David Gest: Michael Jackson was innocent!


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
David will be staying put in London this Christmas, as he's due to start work on a new documentary, My Best Friend Michael Jackson. He'll be entertaining again on Christmas Day, with 20 friends coming over for turkey.

"Turkey and stuffing is about as easy as it gets for me, and roast potatoes and goose fat - the simple ones I can do no problem," he says.

He hopes the Michael Jackson documentary, which will feature his own footage of conversations with his friend, will lift the lid on the real man behind the media hype.

"I hope the viewers see a guy that really loved people, that loved the innocence of kids and wanted to make sure they got the childhood he never got.

"He was very much a real human being. What people have to remember is that he was proven innocent in a court and if you watched that trial, you saw that it was all about money and greed, that's what it was all about.

"I hope they see the real man because he's a very special and unique person and the greatest entertainer of the last five decades."


I don't know if this is tabloid, But I know there is a thread that currently bashes this guy. It's nice to see that when he speaks, albeit maybe too much, nice things do come out as well.
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duno about that absurd remark but i do know this man mastermind and produced the last time mj got to perform with his brothers...a time when he saw with his own eyes how so many artists appreciate him and love him..a concert where he could performinfron of his mother...he was mj's friend...no doubt...jackson family loves him..no doubt...

noone should knock this guy..he gave us the 30th anniversary concerts...mj's last telvised performances in a concert form...
No, that was another guy. Mark Lester is the one who made that claim. This guy is Liza minneli's ex.
Why couldn't these types of programs be showen when MJ was still with us?
duno about that absurd remark but i do know this man mastermind and produced the last time mj got to perform with his brothers...a time when he saw with his own eyes how so many artists appreciate him and love him..a concert where he could performinfron of his mother...he was mj's friend...no doubt...jackson family loves him..no doubt...

noone should knock this guy..he gave us the 30th anniversary concerts...mj's last telvised performances in a concert form...

Sorry, are you refering to what I said or.. just a little lost on that one.
and yes, he is very taleneted when it comes to his work.... not so happy about the comment he made about Michael a few years back or so but...

And thanks Ginvid for the info. :)
Sorry, are you refering to what I said or.. just a little lost on that one.
and yes, he is very taleneted when it comes to his work.... not so happy about the comment he made about Michael a few years back or so but...

And thanks Ginvid for the info. :)
didn't someone on this site start a thread about David gest accusing michael jackson of causing him to get unnecessary plastic surgery that caused his face to have permanent damage. if he said this , i think he should make of his mind whether his is a friend or not. jumping from one side to the other seems bipolar to me. as a matter of fact here is the post.
go figure?
okay, I am confused about this guy. do we like him or not? it's like every day he brings a new story, which is opposite to what happened the previous day.
the other was a quote that was taken out of context, he never bashed Michael in the article at all, but the headline read something different and thats all people took from it.

Being MJ fans we need to be able to distinguish between tabloid shit and facts, which is very few and far between lol
the other was a quote that was taken out of context, he never bashed Michael in the article at all, but the headline read something different and thats all people took from it.

Being MJ fans we need to be able to distinguish between tabloid shit and facts, which is very few and far between lol

very true. if fans ahd read the article properly instead of being taken in by the way the sun wrote it and its headline it would have been easy to see
I didn't involve myself in the other thread about him because it was tabloid written all over it. gest probably said that he was introduced to plastic surgery by MJ and now he thinks, hell maybe my old nose was not that bad after all. Then They spin it to: Gest blames MJ for plastic surgery.. blah blah puke....

As far as this new doq goes, it is nice if he can make something good out of this but the show will probably air once in the UK or U.S wherever it is produced. It wont sell to other countries like LWMJ. That was broadcast ALL over the world and re-run like 3 times. I just don't expect this kind of shows to be any hit. I hope im wrong though. We'll see
I don't really have anything against David Gest, but I think he talks way too much, isn't careful enough about choosing his words, and talks to the wrong people. I have much more respect for Michael's friends who have shyed away since his passing. We don't have to question their loyalty. However, I do think his intentions are good. I believe he cared about Michael and is doing this for the same reasons any of us defend Michael for - love and justice. Anyway, this documentary has been in the works for a few months. I'm curious to see it and I hope it ends up doing what he wants it to and doesn't somehow backfire, as so many well-intentioned things involving Michael do. =/
As far as this new doq goes, it is nice if he can make something good out of this but the show will probably air once in the UK or U.S wherever it is produced. It wont sell to other countries like LWMJ. That was broadcast ALL over the world and re-run like 3 times. I just don't expect this kind of shows to be any hit. I hope im wrong though. We'll see
yeah he was making the same sort of programe in or around 03. i used to see adverts for it in the middle of the night on a programe that used to show tv shows that were in production and coming in the near future.but it never happened. i guess its the same one as hes doing now
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yeah he was making the same sort of programe in or around 03. i used to see adverts for it in the middle of the night in a programe that used to show tv shows that were in production and coming in the near future.but it never happened. i guess its the same one as hes doing now

well there ya go
didn't someone on this site start a thread about David gest accusing michael jackson of causing him to get unnecessary plastic surgery that caused his face to have permanent damage. if he said this , i think he should make of his mind whether his is a friend or not. jumping from one side to the other seems bipolar to me. as a matter of fact here is the post.
go figure?

okay, I am confused about this guy. do we like him or not? it's like every day he brings a new story, which is opposite to what happened the previous day.

