Death of Stephen Gately from Boyzone

R.I.P Stephen Gately

This year is the worst ever!!!!!
This is a horrible, horrible year :no:

Rest in peace Stephen.
I'm not a boyzone fan, but they all seem like nice guys. Stephen especially seemed so kindhearted, down to earth and lovely to the boyzone fans.
33 years old is nothing. Poor man :(. They don't even know what happened yet.
Is there something up with the year 2009, ive know loads of people and celebs that have died. It all started with John Travolta's son beginning of this year. My dog also died last month, 2009 is a horrible year :( Hopefully 2010 will be better
^ Not sure yet, I think I heard they're doing a post mortem tomorrow. :(
The tabs are reporting that he went on an eight hour booze binge and choked on his vomit whilst asleep but its the tabloids, they cant be trusted. No one will know what happened for a few weeks.

Yeah, his family denied this. Why do tabloids have to be so sick? :no:
The preliminary results of Stephen Gately's post mortem have revealed that the Boyzone singer died of natural causes.

A Spanish official said that the 33-year-old suffered a pulmonary oedema, an accumulation of fluid on the lungs.

A sample of the pulmonary fluid taken during the post mortem will be sent to Barcelona, where it will be subjected to further tests.

These tests will establish whether he had drugs or alcohol in his system, but even if they are found - it has already been established that they were not the cause of his death.

Stephen was found dead in the early part of Saturday afternoon at the apartment he was sharing with his husband Andy Cowles in the Majorcan resort of Port Andratx.

Andy is claimed by The Mirror to have opened his heart to Boyzone members Ronan Keating and Keith Duffy, who had flown to Majorca after Stephen was found dead at the weekend.

The paper says that Cowles told them: "I will never forgive myself for this. He died and I couldn't help him. I feel like my life is over."

It is now believed that Andy went to sleep in the bedroom while Stephen dozed off in front of the television on the living room sofa.

The paper quoted its source as saying: "They kept telling Andy that he shouldn't blame himself – but he just kept crying his eyes out."

source: AOL
pulmonary oedema, an accumulation of fluid on the lungs.
strange there must be something that causes this. its not normal for this just to happen out of the blue is it?
just a quick google and it seems it can come from having a weak heart and basically it can be there but not noticed unless u start getting symptoms. whether he knew he had this problem maybe we might find out in time.they havnt done the toxic yet but they said that wont make any difference to COD
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I am so torn up over Stephen. :(
I was such a Boyzone fan as a child (as were most little girls in Ireland). It's hitting me right now as I sit watching Boyzone videos and watch Stephen who I grew up always having around. How can this have happened? :(
Everyone who encountered him say Stephen was a beautiful, sweethearted man. He was a north inner city Dublin boy, growing up in Sheriff Street, a tough and poverty stricken area. He did so well for himself! He was an inspiration. :(
My heart breaks for his husband, parents, siblings, the rest of his family, his Boyzone "brothers," Louis must be just horrible for them. :(

I saw an interview with the director of some of Boyzone's videos yesterday. He recalls on the set of their first video asking Stephen (then a youngster and just starting out) what his aims were for his career. Stephen replied:
To be in a West End musical, to meet Michael Jackson and to write children's books.
And he did all three. :cry:


I can't believe he's gone..:( He was just 33. :( Both of the men in that photo have now left this world. :cry:
Rest in peace Stephen. We in Ireland love you and are so proud of you. We will never forget you. :( :(

I love this Boyzone song, I had the album on tape as a child. Stephen is the one who sings first..:heart:
2009 is gonna take everyone!!!!!!!!!! F*ck!!!! The worst year ever!!!!
OMG!! how many people gonna die this year??!!!!!!!i hope i'm gonna die at this year too!
i hate this year 2*** !!!!!!!
rest in peace
I watched Stephens funeral too. so very very sad. i'm feeling abit under the weather today anyway now i just feel like curling up some where and letting the rest of this year pass me by. roll on 2010
My friend was there all night she slept outside :( Bless her i feel for her!!! I know what she is going through! She managed to talk to the other boyzone lads this morning and she wished them well and the boys just said they were all in this together including the fans! Bless them all
OMG!! how many people gonna die this year??!!!!!!!i hope i'm gonna die at this year too!
i hate this year 2*** !!!!!!!
rest in peace

don't say this sweatheart.... please. we don't want to lose any of our family here. like the song says...things can only get better.. i so hope so.