David Gest says stress of O2 concerts killed Mike.

Well, if yall can remember, Phillips did say in an interview that Michael asked him, "how many dates"? As if he didn't really expect there to be that many. I think Michael was taken aback by all these dates. However, I think he was overwhelmed with the outpouring of support he was getting from the UK public.

I have to disagree with Joe. I do believe that Michael was under a lot of stress about these concerts. I don't believe this doctor gave him any drugs and the toxocology report is gonna shock a lot of people.

Just because Michael was happy about the tour doesn't mean that he was not under stress.

I am inclined to agree. As he said in the PHM, he doesn't like to tour. But he does it for the fans. And yes, TII was not a tour but a residency, but Michael's concerns were twofold: the travel time and the adrenaline rush taht makes life uncomfortable. TII while avoiding the first would not have solved the second.

And from what I can recall touring has always been srtessful for Mike. I don't see why TII woul have been any different; he's a perfectionist and on top of that he was trying to compete with his own past achievements. I do think he was surprised at the 50 shows both because of the outpouring of love from fans and becasue of second thoughts at being able to do that many.

Some of you guys have mentioned other artists Michael's age or older who have toured. Don't forget that one of the reasons Michael is the King of Pop is because he never stops dancing once on that stage. He's always moving. That takes alot outta a person no matter how old your are.
I agree that quotes can be manipulated. The is no question that David adored Michael and was always loyal and supportive, so this is his opinion. We do not know what went on, maybe there were too many pills, but if he was in constant pain, and I have had months on end with back problems flaring up, it is debilitating. If he had meds for legitimate pain then he was not an addict. People with chronic arthritis take strong drugs and they are not addicts.

I am keeping an open mind, but whatever Michael took, I still think that doctor was negligent, either before or during the critical time when Michael's life hung in the balance. He was not in safe hands at that time, in my opinion.