David Gest says stress of O2 concerts killed Mike.


Proud Member
Mar 4, 2009
Devon, England
I couldn't find this posted anywhere but I apologize if it has been.


I know this is in The Sun, but they do seem to be quoting him directly. This part got me thinking...

"He thought there were going to be ten dates as announced. But then all of a sudden Tohme, along with Randy Phillips, president of organisers AEG, had arranged 20, 30 then 50 dates.

Wasn't there a fan report that said something similar? I find it hard to believe that Michael didn't know he'd be doing 50 dates before they were announced.
Tabloid bs. Michael knew exactly what was going on, are you kidding me? Everyone and their dog now has an opinion.
This is coming from The Sun, I don't buy this. Also Loose Women just read what is written in the papers including tabloid ones, so that doesn't mean that its true.
Could we please have a ban on the S*n?

yeah mj supposedly said this to fans a month or so ago maybe
funny how everybody is saying mike was 50! that should have stopped him but prince and madonna go on tour and bo one blinks, heck cher and tina turner, who with all due respect are senior citizens and no one blinks. don't get me started on the rolling bones.
I don't swear on this board often - but how the :censored: would HE know??!!! Surely no one here believes this.
Well, if yall can remember, Phillips did say in an interview that Michael asked him, "how many dates"? As if he didn't really expect there to be that many. I think Michael was taken aback by all these dates. However, I think he was overwhelmed with the outpouring of support he was getting from the UK public.

I have to disagree with Joe. I do believe that Michael was under a lot of stress about these concerts. I don't believe this doctor gave him any drugs and the toxocology report is gonna shock a lot of people.

Just because Michael was happy about the tour doesn't mean that he was not under stress.
Regardless of this being the sun, i believe all the words printed in this are david's.Michael and david loved each other as friends and david gest is a true friend of michael and the family..that is a fact...another fact is david created and produced the last time michael had true joy on stgae as a solo artist and with his brothers.His gift of creatting the 30th anniversary enabled all the good things that came out of those 2 nights..and boy were there alot.

I can definately understand the idea of people filling michael's ego with promises and only caring about themselves and thier own agenda.Michael did trust too many people who only had their own intentions at heart and they used michael.David knows everyhting about a concert and what it involves.Imagine only thinking you gonna do 10 and then have 50 ..plus you are michael and not perfomred for so long..the pressure would have been indescribable...we can't even fathom it..

Its so true, he shouldnt have been tied to this and if david produced this i guarantee, michael's intentions would have been at the heart of it all...And of course aeg were irrespoinsible to book all those shows...i have as many other have thought 50 was too much...but aeg like some fans only cared about the money or fact that he was going to do so many shows..Never thinking the effect this could and would have had on him.And also he is again right about the schedule...working late into the night...4 months to prepare...his body clock would have been so messed up....absolute madness...

''I produced the last concert Michael did in 2001. He was brilliant but it was only two shows and he had many months to prepare and a sensible schedule when we rehearsed in the day so he could get a good night's sleep.

"It is ridiculous to have an artist to rehearse until the wee hours of the morning because when he got home his adrenaline was so up, the only thing he could do was revert to pills or shots or alcohol to relieve the tension."

aeg killed michael as much as this doctor...and also this tohme tohme is suspicious too...FUK AEG AND THEIR GREED AND SELFISHNESS..dont disrespect david gest..he was close to michael than any of us and created the last time he was able to be truely happy on stage and gave us the last time the j5 performed amongst many ohther things...
Big daddy..david gest knows more about michael than any of us and was closer to him than any of us..he was truely loved and stil is by the jackson family..as a buisnessman and human being..Don't disrespect david gest as he was the mastermind behind the 30th anniversary which was almost perfection in my eyes...So so many good things came out of those two nights
I don't know... I think people get too hung up on that number 50! It would have been 27 shows in 3 months with a 48 hour break at the least and a weeklong break at the most! Then another 3 month break and then another 23 shows in 2 months! On the HIStory tour he was scheduled to do 44 shows in 3 and a half months with lots of travelling in between! I still don't think the TII schedule would have been too crazy!
I don't know... I think people get too hung up on that number 50! It would have been 27 shows in 3 months with a 48 hour break at the least and a weeklong break at the most! Then another 3 month break and then another 23 shows in 2 months! On the HIStory tour he was scheduled to do 44 shows in 3 and a half months with lots of travelling in between! I still don't think the TII schedule would have been too crazy!

Exactly, the stress didn't kill him, MJ knew exactly what he was doing.
Yea but that was over 10 years ago..and do a high level that michael brings to his stage performance, 10 years and being 50 now can be a huge differentce on him ..mentally and physically..we don't know how much michael would have been on stage each night..but it was definatelly stressfulll...not just the idea of schedule, but if it was sucessfull, gettin it right...so many things put pressure on you other than ths schedule of the shows
They would never have booked 50 shows without Michael approving. Ok, I think we need to start to realize how the promotion of This Is It was layed out. Michael never said wanted to do only 10 shows. They most likely thought this out before the press conference, not after. They promoted 10 shows first and then waited to see if they would be sold out fast. And when they saw the tickets were selling like no artist have ever done before, they knew they could ad the dates and be sure they got sold out. It would have been to much of a risk in their minds to announce 50 dates and maybe not all getting sold out. Also, by promoting 10 dates they gave people a sense there would be a fight over the tickets, hence the massive demands that took place.

This promotion was carefully planned out I am sure(Michael agreed to do the concerts in Novemeber 2008)

Planning a concert tour is not done over a few days or even a few weeks. It is done over months.

No, Michael died for another reason. I don't believe it was drugs, and I don't believe it was because of the concerts.
I think everyone including friends need to wait until the autopsy is complete and all the lab reports are done.
No need to add to the frenzy going on by putting another tale out there.
yea but they im sure convinced him and told him all reasons why he should do 50 dates..so when they convinced him, he himself was happy to do it..because he was convinved to do it and made to think he had alot to gain from it...50 was and is too many for any artist who works on his level..as no one does, for michael it was too much...he was made to think this was all in his best interest..i dont think it was..

he got sucked in by the leeches
Can we please have a STFU thread. No Offense but people like David Guest, Brian Oxmon, Chopra (whatever the hell his name is), etc should be in that thread. We don't have to read the SH@T they spew. You know what, can we not post the stuff they say, that's even better.
I believe that it was the stress of the concerts that killed Mike. I don't think there was foul play...okay maybe something could have been done, but the fact is it wasn't. Maybe this is what i want to think. I don't know anymore to be honest, not sure what i'd rather think. There's no easy option to consider. Just wish Michael was still here.
Why is everyone going so mad??? Its possible that it was the stress of the concerts that caused his death!!!

To all those saying Michael knew what he was doing, he might not have known what this was doing to his heart physically! Sometimes people just suddenly pass away without warning due to complications with there heart which they didnt even know about.

The late Eddie Guerreo comes to mind, however we know that was due to years of drug abuse and none stop wrestling, where as we do not know the official cause with Michael yet.
I believe there was a whole lot of stress and pressure but there were other factors too remember the 10 gazillion lawsuits?
im not even gonna read this. But why do you guys keep going to tabs and posting it on here.??
Can we please have a STFU thread. No Offense but people like David Guest, Brian Oxmon, Chopra (whatever the hell his name is), etc should be in that thread. We don't have to read the SH@T they spew. You know what, can we not post the stuff they say, that's even better.

Exactly! These are people that are just cashing in. Anyway I will be staying away from these bullshitter's threads now. They shouldn't even be here.