :)
Suffered deep depression for 17yrs & my mum is depressed so I understand.feel free to pm me add me to msn cosima.t@hotmail or email.
I'm a inspirational speaker for primary & secondary students so used to talking about depression, problems at school/home, anxiety etc.
Look after yourself xx
I know how you feel, I'm kinda going though the same thing. You can PM me :)
I began to worry if I might be depressed. I still can't tell if I am just "down" due to outside circumstances or if there is something going on inside of me. I wish you could just take a blood test or something to find out!

Anyway, I did reach out for help and saw a psychiatrist (MD) yesterday for the first time. It was hard to ask for help but I'm glad I did. I think I well try some medication but also try to work on my life because I think there are probably some outside factors I can change.

I'm thinking of you and hope you can find some help!
This is going to sound strange but I feel I have no where else to turn too. I believe im suffering from moderate to severe depression. I am currently unable to seek help but will as soon as I get back home. Right now its 3:25 in the morning and I just can't stop crying and I really just need someone to talk too. If anyone has experienced this or knows anything or more facts about Depression please let me know

I only saw this now, I wish I could have read your entire post prior to editing...Honey I too am suffering under the forever looming dark cloud! I took my son to his orthodontist appt yesterday and had to fight the tears while there and could no longer fight them on the drive home!!! It's a terrible disease and with all of the confusion and insanity surrounding Michaels death, I don't believe it will go away on its own. Please see a Dr as soon as possible...I am here for you if you would like to talk.
Much love to you and hoping that your darkness will be lifted quickly! (((Hugs)))
Sorry for posting again so quickly, I just read through other comments and was humbled by everyones honesty!!! I love you guys. While I do believe depression is a terrible disease that we suffer from, I wonder if it contributes to our compassion of others and our understanding and love for Michael. While I would never wish for anyone to deal with depression, I would much rather surround myself with ppl whom understand pain then ppl who are full of their ego and are quick to judge. Again, I love you all and am thankful that while we may feel very alone we do have one another...may we all find inner peace and happiness!
You can PM me too. And that goes for ANYONE reading this, anytime, any reason you need to talk. :) I have AIM/MS/FB/YM and stuff too.
I've had depression for a few years now. Feel free to PM me anytime.
I hope all the people here who are suffering from depression have sought help.. it's an illness like any other and can be treated!
Alot of people here seem to be depressed :( It just ain't fair considering how much beauty is had in all of us.

:huggy: My love to you all. Feel free to PM me anytime. That means any of you posting in this thread.
I too have suffered from depression and anxiety it runs in my family and since michaels passing it has resurfaced,
if you need to talk pm me,
This is going to sound strange but I feel I have no where else to turn too. I believe im suffering from moderate to severe depression. I am currently unable to seek help but will as soon as I get back home. Right now its 3:25 in the morning and I just can't stop crying and I really just need someone to talk too. If anyone has experienced this or knows anything or more facts about Depression please let me know

How you feeling now hun? :)

hope things are a better for you. Please PM us all if you need us.

hugs xo :)