Dark Skin Michael And Racism In The Fan Community

This has been a subject that been going in the community lately and i'm making this thread to talk about it because it is very important topic to talk about.

alot of fans lately been noticing racism in the community. for example alot fans been saying why thriller dark skinned Michael doesn't get alot of attention like dangerous, history, and invincible michael?

some fans been noticing that alot michael jackson impersonators are white or hispanic and latino which nothing wrong with that but alot fans feel they forgetting that michael was black man.

some fans feel that if michael never had vitiligo that some of them wouldn't have jobs impersonating michael in the first place.

also some fans been experiencing racism to some fans not letting them join groups etc because they dark skin.

Michael Trapson has talked about this and alot others and i agree.

we need more dark skinned Michael in the community also if any michael jackson fan being racist needs to be call out.

Michael was all about loving one another no matter what race you was or what your interests were.

this community need alot of that.
First their is only one Michael Jackson. Wasn't the racist whites accused him of child molesting? Aren't they the same ones who keep bringing it back up saying he's guilty? If they don't want blacks to join I'd be happy not too, they wouldn't get one dam glance from me impersonating him. Racist always want to claim something that they don't do or create. Why support or buy from them. Racist are not just white there are other races that are racist too that want to take over somebody else things or image and is it for good these ones do it.
I do believe there’s an element of racism in the Michael Jackson fandom/fan community. I watched Michael Trapson’s video on that topic and it’s true. I’ve been a Michael Jackson fan practically my entire life, and I’m somebody that dances like Michael Jackson and it’s almost rare that the ones who go viral are black and are actually true to the style. That kid with dreadlocks from the UK, he’s cool and all that. But when it comes down to Michael Jackson’s style of dance he ain’t all that. He’s really a hip hop dancer that likes to use Michael’s music because clearly that’s what got him on Ellen. But how many more guys are like him. I know one guy from the UK too and he’s been representing Michael for years and he hasn’t gotten much recognition for it either.

I did talk about this subject in my struggle podcast[lol] about Michael though, I talk about it in detail at 1:10:15

I do think that there are people that conveniently forget that Michael was a black man. And for them to acknowledge it’s almost as if Michael has to be here to reiterate the fact. Michael Jackson was more famous than Jesus by 1983-1984 and his skin was darker. And back then you had to be black to be a Michael Jackson impersonator. Once his look became more ambiguous, other cultures started to claim him as their own.

You are talking about Salif he is French
Personally I think he dances well and that he should be recognized for his talent in the first place and not because his dancing resembles that of Michael
I noticed 'new' footage of MJ's vitiligo in the Thriller bit, around the 0:33 mark you can see a white spot next to his mouth:

It suddenly hit me again that what he said about that the spots would be 'too distracting' is so, so true. I mean a photo of him with a 'spotted' face is already so noticable; what would it do to an actual performance? I honestly think nobody would be paying attention to his singing and dancing anymore..

Maybe someone with more video skills could create a realistic moving version of his unmasked vitiligo; I am curious what people would think about him 'turning white' after seeing that..
I am a white male. I do not care about the way MJ looked.

I love his Motown, OTW, Thriller and BAD eras. (Like I love all other eras)

I have never witnessed racism inside MJ fan community. I may have outside fan communitys. But that has been some stupid comments about MJ not wanting to be white etc.

MS's music and art is universal. It's for everyone. I think all fans agree about that. Never have I seen fans write they only like the white MJ? (Whcich makes no sense at all... MJ was black, but had vitiligo. Every fan knows that, so I can't really see how there even could be racism inside fan communitys)
I noticed 'new' footage of MJ's vitiligo in the Thriller bit, around the 0:33 mark you can see a white spot next to his mouth:

It suddenly hit me again that what he said about that the spots would be 'too distracting' is so, so true. I mean a photo of him with a 'spotted' face is already so noticable; what would it do to an actual performance? I honestly think nobody would be paying attention to his singing and dancing anymore..

Maybe someone with more video skills could create a realistic moving version of his unmasked vitiligo; I am curious what people would think about him 'turning white' after seeing that..
michael still deserves his right to privacy, even in death. if he wanted the public to see his bare affected face, he would have shown it during his lifetime.
ummm i dont wanna come out like a bitch but whats up with the '' dark skin michael'' in the title HE WAS MICHAEL ALL THE WAY THROUGH
It's about impersonators, at least half way. But it's obvious Michael when his melanin was visible and when it was not are markedly different.
Can we stop responding to this thread already though? Michael was black, period. He was African American. And free to make whatever kind of music, emulate any kind of performance or style, or love or admire any kind of RACE of people. His fans can enjoy whatever ultimately.

