December 4, 2008 News and Mentionings


Psychic URI GELLER can understand why pop superstar MICHAEL JACKSON terminated their friendship - putting it down to the singer's need to put his "past troubles behind him."
The performer became a close friend of the Thriller hitmaker throughout the 1990s. But the pair has not spoken since Jackson's 2005 child abuse trial, in which the star was eventually cleared.
And Geller is convinced the superstar needed a fresh start when all his legal troubles were over.
He says, "We've never had a harsh word, and I am still deeply fond of him. But I appreciate he needs to put his past troubles behind him. If that means severing old friendships, I can understand how he feels. I suspect his survival depended on starting afresh."

err sure whatever floats ur boat. thats why he continues to be close friends with elizabeth taylor and mark lester and brett ratner and sooooo many others. but as i said whatever makes u happy :rollseyes: i suspect ur survival depends on lying to urself.
them boys look like they could play a young barack obama rather than mj

Yeah, they look nothing like Mike. Heck, one of the boys is Cuban. Mike was not Cuban at 11 years old. These people that are doing this Thriller Live situation is truly not capturing Mike right at all. It is a bit insulting.

If you like Uri or what you think about Uri does not matter. Important is was he says about Michael. When he is in public he has only the kindest words for Michael. No, he sounded never as he was / is mad about Michael, not at all.

I do not care what he says about Michael. I do not care what Uri does. Uri can say the nicest things about Mike and I will forever trash Uri. The man was a snake and MJ got rid of him. That is all that matters to me. Mike is not calling this fool up and checking out how he is doing. Mike does not care about this man and I do not care about this man. He is a damn nobody and he did trash MJ during MJ's trouble times. He is a loser.
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Yeah, they look nothing like Mike. Heck, one of the boys is Cuban. Mike was not Cuban at 11 years old.

and wasn't that SNL Obama impersonator Latino too? what's going on.
He says, "We've never had a harsh word, and I am still deeply fond of him. But I appreciate he needs to put his past troubles behind him. If that means severing old friendships, I can understand how he feels. I suspect his survival depended on starting afresh."
:lol:. The fraudulent "spoon-bender" Uri must have forgotten how he spent upwards of a year telling the media that he was the one severing ties with Michael because Michael was "too much of a liability" to be around, amongst other insults and attacks against Michael (based in part on the unverified and admittedly edited voice messages Schaffel and Wiesner sold to the media). Of course Michael hasn't associated with him since 2002-2003, but that doesn't stop Uri from reminding us every couple of months... lol. And while Michael never had a harsh word for Uri, Uri sure as hell said harsh things about Michael in 2006-2007.

What about that eventually?
If you like Uri or what you think about Uri does not matter. Important is was he says about Michael. When he is in public he has only the kindest words for Michael. No, he sounded never as he was / is mad about Michael, not at all.
That's not true at all. He has said very spiteful things about Michael to the media, repeatedly, especially in 2006-2007. He spent a year just acting like HE was the one ending the friendship with Michael because of Michael's "mistakes".

Psychic URI GELLER can understand why pop superstar MICHAEL JACKSON terminated their friendship - putting it down to the singer's need to put his "past troubles behind him."
The performer became a close friend of the Thriller hitmaker throughout the 1990s. But the pair has not spoken since Jackson's 2005 child abuse trial, in which the star was eventually cleared.
And Geller is convinced the superstar needed a fresh start when all his legal troubles were over.
He says, "We've never had a harsh word, and I am still deeply fond of him. But I appreciate he needs to put his past troubles behind him. If that means severing old friendships, I can understand how he feels. I suspect his survival depended on starting afresh."


Somebody slap this fool please!!!!!!
Can't David Blaine use Geller as an underwater prop in his next stunt? My treat.
Yep. :lol: Funny thing is he said that same thing a few months ago. :lol:

Maybe as far as what they want musically, but surely he knows he is not in the same neighborhood of talent as Michael... right? i hope, lol