That is because the other story was LIES! Lol.

I thought we'd learnt by now what tabloids do, don't be so easily led.

Yes we have no reason to dislike David Gest. He is a friend, don't judge him on that stupid lying Sun article.

He has been a friend of the Jacksons for like 40 years. You have to understand his humour about his 'previous nose'.. he was joking when he said he preferred it! and realise tabloids took a quote from his book and twisted it round.

It really surprised me that people believed that article.
I saw that thread and keep wondering why so many people think you can't say something about someone and not be their friend still?

Friendship and relationships are not all or nothing interactions. If that were the case then no one would have anyone in their life. Good things are said, not so good things are said and that's just the way it is.

Michael told Janet she looks like a FAT COW when he wanted her to lose weight, he referred to his brother Randy as an APE in a home video. These things are far from nice, and he said them, but that doesn't mean he didn't still love them.

I think we'd all do well to remember how we deal with our own real life relationships and friendships and realize that Michael and the people around him were/are living in the same reality.

If this guy feels like he wouldn't have gotten plastic surgery if Michael hadn't edged him on, that's on him. Saying that doesn't tell me that he's not Michael's friend. It's just his opinion....jeez.
duno about that absurd remark but i do know this man mastermind and produced the last time mj got to perform with his brothers...a time when he saw with his own eyes how so many artists appreciate him and love him..a concert where he could performinfron of his mother...he was mj's friend...no doubt...jackson family loves him..no doubt...

noone should knock this guy..he gave us the 30th anniversary concerts...mj's last telvised performances in a concert form...

MSG is on channel 5 on the 21st at 9pm. other stuff too. this i cant wait to see as i have only ever seen clips of it never the whole thing ...:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
I like David Gest he seems a genuine friend of Michaels and not just after his death because he did that show with mjs top 40 songs to celebrate his 50th birthday last year, he was quite funny.. shocking presenting though haha :)
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That is because the other story was LIES! Lol.

I thought we'd learnt by now what tabloids do, don't be so easily led.

Yes we have no reason to dislike David Gest. He is a friend, don't judge him on that stupid lying Sun article.

He has been a friend of the Jacksons for like 40 years. You have to understand his humour about his 'previous nose'.. he was joking when he said he preferred it! and realise tabloids took a quote from his book and twisted it round.

It really surprised me that people believed that article.

Me too, when it had the name of a tabloid type site on there, I knew that that story was false. I am really distrustful of tabs about any celeb.
Ok, thanks to everyone for making it clear. I admit I didn't even read the previous story and the whole thread. I just read the beginning, got upset and left. Oh well. That will teach me.
how about , dont attack me im just the messenger, i was only saying that i keep seeing conflicting threads about David. is all. i can only feel about the guy what i read cuz i dont know him. i do feel that because of tabloid exploits he might want to tone down the negative statements. that is if he did say those things. with L.O.V.E.
I've seen David Gest being interviewed a few times and he always says good things about Michael. I think he was a genuine friend.
is this his stupid way of making up for the plastic surgery comment? if so, go jump in a pond, David! :angry:
we'll see what happens this time. Gest is cool in my book, but damn do he gotta name drop Mike all the time, lol.

So long as his show doesn't turn out like that despicable one Uri Geller did *ugh* me and Gest will still be cool. Geller was a leech *big* time he didn't even hide the fact that he was using Mike (not through words but body language. Y'know like the creepy guy in LWMJ who kept rubbing his hands together while Mike was shopping)

I wanna actually see Gest talk 'bout Mike cuz I havn't yet. And reading someon's words and watching them say it is two different perspectives. youtube link anyone?
David should of got Mikes consent and done this a year or 2 ago. By doing stuff like this now its only turnin us fans against him.
I don't have anything against David Guest. But I don't think he was one of Michael's best friends ? .......... I always presumed he was more Tito's friend than Michael's and was more a good friend who knew Michael very well for a long period because of the Tito connection. I mean if you are talking about best friends of Michael, I think you'd have to start with Miko Brando who I guess knew Michael better than anyone !
I dont know what to think of David Gest. Im open minded though. We shall see how this works out and how he behaves further, I am thankful of 30th anni. concerts he made Michael do, else we would have to look back at footage from the 90s. cocnert wise I mean.