Debunking The Conspiracies - The Truth - 1st Video - The Old Man At MJs Memorial


Proud Member
Sep 3, 2007
Okay, I think some people need to spend some time ruling things out, It seems the world is now filled with conspiracies. is it not our job as fans to investigate this instead of running off and making up more without any sort of evidence???

I read on here a thread claiming Michael was at his own memorial in disguise. the thread was closed, but the videos on youtube seem to be growing in popularity and people shouldn't be reading into this crap, its 100% garbage. Fans spent years hating the tabloids now they are making up there own stories??? Anyhow I debunked it see the video below

Video Link Re-posted soon

Anyone else found anything that needs to be sorted, I mean us fans knew Michael best otuside friends and family, we dont want Michael to turn out like Elvis did, seems his death became a joke that constantly mentioned with the biggest of conspiracies


I am tired of these crackpots commenting on how this proves nothing, yet they want to pull a random face from Michaels memorial and think it poses more evidence.

First they say he wears a glove, then its proved he is not, but that doesn't matter because people cant prove otherwise. These people are not fans, I will post the picture here which shows who the man is.

Just below Prince


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I shouldn't be laughing I know but I did when I watched it. The way you did it I could almost here the long suffering sighs of exasperation from you - well done :)
Does anyone have the picture of the whole family shown in the video? Great pic, would love to see a proper copy. Janet appears to be missing though??
I'm curious about the weird stuff around MJ death and don't believe the media as a source of reliable info due the lies they tell and have told it the past. However I can't understand why anyone would think MJ would fake his death and cause grief to family friends and fans. Well done for debunking that one.
99 percent BS the old man,but...we d need to have concrete evidence of who that was,a detailed close up shot of his face,Michael would dress up to get around disneyworld un noticed,the face seems to be very smooth for a old man,you could tell it was mike by the eyes but he had sunglasses on,of course its total bull but still needs a thoroughly checking out in detail.i couldnt watch the memorial only the bits ive saw on tube but Prince seems to be handle it better than the rest.
I was one of the people who believed the old white gentleman with the white hair, white fedora and beard was Michael Jackson. I bought into that.. I somedays still do when Im really negative and refuse to admit that Michael is dead.. It just seems weird though, he didnt look right, it looked like he was trying to hide.. If its NOT Michael, then it must be someone else in disguise because it did look like a costume.. Maybe it was Debbie Rowe or Thomas Sneddon..
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The author DELETED the video.

Here is the mysterious disguised man video.. or woman. IM NOT SAYING ITS MICHAEL but it looks like someone in disguise. Keep in mind it can be ANYONE, it could be Debbie Rowe, Thomas Sneddon, his bodybuard.. ANYBODY.. Remember that this disguised man/woman is sitting in row nr #2, for friends and relatives and possibly media?

This video has super creepy ''Little Susy/Harry Potter'' inspired background music:
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There's also a woman with sunglasses sitting and walking right next to the man with the fedora hat, the white hair and beard.. People are now believing thats a disguise too..

Anyhow, heres the man everyones talking about:


Personally I think its Debbie Row in disguise..
When I first heard of this I laughed because it was obvious that the man was the same guy sitting in the front row of the family reunion with a crutch and baseball hat on.
When I first heard of this I laughed because it was obvious that the man was the same guy sitting in the front row of the family reunion with a crutch and baseball hat on.

From what family reunion, do you have a pic? Would be nice to identify this guy again so we can stop these rumours.. (including me since I fall for them..
Ok I'm not saying that I believe this but I have been watching this thread on CNN as will
I find it interest that the so called informer has given out some information in advance of it actually happening(I think difficult to follow the threads there since I only noticed early this week and this has been happening since 8/7 or 8/8 as stated on 8/19 thread).

The so called informer also said on 8/19 that he or she would have to be away for 5 day or so because things would be happening. Now we have known about the hearing and the possible DEA raid and maybe arrest. However the last thing said was in answer to a question to the burial and would the informer be there. The answer was "Will the be a burial on 8/29? That was the last thing stated by the informer. The next day we found out that the burial will be on 1st 8/31 then later moved to 9/3. Not much for math but I would say the odds of someone just playing around getting that little piece of information right wouldn't be to high. Additional thing from this site have also been copied and posted over at the Larry King site in the threads like Mariska's e-mail and a lot of the dicussion on MJ health in his last days.