I think most of them have awful taste and opinions anyway, Thriller, Dangerous, HIStory, or otherwise. Whatever.
michael still deserves his right to privacy, even in death. if he wanted the public to see his bare affected face, he would have shown it during his lifetime.
Hmm well I don't ask for Michael to show his face, but I think it's time that the general public fully understands why he hid his vitiligo by using visualisation
I agree with the first part of your message but I don't understand the second part there is no such thing as having horrible taste each person has their own opinion
Opinions are like success, everyone can have it, but I only like mine.
Hmm well I don't ask for Michael to show his face, but I think it's time that the general public fully understands why he hid his vitiligo by using visualisation
the issue is almost 40 years old. michael has been gone for almost 15..
I don’t think the general public is concerned about this at all, especially considering the current problems we are facing today.

if anything, it’s the fans who have a sick obsession with all the tragic moments of michael’s life.
Can we stop responding to this thread already though? Michael was black, period. He was African American. And free to make whatever kind of music, emulate any kind of performance or style, or love or admire any kind of RACE of people. His fans can enjoy whatever ultimately.

I think most of them have awful taste and opinions anyway, Thriller, Dangerous, HIStory, or otherwise. Whatever.
There is one Michael Jackson and he was an African American man. Any talk of a "white" Michael or "when he was white" is frankly idiotic. He was never caucasian. His music never became more or less black. He happened to present with white skin in the latter part of his career but he was always a black man. And people trying to say having a preference for his work in this period somehow makes them racist. It's frankly bizarre. His music changed markedly between every album. Are we meant to fix our music tastes solely to when his skin was blackest? Then lets only listen to Off The Wall, shall we?

As for impersonators, I don't think they can help being white. They're going to emulate him when he appeared to be white because lord knows you cant be out here dancing in black face in an afro wig. There is no embargo preventing black people from impersonating Michael Jackson. But if they should choose not to, that is not white people's fault.

I think the real racism here is the anti-white sentiment. It's like some people are so fixated with their disdain for white people that they even segregate the career of a black man by the degree his skin appeared caucasian. Lord forbid white people should idolize a black man. That's some sort of appropriation apparently. The cold hard facts about the success of Michael Jackson and basically every pop star is they have to resonate with a vastly white audience to make it. That is just population and demographics. White people are the majority in the US and theyre the majority in Europe, and that was especially true while Michael was alive. It makes no sense to be especially triggered by white people as far as Michael Jackson goes. They're undoubtedly why we can sit here and talk about his record sales.

First their is only one Michael Jackson. Wasn't the racist whites accused him of child molesting? Aren't they the same ones who keep bringing it back up saying he's guilty? If they don't want blacks to join I'd be happy not too, they wouldn't get one dam glance from me impersonating him. Racist always want to claim something that they don't do or create. Why support or buy from them. Racist are not just white there are other races that are racist too that want to take over somebody else things or image and is it for good these ones do it.

Evan Chandler was a white man and his ex wife was a black woman. Jordy Chandler was mixed race. Not sure if that counts as a "racist white" accuser, seeing one party married a black woman, and the other party was half black himself.
Gavin Arvizo was Latino.
Wade Robson and James Safechuck are just wankers.
That comment is rascist
Wait... What? I just refered to stupid people saying that. I think I made it very clear if you read my post that it is not my opinion.
Only ignorant people who don't know about vitiligo.
the issue is almost 40 years old. michael has been gone for almost 15..
I don’t think the general public is concerned about this at all, especially considering the current problems we are facing today.

if anything, it’s the fans who have a sick obsession with all the tragic moments of michael’s life.
Where was I claiming the ignorance about his vitiligo is the 'most important problem', if there is any category..? The thing is, I think all the things people misunderstand about MJ have to be resolved once and for all. If people think he was 'crazy' enough to be be wanting to be white than they also are easier to believe he was a pedophile. So we, as fans, have to explain that his vitiligo was real and a very, very big problem for him as an entertainer and why he used make up and bleaching creams and became white