Deepak Chopra on The View

why???? all he's gonna do is exaggerate how he KNEW Michael was a hardcore drug addict, sad lonely and miserable soul who could look to absoultey no one in his life, doomed for destruction.

im not watching this.
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Yeah I'm pretty sick of this guy already... as a matter of fact I'm sick of all the people who are coming out of the woodwork now that Michael is gone... everyone just wants their 15 minutes of fame to get their face shown and to promote their books or whatever... so tired of it. Poor Michael can't even get any peace when he's gone...
for once, I'd like someone to ask Deepak if he was such a close friend of Mike's, why didn't he save him from himself?

what a lame ass faker.
I read what he said and I take it with a grain of salt. This is his opinion of things. I think he liked Michael but I also think he said too much like everyone else.

Now Rabbi Shmuley disgusts me because those tapes were NEVER meant to be public and that was downright nasty of him.
I won't be surprised if he brings out a book on MJ!!!!!

This was the reason Michael felt so lonely......most of his "friends" were fakes and he knew it!

Liz Taylor is the exception.....I wish she was my friend!!!!
for once, I'd like someone to ask Deepak if he was such a close friend of Mike's, why didn't he save him from himself?

what a lame ass faker.

the other question is.. if he was such a good friend..why wasn't he invited to Michael's memorial or funeral
the other question is.. if he was such a good friend..why wasn't he invited to Michael's memorial or funeral

To be fair, look at some of the case of characters that were invited. Oxman, Feldman, Rowe, Thoma. Need I go on.
I didn't even bother watching this interview at all. Deepak Chopra lost my respect months ago. He is a phony like so many others who continue to profit off Michael out of greed. Sadly, Michael trusted so many of these people who claim themselves to be spiritual advisers. Rabbi Shmuley is still peddling his book. Neither of these men stood by Michael in his darkest hours. Why should I make them rich?! If they knew he was in trouble and stood by and did nothing, they are just as guilty as the ones who took Michael's life. :(