I don't know either someone has laid out a really good conspiracy or they seem to have inside knowledge. Just my thoughts.
I took the video down, I was tired of getting comments from people wjo clearly have no idea what they are talking about, the old guy is a Jackson family member, simple as, Why the hell Michael would dress the same and disguise himself as a close family member at a memorial full of his family and not expect any suspicion is beyond me. I will post the picture shortly
That looks more like debbie than Mike. .. her nose & chin

There's also a woman with sunglasses sitting and walking right next to the man with the fedora hat, the white hair and beard.. People are now believing thats a disguise too..

Anyhow, heres the man everyones talking about:


Personally I think its Debbie Row in disguise..
I took the video down, I was tired of getting comments from people wjo clearly have no idea what they are talking about, the old guy is a Jackson family member, simple as, Why the hell Michael would dress the same and disguise himself as a close family member at a memorial full of his family and not expect any suspicion is beyond me. I will post the picture shortly

You could have just deleted all the comments and disabled the comment category. Please repost the video.
There's also a woman with sunglasses sitting and walking right next to the man with the fedora hat, the white hair and beard.. People are now believing thats a disguise too..

Anyhow, heres the man everyones talking about:


Personally I think its Debbie Row in disguise..

Its not Debbie, she was being harrassed by the press whilst the memorial was on, she is accounted for, look at the picture i posted, its the same guy. we are dealing with low reolution pictures here, plus the main light source is from the front which washes out most of the detail on the face, try adjusting the contrast you see a different guy
I am reposting the video but I need support from you guys, last time i got bombarded with crazy fans. I upload alot of rare stuff to youtube and I dont want my channel tainted by these people, its not that I wanna give anyone a downer I just wanna try spread the truth unlike the crazy stories people are making up
Next time you upload your video, make sure you disable the comment ability before you publish it. And remove the rating ability too. I dont mind finding out the truth, Im basically open for anything: conspiracy theories, hoax-fake-death theores, truth theories.. I was willing to listen to anything because Im still clueless over what has happened..
Next time you upload your video, make sure you disable the comment ability before you publish it. And remove the rating ability too. I dont mind finding out the truth, Im basically open for anything: conspiracy theories, hoax-fake-death theores, truth theories.. I was willing to listen to anything because Im still clueless over what has happened..

Thanks, I usually like to keep comments open, I like to hear what people think of MJ and stuff, but for this vid yes I will close them, my argument is on the video nowhere else, it just seems that people wont let him rest now, its just as bad as the tabloids.
When I saw that video I laughed pretty hard.

I think the conspiracy stories are so ridiculous and I cannot believe that there are websites dedicated to that garbage. In my opinion, that is JUST as bad as what the media is doing. Making up stories, theories. Then people actually believe it and use it as "proof" to something being true. It's a bit crazy...
I think people are going nuts over Michaels death. YES, that includes me (Im guilty of that) I believed the hoax theories in the beginning, especially before the memorial, I believed it was hoax after the memorial too, denial perhaps? I dont know, all I can say is that people go to great lenghts to find out the truth when they cant find it elsewhere.. We still dont know the real cause of Michaels death, thats why I think alot of people turn to other alternatives and theories. Its frustration, basically. Desperately seeking answers - yes even if they dont make any sence at all. People often believe what they want to believe. Alot of people want to believe Michael is still alive and well, so they choose to believe the hoax theory and want to think Michael is alive and well somewhere, ofcourse its less painful, I tried that theory too. Made me giggle, made me less sad.
I think people are going nuts over Michaels death. YES, that includes me (Im guilty of that) I believed the hoax theories in the beginning, especially before the memorial, I believed it was hoax after the memorial too, denial perhaps? I dont know, all I can say is that people go to great lenghts to find out the truth when they cant find it elsewhere.. We still dont know the real cause of Michaels death, thats why I think alot of people turn to other alternatives and theories. Its frustration, basically. Desperately seeking answers - yes even if they dont make any sence at all. People often believe what they want to believe. Alot of people want to believe Michael is still alive and well, so they choose to believe the hoax theory and want to think Michael is alive and well somewhere, ofcourse its less painful, I tried that theory too. Made me giggle, made me less sad.
so true,it help me get through the day,