David Gest: Michael Jackson was innocent!

how about , dont attack me im just the messenger, i was only saying that i keep seeing conflicting threads about David. is all. i can only feel about the guy what i read cuz i dont know him. i do feel that because of tabloid exploits he might want to tone down the negative statements. that is if he did say those things. with L.O.V.E.

Me? Oh no, I wasn't attacking you at all.. I was just replying to your queries.. talking, explaining it from my point of view.
didn't someone on this site start a thread about David gest accusing michael jackson of causing him to get unnecessary plastic surgery that caused his face to have permanent damage. if he said this , i think he should make of his mind whether his is a friend or not. jumping from one side to the other seems bipolar to me. as a matter of fact here is the post.
go figure?

I think he was like saying it playfully, like as a joke- but not in a mean way.
Best friend, my behind. David Gest has been badmouthing Michael for quite some time now. I certainly hope fans will not make him rich(er) by buying any books about MJ. Haven't we seen enough lies printed as of late? Let the man rest in peace.
David should of got Mikes consent and done this a year or 2 ago. By doing stuff like this now its only turnin us fans against him.

Wow, Michael's fans would hate someone who makes a nice documentary about the man? I'm not really sure I understand this thought process because it contradicts keeping Michael's legacy alive and positive. I'd rather have a dozen positive documentaries a year than nothing or tabloid-shock nonsense. If some of you are implying David is only doing this for money, he's already wealthy; maybe he just wants to create something nice to honor the memory of his friend? . . . David did BTW bring the 30th Anniversary Celebration to the world in 2001, when keep in mind the media, at least in the US, was not kind to Michael. Yes it's fashionable to respect Michael now, but it sure wasn't in 2001 when David did.
Michael does not need a continuous name dropper to keep his legacy alive. David isnt guna create fans. Its Michaels music that creates the fans. His legacy is kept alive by what he did while he was here on Earth. David Gest seems to know every person on the planet. Guy was a joke on the 40 greatest hits thing he presented a while ago going on about stupid things. Really isnt funny at all. Anyone at all that wants to carry on his legacy and possibly further it is Sony by releasing unreleased stuff. Not David with how him and Michael ate chicken without the skin on. Not even going into the Live Seance thing.
And the whole thing is after this documentary, it probably won't be the last hes in.
didn't someone on this site start a thread about David gest accusing michael jackson of causing him to get unnecessary plastic surgery that caused his face to have permanent damage. if he said this , i think he should make of his mind whether his is a friend or not. jumping from one side to the other seems bipolar to me. as a matter of fact here is the post.
go figure?

no that was the journalist that was misleading

david guest didn't say that he talked about his own plastic surgeries