Define that Word

Somebody who speaks with irritating authority or self-assurance, especially when not truly knowledgeable

Define insuperable.
Behavior or an attitude that is so bold or arrogant as to be insulting.

Define evanescent.
Relating to or involving the direct-current electricity that is chemically generated between dissimilar metals, e.g. in a battery.


Sudden, startling, or convulsive, like an electric shock or its effects.

Define disparity.
To join or merge two or more things into a unified whole.

Define ennui.
Displaying a charming free-spirited disregard for the conventions of society or for approved behavior.

Define sagacious.
Marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol; reflecting such restraint.

Somebody who falsely claims to have special skill or expertise.

Define abecedarian.
A person who is learning the letters of the alphabet;
A beginner in any field of learning.

Question: Are we supposed to be giving the Noun and Adjective definition or is either ok? :ermm:

The superfamily of butterflies, except for skippers (Hesperioidea) and the moth-like Hedyloidea.

It has to do with the belief that God exists and is in everything

anathema ---> I know this one from dad :smarty: :lol:
^^ lol no it comes from greek and it means doomed, sold to the devil :p

when you try to get the heart to beat and you also try to force air into one's lungs to get him to breathe :p
Love is something that happens when you really know someones heart

define UGLY
Ugly is a term society uses for things that don't please the eye.

Faith. :D