Deepak Chopra on The View


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
FYI, Deepak Chopra is going to he on The View this morning talking about Michael.
Seriously, him again?

He is like a fungus that won't go away. At least talk about something else for a change.
I watched the first couple of minutes. It was really about his new book, but when they did ask him about Michael, it brought back my immense sadness again. He spoke how enthusiastic Michael was about the concert and he wasn't ready to die.

Being reminded again how excited Michael was about his comeback and his life after so much turmoil (even though I've heard the comments a hundred times and it's been 5 months) just hit me all over again how tragic this all is.

I really was getting better, but in this moment, the sadness is almost as bad as it was months ago. I've greived loved ones so I'm familiar with the relapses of remorse, but I think it's so hard with Michael because he was so happy and had so much to look forward to again, and didn't get a chance to live out what was going to be a wonderful period for him. Breaks my heart all over again.
I really was getting better, but in this moment, the sadness is almost as bad as it was months ago. I've greived loved ones so I'm familiar with the relapses of remorse, but I think it's so hard with Michael because he was so happy and had so much to look forward to again, and didn't get a chance to live out what was going to be a wonderful period for him. Breaks my heart all over again.

Hearing the way Deepak spoke about MJ just days (if hours) after he died, I won't tune in to hear what he got to say ever again. That shit was lame.

Before Michael has gone away I liked Deepak and his books.. but after that.. no, thank you! No Deepak for me anymore.

Hearing the way Deepak spoke about MJ just days (if hours) after he died, I won't tune in to hear what he got to say ever again. That shit was lame.

I found his term "mutilation" regarding Michael's plastic surgery disgusting, especially from someone who was a close friend who Michael held in high regard.
I found his term "mutilation" regarding Michael's plastic surgery disgusting, especially from someone who was a close friend who Michael held in high regard.

Did he really say that? That's awful! And very disappointing to hear.

The one thing that I'll give Deepak is that during a few of his interviews after MJ's passing, he did say that he wasn't trying to trash Michael and that he loved him. He was however trying to make a point about the "enablers" that surrounded MJ and fueled his drug problem. He was very passionate about having this kind of cycle in stop. But as such a supposed close friend, it is sad to hear him talk about MJ in such a negative manner :(.

I find that since MJ's passing, a lot of his friends (and even family) that have come out have shown their true colors and it's disheartening to know that these were the people that were surrounding MJ :no:.
That's soooo sad. So many backstabbing people in his life :(
No wonder he rather befriended children. And even that burned him :(
I found his term "mutilation" regarding Michael's plastic surgery disgusting, especially from someone who was a close friend who Michael held in high regard.

MUTILATION!!!!!! You've got to be kidding. If that's mutilation, then Mr. Deepak should sign up for it. On Michael's worse day, Deepak is a wart in comparison. Of all the nerve.
Most likely, Michael Jackson discovered that while Deepak Chopra claims to have special insight; he doesn't.
Deepak Chopra is a self-serving jerk.

Deepak owes Michael Jackson an apology for many of the things he
said about Michael, immediately, after Michael's passing.
Deepak made a mad dash for the TV cameras, instead, of taking
time to reflect on the many aspects of Michael's life.
Deepak knows, as well as we do, that Michael Jackson is a pure artist
who always gave to the world love and entertainment.
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I personally have no comment on this guy....I dont think I could ever find the words to say what I really think of him....he was very mean to Michael after he passed away..he said some very very hurtful things about him...I would never listen to a word he had to say....Poor Michael..:cry:
I don't care for this guy, never have. He hadn't seen Michael in years yet he was shopping his untrue stories around to anyone who would pay. I think he really likes attention wherever and however he can get it. Go away, Deepak!
Nothing Deepak Chopra or his son has to say about Michael is of any interest to me.

His actions just hours after MJ passed was despicable to say the least!
how could Michael not see through these people? when Deepak spoke about MJ in 2005 I could tell he was phony, with some people you can just tell by the way they talk by the way they act. how could MJ not see right through these people - Bashir, Uri, the rabbi, Deepak, Tohme etc etc...I always worried Michael would get himself in trouble again because of his naivety
whats wrong with chopra? I thought he was cool.

for one... he is a friend of uri, and rabbi. :mat:

before it was even official that michael was gone.... Deepak was calling Michael every name in the book including an addict on CNN.

calling michael manipulative.

so called friends don't divulge your friends medical issues.

so called friends don't go on national tv and bash him when he is no longer here to defend himself.

ah what else.... ?:mat:

let me leave before i get myself in trouble.
It's so obvious michael banished the extremely bitter deepak chopra and his annoying son from his camp.They had zero connection to michael for sometime.First reports about michael's death said it was demerol over dose.And immediately chopra was all over the air waves pushing that agenda and taking it a step further saying mj asked him for demerol.When that report was proven to be a lie and propofol surfaced shameless chopra was back in the news saying michael called him about this dreamlike place he is transported to every night.Does any one know the cause of the falling out between these two?
Ok I have issues with this man because from the first few hours after Michael passed, he was on tv proclaiming Michael to be a druggie...NO FRIEND does that. NONE! I also want to say I think it's funny how ever since the Autopsy report came out and proved that there was no way Michael could have been this far out strung out drug addict that Mr. Deepak and co. were trying to paint him as that he was suddenly "camera shy" meaning he wasn't making the rounds. Plus the media pretty much shut up about it too. Until of course Janet went on the interview saying what she believed to be the case, etc. Other than that the media shut the heck up along with Mr. Deepak and his son...who I could slap. Anyway. I am trying to be as nice as I can about Deepak and not talk crap...I refuse to lower myself to his or anyone elses level like that. But yeah the women on the view, minus Whoopi, can all kiss it along with Mr. D and his son...period. I said it and I'm done with this. I believe Medical proof over hearsay from a "manipulative" third party thanks.

**walks out of thread**