Proud Member
Re: December 12 - 14 Weekends news and mentionings
dead@post-it man
dead@post-it man
Thanks for posting rockstar.
I really like the way this whole thing is being handled. They took their time (5 months) and the entire thing just seems so classy and well done.
I mean, the auction highlights will first be seen in major cities around the world, that's HUGE, in my opinion.
As Rasta Pasta would say: "LOVE IT!"
Who Should Sing at Obama's Inauguration? Part II
Fri., Dec. 12, 2008 3:02 PM PST by Marc Malkin
Jason Kempin/Getty Images; John Sciulli/Getty Images; Jeffrey Mayer/Getty Images; Nancy Kaszerman/ZUMA Press; Rosemary Goldhar/Getty Images; Axel/ZUMA Press
Just a couple of weeks ago, we surveyed some of your fave celebs to give you their ideas on who they think should be performing during Barack Obama's inaugural festivities next month.
Well, the suggestions keep rolling in for everyone from Beyoncé and Norah Jones to...Michael Jackson?! Is it time for Obama to polish up on his moonwalking?
Akon has probably the most surprising bizarre suggestion. "I'd like to see Michael Jackson most," Akon said. "This Inauguration will be making history, and we need the biggest artist in history to go up and do something."
The King of Pop sure would make headlines
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Marc Fri, Dec 12, 2008, 3:36 PM
Michael Jackson would be a great choice. He did a good job for Clinton in 92. He has tons meaningful songs that go right along with Obama's positive message. He wrote "We Are The World" and so many other songs that could be performed at the event. It's time anyway, that people realize he was acquitted on all counts in his 2005 trial and while so many want to believe he's done something wrong--he's just a victim of money-grubbers with false allegations and greedy tabloid media. Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder, all the way!
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he had a double really? Which parts?
I didn't know too. Hmmh :scratch:Michael's had body doubles in several of his videos, like "RTT"
He also said he'd love to get in the studio with artists like Rihanna, Chris Brown and Michael Jackson in the near future. "Whenever I have time, I try to get in the studio and write, whether it's for me or other artists or my catalog of music. It's definitely one of my favorite parts of the music industry. I know a lot of people who are writing and producing Michael Jackson's new album. That would be a dream come true
The King of Pop sure would make headlines, but we think it's safe to assume that's not the kind of news Obama is looking to make.
First meeting that Bollywood guy, now this. He saw something in the trailer and said. "ohh that beautiful, can I have that".
lol well one thing will never change, that wacky dress sense! You a trip mike honestly haha zorro? After the band aid thing I was like I've seen it all now but I've quit sayin that.
:cheers:Thanx for the pics troubleman. He looks goood. I bet I'm not the only who's diggin the outfit:wub: on him.
Akon has probably the most surprising bizarre suggestion. "I'd like to see Michael Jackson most," Akon said. "This Inauguration will be making history, and we need the biggest artist in history to go up and do something."
The King of Pop sure would make headlines, but we think it's safe to assume that's not the kind of news Obama is looking to make.:smilerolleyes:
The dancing didn't suck, it just wasn't fresh. But his dancing execution was very good. The routine itself was new, of course, but had similar elements to his past routines, which is why some people call it recycled, but Michael had zero time to put it together because he originally had planned for "Unbreakable" to be the first single and Sony dropped the bomb on him that it had to be "YRMW" and then gave him something like two weeks to put the video together. Michael doesn't even really like "YRMW" as a song that much.
Yeah right Jesse, after saying if Michael got near him he'd cut his dick off. What a loser that kid is. Chris Brown's more your level Jesse, lol.
i'm glad this is all subjective. lol..i saw wrist and rotating head moves i've never seen before. (and to the person who said it sucked[not u, wbss21] i'd like to see them do that. lol)
LOL, but for real, that's a burned DVD of "The Jacksons Are Coming", guess he got the copy from Tito or somebody, lol.