Debunking The Conspiracies - The Truth - 1st Video - The Old Man At MJs Memorial

i did a little research, and some say it's only Barry Gibb.
looks a lot like it was the person in the jackson family photograph on page 1 with crutch,name anyone?
Could be Barry gibb,not seen any pics of him lately.
Why Debbie sat outside to watch the memorial on TV so the paps could take pics especially during Paris' speech, I dont know.
I know exactly who it is...


:angel:We Are the World...Heal The World...Education IS The Key~~~
Why Debbie sat outside to watch the memorial on TV so the paps could take pics especially during Paris' speech, I dont know.
could it be the same reason she went and had lunch at the Ivy in full view of the paps during the "trial" or why she got on National TV having her "face done"? Maybe she kinda likes attention?
Are you going to repost the video. I'd like to ost it on another forum where they are still circulating that video with the guy in it saying it is michael in disguise. It is very frustrating.
The fact is, that some people are still in denial, they don't want to accept the fact that he's dead. Other people that beleive it are just stupid.
A good friend of mine....big MJ fan. Was practically convinced...get this........wait for it......

That katherine Jackson, was actually Michael himself. During the memorial

He said...look at her nose and chin, she doesn't have such a thin chin,..etc....
He was also drunk that day. But he still kept having his doubts. I mean......come on.
it's intriguing but, honestly... it's another denial moment we may have... i don't think this is actually true.
this guy was at the funeral too, sorry, its not Michael, its not possible, stop swimming in denial, michael has passed.
, it could be Debbie Rowe, Thomas Sneddon, his bodybuard.. ANYBODY.

It wasn't Debbie, X17 had pictures of Debbie crying MINUTES after Paris made her speech, their photographers said she ran out of the house and they took the pics, so it's not Debbie. According to Barbara Walters (she talked about it on The View) the first few rows of the floor were reserved for people that the Jackson Family invited themselves (Barbara was sitting behind Katherine and the children), do you REALLY think they would have invited Tom Sneddon? It was more than likely it was just a friend of the family, it wasn't Michael.
i just think people are pointing at him because he stands out from everyone else...i mean why wear a white fedora to the memorial? nobody else has a hat on

the face in the first pic looks a little like the white man from ghosts,lips look too real fro me,hair looks a bit odd with the shaved sideburns,its funny the top pic reminds me of them dangerous rehearsals at neverland of mj smooth criminal behind the screen ,anyone any updates on this person?
Oh, PLEASE! We are STILL at this? This forum is to investigate Michael's death. This does not make us LOOK very good, don't you think?

I agree, it hurts like hell that Mike is dead but I think we all agree Michael adored his babies, no way in HELL he'd have them going through these funerals and sitting through them watching them cry their little hearts out, the man is gone to the great yonder.
thats what this thread is about though debunking,i know 99.9 percent its not him would stil like to know who it is though,and to put the subject officially to bed.

there is also no way that this person is the same person in the family photo of the jacksons,the person in the jacksons photograph looks about 60-70,the memorial guy looks different than this guy,and this video he is without his beard

Larry King mentioned it was Tom Messerau,i dont think so.
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I agree, it hurts like hell that Mike is dead but I think we all agree Michael adored his babies, no way in HELL he'd have them going through these funerals and sitting through them watching them cry their little hearts out, the man is gone to the great yonder.

Again, what if the family is in on it.
who is that man anyway? he is always there.
Maybe a close friend of the family we do not know about.
this is a good forum mjkitforummotion or something like that,type it in on google,its about the whole lot of what ifs and conspiracies,it saves being petty on here when someone says to you get over it,make up your own mind.
thats what this thread is about though debunking,i know 99.9 percent its not him would stil like to know who it is though,and to put the subject officially to bed.

there is also no way that this person is the same person in the family photo of the jacksons,the person in the jacksons photograph looks about 60-70,the memorial guy looks different than this guy,and this video he is without his beard

Larry King mentioned it was Tom Messerau,i dont think so.

I'm was thinking the "hat man" was Rick Baker, but not so sure now. Don't think it's anyone "dressed in disguise" though.