Dea raid another pharmacy!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
DEA Raids Mickey Fine Pharmacy

Posted Aug 21st 2009 3:24PM by TMZ Staff

The DEA is at Mickey Fine Pharmacy in Beverly Hills, warrant in hand, raiding the pharmacy that Michael Jackson used for year.

Law enforcement sources tell us they are searching for evidence of "improper dispensing of controlled substances," in connection with the death of Michael Jackson."

story developing
How many pharmacies must they raid?

All the ones they can until they find where the propofol came from I guess. I think it's a bit odd, the Fox report earlier this week said that the DEA was going to do one more raid right? Hmmmm

Edit: here is what the Fox article said "The source initially said Dr. Conrad Murray could be arrested as soon as next Wednesday — but investigators have decided to execute one more search warrant, likely at a Los Angeles pharmacy, next week in an attempt to gather more evidence against him. The arrest is now expected the following week."
I knew it was only a matter of time before Mickey Fine got hit...or rather, I was wondering IF they were going to get raided in connection to this. Based on the past lawsuit they filed, couldn't see how they would escape a raid.

And yes, I think this particular pharmacy will be Klein's doom, too.
This is the pharmacy that Debbie Rowe was filmed having lunch in not so long ago.
Having lunch in a pharmacy?

Yes, it's a pharmacy and grill.... pretty sure it was in one the TMZ videos but can't locate it at the moment...

ETA I remember now. I watched a live stream of Debbie Rowe on TMZ the last time she visited the building where Klein's office is, and she met friends for lunch at this pharmacy. It was close by I think. Not sure why I watched the live stream... I don't usually like that kind of prying as an excuse for reporting! And it's not relevant to this search at all, I'm sure.
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Yes, it's a pharmacy and grill.... pretty sure it was in one the TMZ videos but can't locate it at the moment...

ETA I remember now. I watched a live stream of Debbie Rowe on TMZ the last time she visited the building where Klein's office is, and she met friends for lunch at this pharmacy. It was close by I think. Not sure why I watched the live stream... I don't usually like that kind of prying as an excuse for reporting! And it's not relevant to this search at all, I'm sure.

why don't you just say it straight - you think Debbie killed Mike! or had something to do with it!
All the ones they can until they find where the propofol came from I guess. I think it's a bit odd, the Fox report earlier this week said that the DEA was going to do one more raid right? Hmmmm

Edit: here is what the Fox article said "The source initially said Dr. Conrad Murray could be arrested as soon as next Wednesday — but investigators have decided to execute one more search warrant, likely at a Los Angeles pharmacy, next week in an attempt to gather more evidence against him. The arrest is now expected the following week."

Hmm yes, just what I was thinking! Let's see if those arrests follow. That Fox news story was front page of the Mirror and Sun the day after :doh:
why don't you just say it straight - you think Debbie killed Mike! or had something to do with it!

No, I didn't say that!!! I'm not sure what to think to be honest. I do wonder why it's taken so long for the pharmacy to be searched though, given that it's so close to Klein's office (so is one of the ones he uses, presumably).
how bizzare lol

Nah, it's not really bizzare. It's old school. Back in the day most pharmacy's had a lunch counter, but when places like Rite-Aid and Duanne Reade came along the neighborhood pharmacy became a thing of the past. I guess Mickey Fine was trying to bring that "theme" back, in a sense.
You've never had drugs for lunch? :)

Good one!
Nah, it's not really bizzare. It's old school. Back in the day most pharmacy's had a lunch counter, but when places like Rite-Aid and Duanne Reade came along the neighborhood pharmacy became a thing of the past. I guess Mickey Fine was trying to bring that "theme" back, in a sense.

I guess it is in the UK. Lunch in Boots anyone? :no:
wow...funny NOT

she used to work there so she used to eat there....she went there to piss off klien and clear stuff up w/ her friend who just happens to work w/ the media. but they've known each other for yrs
UPDATE: 4:51 PM PT Law enforcement sources tell TMZ the DEA found irregularities in Mickey Fine's drug dispensing practices when it came to Michael Jackson. Agents are searching records at the pharmacy for the various aliases Jackson used. They are also looking at the drugs various doctors -- including Dr. Arnold Klein -- prescribed for the singer. And, we're told, one of the "irregularities" agents believe occurred is that the pharmacy may have refilled prescriptions that should not have been refilled and completely bypassed the doctor.
seems to be based around the lawsuit that fine filed against mj in 07 for unpaid bills and alias names were mentioned then. makes me wonder if this is seperate to the corroners report. yesterday everyone was like whys hes going back to kliens when they said the investigation/cause of death is done. i guess this could been seen as seperate and they are going after fines etc now because of whats come up during the investigation
Hmm, so Mickey Fine sued Michael for unpaid bills (I read it was $100,000?) and now the law is after them for providing prescription drugs to aliases? Maybe? This is getting complicated.
Hmm, so Mickey Fine sued Michael for unpaid bills (I read it was $100,000?) and now the law is after them for providing prescription drugs to aliases? Maybe? This is getting complicated.

looks like it. or something like that lol
so they are probably going to arrest him?

seems to be more of an issue with the pharmacey than klien. they went to kliens yesterday and got paperwork now this happens. i guess klien dropped fines in it? to save his own ass and take the heat off him?
What was mentioned about aliases back in 2007 in the Fine lawsuit?

I don't think it is a separate issue with the visit to Klein yesterday because the coroner asst. wanted stuff from Klein which is all about the said investigation.